Global Terrestrial Observing System
A Report to IGOS-P
by the Terrestrial Carbon Theme Team*+
* J. Cihlar, S. Denning, F. Ahern, O. Arino, A. Belward, F. Bretherton,
W. Cramer, G. Dedieu, C. Field, R. Francey, R. Gommes, J. Gosz, K. Hibbard,
T. Igarashi, P. Kabat, R. Olson, S. Plummer, I. Rasool, M. Raupach, R. Scholes,
J. Townshend, R. Valentini, D. Wickland
+ Refer to Appendix 5 for affiliations
October, 2000
Revised February, 2001
GTOS - 25
2 Motivation for Carbon Cycle Observations
3 The IGOS Carbon Cycle Observation Theme
4 Challenges for Carbon Cycle Observations
5 Data Products, Services, Archives, Access
7 Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix 1. Examples of Terrestrial Carbon Information Users
Appendix 2. Examples of Existing Providers of Carbon Cycle-Related Observations
Appendix 3. Status of Satellite Missions Relevant to Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Observations*
Appendix 4. List of Acronyms
Appendix 5. Theme Team Members