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16 February 1998

Dr. Donald L. Winkelmann
Technical Advisory Committee
355 East Palace Avenue
Same Fe, New Mexico 87501

Dr. Alexander von der Osten
Executive Secretary, CGIAR
701 18th Street, N. W.
Room J-4073
Washington, D.C.
U. S. A.

Dear Dr. Winkelmann and Dr. von der Osten:

On behalf of the IRRI Board of Trustees and Management, we are pleased to respond to the recommendations and constructive suggestions presented in the Report of the Fifth External Programme and Management Review of the International Rice Research Institute.

The report gives a comprehensive and well documented description and account of IRRI's achievements, strategic choices, impact, partnerships and organization and management. The document expresses the review panel's appreciation of the quality and productivity of the research but also flags important points that need careful consideration in the near future. It underlines the need to strengthen the role of research on rice and rice ecosystems to guarantee food security for future generations.

The Board and Management are pleased with the review panel's approval of the overall directions and composition of IRRI's research agenda. The Panel also positively assesses IRRI's research and scientists, ranging from acceptable to excellent. The conclusion that IRRI's research is first class and the observation that IRRI is still the flagship of the CGIAR are highly appreciated. The high marks for IRRI's partnerships and the impact of IRRI's research achievements, training and services to various clients are very welcome.

The panel's conclusions regarding the major issues that need further discussion and intensive attention of IRRI are congruent with those of IRRI itself. These include the following:

· Intellectual property and private sector linkage policies.

· Further development, use and implementation of innovative biotechnology and related bioinformatics.

· Strengthening research on natural resource management including water, as part of the development of sustainable rice agro-ecosystems.

· Governance and management procedures to guarantee IRRI's position on the forefront of scientific research in various disciplines.

Mailing address P.O. Box 933. 1099 Manila. Philippines Courier address 6776 Ayala Ave. Suite 1009. Makati. MM, Philippines: Tel: (63-2) 891-1236. 891-1258. Fax: (63-2) 891-1174: Telex: (RCA) 22456 IRI PH Los Baños research center Tel: (63-2) 84-0563. 844 3351: Fax. (63-2) 891-1292. 845-0606: Cable: Ricefound Manila: Telex: (ITT) 40890 RICE PM: (CWI) 14519 IRILB PS: E-mail: [email protected] Home page

We concur with these conclusions and agree that IRRI must continue to advance its problem-oriented biotechnological endeavors. The need to formulate a more explicit policy on intellectual property rights, patenting and linkages with the private sector has been identified in various preliminary discussions and policy papers of the BOT and staff. IRRI will continue to take the lead in this field and hopes that it may contribute to the development of CGIAR policy in this important area.

The need to increase rice production in the next decades with less land, less water, less labor, less nutrients and more advanced pest and disease-control methods that maximize biological potentials and eco-technological approaches has been highlighted in the panel's report. In its MTP, IRRI has given high priority to such approaches and has made clear that considerable impact may be expected by using a combination of technological innovations, such as envisaged biotechnological and eco-technological advancements, and interventions on higher aggregation levels. Land use studies as part of eco-regional approaches that integrate biophysical and socioeconomic approaches and enable the fine tuning of interventions are considered to be an integral part of IRRI's core research agenda.

The last two years have been a period of considerable change at IRRI culminating in a significant staff separation and restructuring program and a change in management. Increased efficiency, efficacy and refocusing of the Institute are envisioned and the first signs of such change are already visible. IRRI believes that it is ready for the challenges and to address the long-term research agenda formulated in the panel's report. The MTP (1999-2001) is an appropriate response to meeting these challenges.

Our responses to 11 specific recommendations made by the review panel are attached. Beyond these, the report contains a valuable set of proposals, suggestions, and observations. We wish to assure you that IRRI's Board and Management will make full use of these suggestions in our ongoing effort to adapt the Institute and its work to the continuously changing needs in our dynamic environment.

We would like to express our great appreciation to the Review Panel for a valuable report and to the TAC and CGIAR Secretariats for their assistance and support provided during the review.

Sincerely yours,

Director General

Chairman, Board of Trustees

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