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Book (stand-alone)Report of theBiosafety Panel to theCGIAR Science Councilon Biosafety PolicyPractices of theCGIAR Centers 2007
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No results found.The Panel’s report was based on an analysis of a questionnaire and review of case studies on living modified organisms (LMOs) provided by the Centers. The report found that all centers had in place (or were actively putting in place) effective biosafety policies for their LMO research in their host countries. While the policies focused on LMO research, The Panel pointed out that, in general, only after product development was there any consideration of the regulatory issues needed for release of product in partner countries. The report and the recommendations therefore focused on strengthening the development of the Centers’ biosafety policies, adding ethical policies where appropriate, and developing a corporate regulatory research capacity through an inter-Center network approach. -
DocumentChallenges and experiences in establishing and maintaining inter-agency communication on biosafety-related issues. FAO/CBD/OECD online discussion of the International Databases on Biosafety 2015
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No results found.In preparation of the second joint FAO/CBD/OECD webinar on international biosafety databases: Good practices for effective national communication mechanisms, an online discussion on the topic of “Challenges and experiences in establishing and maintaining inter-agency communication on biosafety-related issues” was organized on 27 April to 10 May 2015. A total of 327 people registered to this forum and 50 comments were posted from 33 different countries. The online discussion succeeded in gatherin g a large number of participants from different geographical regions who exchanged their views and experiences on national communication and coordination mechanisms in the area of biosafety. The outputs of the online discussion served as a basis for a follow-up webinar. The recommendations made by participants during the online discussion will be taken into account in the planning and implementation of future webinars and any other activities that will be jointly organized by the FAO, CBD and OE CD. -
BookletTraining workshop on Bhutan Biosafety Clearing House and other biosafety repository tools including FAO GM Foods Platform
Technical summary report
2020Also available in:
No results found.In order to have information on biosafety and Bhutan’s obligation as a signatory to the Cartagena Protocol for Biosafety available to users and traders, the Bhutan biosafety clearing house (BBCH) was developed, but needed revamping to ensure functionality. With technical and financial support of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the tool was developed aligning to various global tools including FAO GM Foods Platform. After the development of the national tool, a training workshop entitled “Bhutan Biosafety Clearing House and other biosafety repository tools including FAO GM Foods Platform” was organized by FAO and BAFRA in Paro from 3-5 March 2020. The training was attended by forty-five (45) officials from BAFRA head office and field offices, Biosafety Technical Working Group members and participants from relevant stakeholders like Ministry of Health (MoH), Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS), National Environment Commission (NEC), Food Corporation of Bhutan (FCB), Karma Feed and National Seed Centre (NSC). The training focused on familiarizing the participants with the revamped BBCH and other biosafety information repositories. Both face-to-face and interactive online modules were used for the training and after group exercises and facilitated discussions, feedback from the workshop participants on improvement of the utility and feel of the revamped tool was provided to the training organizers.
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