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XIX. Aquaculture extension

1. Definition of extension

Its objectives, characteristics, philosophy and principles; its role in transfer of technology to farmers; extension as a part of integrated rural development programmes.

2. Extension as related to aquaculture

Objectives of aquaculture extension as part of the general programme of socio-economic uplift of farmers.

Promotion of aquaculture as an industry and attainment of improved production through:

(a) Transfer of technology - site survey, design of installations, farm construction, culture techniques, pond maintenance, disease diagnosis, quality control, etc.;

(b) Linkage with support services - ensuring supply of quality seed, feed, fertilizers, chemicals and drugs; fabrication and supply of farm requirements like monks, cages, rafts, cultches, etc.;

(c) Linkages with credit facilities-arranging credit and ensuring its proper utilization; short-term and long-term loans; financing agencies;

(d) Organization of marketing and distribution systems and cooperative trading facilities; product development, consumer education and demonstration marketing, and

(e) Training of farmers in aquaculture techniques.

3. Extension methods

(a) Results of demonstrations, demonstration farming, etc.;

(b) Communication of useful research results through bulletins, pamphlets, hand-outs, newspaper articles, etc., and

(c) Radio and television talks.

4. Extension tools

Transport, water analysis and field study kits; some common chemicals for control of infections and mortality of fish, film strips, slides, posters, projection equipment (for slides, movies, and film strips), demonstration farms, etc.

5. Role of cooperatives in extension programme

6. Organization, execution and evaluation of extension programmes

Nature and importance of extension programmes building; socio-economic survey to decide on the most suitable type of extension programme; formulation of objectives; procedures for developing sound extension programmes; roles and responsibilities of different categories of extension workers, rural leaders, government institutions, etc.; formulation and execution of work plan; evaluation in extension - purpose; types; internal evaluation techniques; analysis and interpretation.

7. Extension supervision and administration

Functions of extension workers at various levels; qualities required of good extension supervisor; inter-relations of extension supervisors with other extension and research personnel; administrative organization of extension service; principles of effective budgeting; promotion of adult education in rural areas as an essential adjunct to aquaculture extension.

8. Extension training

Training of technicians (field operators) and farmers; short- and long-term courses; specialized training of technicians to suit local needs; organization of periodic refresher training courses for extension personnel.


Handling and operation of extension tools; preparation of extension aids (like lantern slides, posters, film strips, etc.); visits to private aquaculture farms for rendering technical assistance; participation in organized field days.

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