Donald Winkelmann, Chairman
10 April 1998
Dear Mr. Serageldin,
The Report of the Fifth External Programme and Management Review of IRRI, which was completed by a Panel chaired by Dr. Bernard Tinker of the UK, is attached. It, and the response of the IRRI Board of Trustees, were discussed by TAC at its 74th meeting held at Hyderabad in March 1998. IRRI was represented at the meeting by the Board Chair, the Interim Director General, and the Deputy Director General, Research.
Also attached is IRRI's response to the Report, together with the TAC Commentary summarizing the Committee's reactions to the Panel's Report and to IRRI's response.
We are pleased with the positive findings of the Review Panel. IRRI remains a strong flagship Centre in the CGIAR System, with very significant scientific accomplishments during the review period, and research of high quality and relevance. TAC concurs with the Panel that IRRI must continue to concentrate on more and better rice that can be grown in sustainable ways, and that no other organization is as well placed to do so. We are pleased that IRRI is taking advantage of new developments in biotechnology and rice genomics, and is increasing its collaboration with the private sector.
We are also pleased that the recent difficulties in management of IRRI have been largely overcome, and the stabilization process now underway is producing the desired results. The Institute is presently in good financial health, and does not expect any drastic changes in staffing or funding in the near future.
IRRI has an important strategic role to play in achieving sustainable food security for a large majority of poor people We fully endorse the Panel's conclusion that if IRRI did not exist, it would have to be invented.
Mr. Ismail Serageldin
World Bank
1818H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433
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Given its record and prospects, IRRI should be strongly supported by the CGIAR.
Yours sincerely,
Alexander von der Osten
Executive Secretary, CGIARDonald Winkelmann
TAC Chair