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Global goals, localized action. Celebrating 40 years in Egypt

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    Siwa Oasis, Egypt. Proposal for Declaration as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS)
    Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
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    This document proposes to recognize and designate Siwa oasis in the northwestern Desert of Egypt as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Site (GIAHS) under the respective FAO program. Siwa is a globally significant in situ repository of plant genetic resources, especially of uniquely adapted varieties of date palm, olive and secondary crops that are highly esteemed for their quality and continue to play a significant role in rural livelihoods, both for nutrition and income. Situated in a r emote region of the Sahara, and surrounded by breathtaking desert landscapes, Siwa oasis is distinguished by a range of archaeological treasures that testify to the long history of the oasis at the crossroads of ancient trade routes, going back to Pharaonic and Ptolemaic epochs. Its long isolation from outside influences, a population tracing its origin to Berber civilization and speaking an indigenous language, and environmental constraints have given Siwa a unique local culture embodied by its mud-salt brick architecture, peculiar social institutions and a rich heritage of handicrafts. Challenges to oasis agriculture, biodiversity and cultural identity are currently effectively addressed by a number of national and local initiatives, including sustainable agricultural practices, improved irrigation management, the protection of wildlife in and around the oasis as well as sustainable tourism.
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    EFS Assessment for Egypt 2017
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    This report was developed under the FAO EBRD project on bioenergy with the aim is to support decision-making related to bioenergy investment in countries of operations of the EBRD. Egypt, a country of operation, has a large agriculture sector, the requirement to produce 20 percent of its electricity from renewable energy, diversify its energy mix, and reduce fossil fuel subsidies. This report presents the results from the country level assessment to identify the potential to produce bioenergy fr om crop and livestock residues. The analysis identifies the bioenergy pathways that have potential and can be cost competitive, the most promising locations and profitable bioenergy pathways. The report also provides recommendations for the required next steps to move the development of the specific bioenergy sector forward. The work was implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Energy, and other key stakeholders.
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