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Enhancing adaptation in agriculture in Southeast Asia: Support for livestock management systems through the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture

Briefing paper

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    Supporting the Pacific to Address the Vulnerabilities of Agriculture and Food Security to Climate Change through the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture - TCP/SAP/3706 2022
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    Despite the progress made on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Pacific, the agriculture sector remains peripheral in regional discussions on climate change and the path required for a sustainable future The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture ( began during Fiji’s leadership at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( Conference of the Parties ( 23 and discussions, expert meetings and workshops dedicated to the KJWA have continued since that date The KJWA addresses six interrelated topics on soils, nutrient use, water, livestock, methods for assessing adaptation, and the socio economic and food security dimensions of climate change across agricultural sectors An emphasis on the importance of agriculture and food security in regional strategic climate change dialogue is essential if countries are to quantify the potential benefits of climate mitigation actions on the agricultural sector Significant progress has been made in recent years, with countries agreeing on a roadmap for the KJWA and, in 2018 42 submissions to the KJWA were made to the UNFCCC.
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    Transmissible zoonotic pathogens associated with livestock pose a challenge to public health and economic security at local, national and global levels. Thus, the emergence and spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in East and Southeast Asia has led to massive investments in disease prevention and control, most of which, ironically, were devoted to contingent pandemic planning in OECD countries.

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