Social Analysis for Agriculture and Rural Investment Projects: Manager’s Guide Practitioner’s Guide Field Guide


Manager’s Guide
Practitioner’s Guide
Field Guide

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Rome 2011


These three guides produced by FAO’s Investment Centre demonstrate the application of social analysis to investment programmes and projects in agricultural and rural development.

The Manager’s Guide addresses the needs of project managers and team leaders. It describes: the main parameters of social analysis in the context of agricultural and rural development investments, and the use of social analysis from three perspectives: international agencies; development approaches; programme cycle; and management aspects of conducting social analysis such as recruitment, roles and responsibilities.

The Practitioner’s Guide deals with the ‘why and what’ questions, building on the conceptual approach in the Manager’s Guide. It describes: the sustainable livelihoods framework for understanding the dynamics of rural poverty and livelihoods, social diversity and gender in the context of agriculture and rural development; main entry points for conducting social analysis; range of inputs that may be made to project design; how findings and recommendations are drawn together into a technical paper and summary matrices; and tools for tracking social aspects of development.

The Field Guide provides guidance on the fieldwork aspects of social analysis, based on the Practitioner’s Guide. It considers: the practical aspects of integrating social analysis into missions; data collection activities and checklists for work at the national, regional and district levels and in community-based discussions, focus group discussions and individual household interviews; and participatory tools for social analysis fieldwork.


Manager’s Guide

Abbreviations and acronyms

1. Introduction
2. Scope and benefits of social analysis
3. How international agencies use social analysis
4. Social analysis within different development approaches
5. Role of social analysis in the programme cycle
6. Management aspects of social analysis

Appendix 1: Applications of social analysis
Appendix 2: Comparative data by agency
Appendix 3: Links to resources by agency

List of boxes
List of tables
List of Figures

   - 575kb

Practitioner’s Guide

Abbreviations and acronyms

2.Poverty, rural livelihoods and gender
3.Entry points for social analysis
4.Use of social analysis in project design
5.Putting the package together
6.Tracking social aspects of development

Appendix 1: Examples of summary matrices

List of Boxes
List of tables
List of figures

   - 610kb

Field Guide

Abbreviations and acronyms

2.Integrating social analysis into mission work
3.Collecting information at national and regional levels
4.Collecting information at the district level
5.Collecting information at the community level
6.Collecting information through focus group discussions
7.Collecting information through individual household interviews

Field tools

Appendix 1: Resources
Appendix 2: Review of participator y tools

List of boxes
List of tables

   - 999kb

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© FAO 2011