Recent developments affecting Livestock Production in the Americas

Recent developments

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 1956

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Improving Livestock through Breeding

Animal Climatology
Herdbooks and Performance Tests
Artificial Insemination and Storage of Semen

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Improving Livestock production through improved nutrition and management

National Planning and Management Aspects of the Grazing Industry
Technical Problems in the Use of Grasslands
Conservation of Fodder as Silage and Hay
Nutritional Deficiencies in Livestock

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Improving Livestock production through better didease and parasite control

Control of Foot-and- Mouth Disease
Control of Brucellosis
Control of Parasitic Infestation and of the Diseases Parasitesare Knovvn to Transmit

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Status of the poultry industry and possible programs for improvement

General Considerations
Current Situation and Recent Technical Developments in Various Countries

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Interpretation and evaluation of the results of animal husbandry and veterinary experiments

Planning of Experiments
Methods for Increasing Accuracy of Experiments
Experimental Designs
Analysis and Interpretation of Results

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National services to the livestock industry

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Proposals to facilitate co-operation among the countries

Glossary of Animal Husbandry Terms
Proposals for Further Meetings and for a Working Party and Sub-Groups to Facilitate Co-operation between Meetings

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