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XIII. Seaweed culture

1. Economic seaweeds - species, characteristics, uses

Amount and value of seaweed production; use of seaweeds as food, industrial uses, other uses.

Species gathered and cultivated in Asia - Eucheuma spp., Gracilaria spp., Undaria spp., others; characteristics of major species.

2. Selection of sites

Essential requirements of site - water quality, soil quality, existing vegetation, water mobility, climatic conditions, protection from weather hazards, tidal characteristics; site requirements for particular species.

3. Layout or design of culture plots

Delimitation of boundaries (fencing, buoy markers, etc.); anchorage substrates; orientation of plots in relation to prevailing wind and currents.

4. Culture operations

Selection of stock and seeding; monitoring growth; monitoring environmental fluctuations; watching diseases and other causes of mortality (e.g., grazing by finfish).

5. Harvesting and post-harvest technology

Periodic harvesting and total harvesting; cleaning, washing and drying; storage, preliminary processing and packaging or baling.

6. Marketing and distribution

Markets for seaweeds; local consumption versus export; transportation and distribution; quality control.


Visit prospective site(s) for seaweed culture and diagnose suitability for use in seaweed culture; practice some seaweed seeding operations and, if opportunity offers, monitor growth of seaweed planting until harvest.

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