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Ending poverty and hunger through investment in agriculture and rural areas

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    FAO breaks new grounds in rural poverty reduction. SO3 evaluation brief 2017
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    FAO is breaking new grounds in rural poverty reduction through an enhanced support to employment creation and social protection, and partnerships with counterparts outside its traditional domain, says the report of a recent evaluation by the Office of Evaluation. However, greater consideration of poverty analyses and pro-poor approaches in the design of country programmes and projects would pave the way for a more targeted response.
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    Articulating and Mainstreaming Agricultural Trade Policy and Support Measures 2011
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    The FAO project, Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures, was implemented during 2008-2010. With a view to maximize the contribution of trade to national development, a process has been underway in many developing countries to mainstream trade and other policies into national development strategy such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). A similar process of mainstreaming is strongly advocated, and underway, for trade-related support measures, inc luding through the Aid for Trade initiative. In view of this, there is a high demand for information, analyses and advice on best approaches to undertaking these tasks. It was in this context that this project was conceived. Its three core objectives are to contribute to: i) the process of articulating appropriate agricultural trade policies consistent with overall development objectives; ii) the process of articulating trade-related support measures; and iii) the process of mainstreaming trade policies and support measures into national development framework. The project was implemented as case studies in five countries - Bangladesh, Ghana, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The following institutes in the five countries collaborated in this work: Bureau of Socioeconomic Research & Training (BSERT), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh; Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Accra, Ghana; Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS), Kathmandu, Nepal; Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Sri Lanka; and Economic Research Bureau (ERB) of the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Through these Institutes, about 50 analysts participated in the project work. Two key outputs of the project are: i) one book with 19 chapters, consisting of four synthesis chapters and 15 country-specific chapters on the above three core themes of the project; and ii) eight Policy Briefs based on these outputs.
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    Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations: A joint FAO/WFP update for the United Nations Security Council (July 2016)
    Food Security Updates: July 2016
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    This document is a collection of briefs on countries in which food security has been affected by conflict and other crises. Here is an overview of some key numbers: people in conflict affected states are up to three times more likely to be undernourished than those who are living in more stable developing countries. The most recent projections suggest that approximately half of the global poor now live in states characterized by conflict and violence. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have a strong interest, and a potentially important role to play, in supporting transitions towards peace.

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