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Fisheries Extension in Rural Development: Problems and Prospects

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    Extension Approaches to Coastal Fisherfolk Development in Bangladesh; Guidelines for Trainers and Field Level Fishery Extension Workers - BOBP/MAG/8 1992
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    This manual is intended to facilitate a learning process which will arm field level fishery extension officers with knowledge and skills to assist fisherfolk communities in their efforts to collectively address their needs and problems. It is designed to be used in two ways: Firstly, as a trainer’s manual: the document begins with participatory rapid rural analysis to understand the status and dynamics of communities. moves on to needs analysis and identification. problem analysis. generating solution option, planning activities, group formation and management, savings and credit management and finally project planning, implementation and management. It also includes training approaches and tips and provides examples of work that results from putting the training into praxis. Secondly, for motivated and commited field workers, the manual could provide a self-instruction aid which helps them to think through and put various approaches into practise. The approach is aimed at addressi ng the needs of the whole fishing community either directly through action or indirectly through facilitating action by other agencies and workers.
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