Bangalore, India
19 October – 22 October 2011


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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2011


This conference and exhibition was one global event to celebrate the International Year of Forests. This was organized to help the participants understand the outlook for wood products and contribute to develop strategies for future sustainable development. Main intention was to explore how socio-economic trends are affecting the use of wood products and what challenges and opportunities arise as the consequence of these developments. The underlying belief was that greater wood use can make a significant and valuable contribution to society’s desire for a more sustainable future. Also, a sustainable and prosperous forest products sector is essential for sustainable forest management.

The conference attempted to explore how the changing expectations of consumers and society shape the future for wood products. It also intended to examine how producers and users of wood can respond to these changes to identify potential opportunities and strengthen sustainability in the sector. It focussed on the social, aesthetic, cultural and traditional aspects of wood use and how the strong linkages between wood and society could be used to support the future development of the sector as a whole.

Table of Contents

Part I - Conference Overview

    Objectives of the conference and intended impacts
    The structure and organization
    Synthesis of the ideas presented
    Summary of the deliberations
    The ideas to ponder for the enablers of the journey to sustainable development
    Side events
    Photo-competitions held in connection with the event
    Appendix 1. List of oral presenters
    Appendix 2. List of participants


Part 2 - Papers

    SESSION 1: Why we are here? Different perspectives on the role of wood in sustainable development
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Saara Taalas and Dick Sandberg   –  Bridging Life at Home and Sustainable Production
    S Balaram  –   Designing with Wood for Development
    Michael Martin   –   Wood is Good
    Pascal Kamdem   –   Can Wood Play a Role in the Sustainable Development of Africa?
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    SESSION 2: An introduction to wood culture: building on the past
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Howard Rosen   –   The Evolution of Wood Culture in the United States of America
    Sangeeta Gupta   –   History and Current Status of Wood Culture in India
    Andrea Klein   –   The Treasure of Special Stem Assortments- Lost Knowledge of the Past
    V Ramakrishnan   –   The Fourth Dimension of Wood

    SESSION 3: The use of wood in different cultures
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Eric Appau Asante   –   The Effect of Culture and Traditions on the Use of Wood in Ghana
    Michael Grabner  –   Understanding Historical Wood Utilization - Ideas for the Future?
    T K Kunhamu  –   The Wood Legacy of Kallai: Lessons for the Future
    T P Subramony   –   Bamboo as a Modern Construction Material

    SESSION 4: Artistic aspects of wood use and design
    [Speakers and Topics]
    M P Ranjan   –   Entrepreneur Development, Design and Innovation in Wood Products
    Jirawat Tangkijgamwong   –   The Way of Wood: Finding Green Pieces in Thailand
    Achmad Zainudin   –   Jepara: Mirror of Indonesian Art Wood
    Hakki Alma  –   Wood Carving Art in Turkey
    Lv Jiufang   –   Wood Aesthetic Pattern Design and its Application

    SESSION 5: The use of wood in different cultures (continued)
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Victor Adekunle   –   The Social, Religious and Magico-Cultural Aspects of Wood in Nigeria
    Xiaomei Jiang   –   The Inheritance and Development of Hongmu Culture in China
    O K Remadevi   –   Wooden Monuments in India Need Protection from a Biological Perspective
    Adjovi Edmond Codjo   –   Typology of Wood Sculptures in West Africa
    S. Tekpetey   –   Existing and Potential Impacts on Wood Use in 2011 and Beyond in Ghana?
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    SESSION 6: Wood in architecture: what can be done?
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Michael Green   –   The Role of Wood in the Challenge of Housing in the World
    Dustin Tusnovics  –   How Timber Architecture Can Make a Difference
    Andrew Waugh   –   A Short Talk on Tall Timber Buildings

    SESSION 7: Wood in architecture: what can be done? (continued)
    [Speakers and Topics]
    E. A. Zanetti  –   Wood From Sustainable Sources; Mitigation of Global Climate Change
    Emmanuel Appiah-Kub   –   Wood for Housing in Ghana: Why the Low Interest?
    Roshan Shetty   –  Vernacular Architecture for Sustainable Development - A Case Study
    Neelam Manjunath  –   Saga of the Poor Man’s Timber

    SESSION 8: Artistic aspects of wood use and design (continued)
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Jianju Luo   –   Introduction of Wood Aesthetics and its Application in Daily Life
    Kitazawa Hideta   –   Enjoyment of Traditional Japanese Wood Carving
    O G Sevan   –   Traditional and Modern House Paintings and Arts of Wood in Everyday Life
    Guixang Wang   –   Chinese Wood-Framed Architecture in History

    SESSION 9: Selling the art and joy of wood products to consumers
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Jim Birkemeier   –   Full Value Forestry: New Jobs from Dead Trees on the Family Farm
    Giedrius Leliuga   –   Customer Needs and Control of Supply are the Keys to Success
    M V Rao   –   Etikoppaka: An Indian Village; the Tradition of Toy Art
    Sudipta Dasmohapatra   –   Consumer Purchase Trends and Perceptions in the USA

    SESSION 10: Wood product and industry development in the formal sector
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Jegatheswaran Ratnasingam   –   Sustainable Wooden Furniture Manufacturing in Malaysia
    K Satyanarayana Rao   –   SMEs, Key to Developing Wood as a Sustainable Material in India
    Shengfu Wu   –   The Struggling Chinese Woodworking industry: Challenges and Solutions
    Arif Nuryawan  –   Marketing Mix at Three Level Furniture Industries in Indonesia

    SESSION 11: Development of the handicraft sector
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Rajan Bhowmik   –   Preservation of Tribal Culture- A Heritage of the Wooden Crafts
    Pankaj Aggarwal   –   Strategy for Socio-Economic Sustainability of Artists of Channapatna
    V Ramakantha  –  Road Map for Strengthening the Solid Wood Handicraft Sector of Manipur
    B Siddapa   –   Efficiency Resources Use of the Karnataka Economy
    Mangala de Zoysa   –   Rediscovering Traditional Wood Product Industries in Sri Lanka

    SESSION 12: Promoting wood culture in the future
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Gabriel Hemery   –   Reviving Britain’s lost wood culture
    Yang Ping   –   The promotion of wood culture in Japan
    S C Joshi   –   Forestry sector at crossroads in India

    SESSION 13: Promoting wood culture in the future (continued)
    [Speakers and Topics]
    Ying Ling Hung   –   Wooden Paths to a Sustainable Future
    Criswell Davis   –   Designing with Sustainable US Hardwoods the Future?
    Nobuaki Hattori   –   The State of Lifecycle and Carbon Footprint Assessment in Japan
    Maria Riala   –   The Case of Housing Needs and Preferences in Finland
    T R Manoharan   –   Forest Certification and Wood Based Industries in India

    SESSION 14: Sustainable wood supply: the key to success
    [Speakers and Topics]
    T S Rathore   –   Status of Wood Consumption in the Handicraft Industries of Jodhpur
    Aimi Lee Abdullah   –   Changes in EU Timber Consumption
    E V Anoop   –   Kerala’s Withering Wood Security – The Way Forward
    K S Shashidhar   –   Changing Trends in Timber Usage in Nagaland, India

    SESSION 15: Focus on sandalwood and teak
    [Speakers and Topics]

    V S Venkatesha Gowda   –   Sustainable Production of Natural Sandalwood in Ghana
    H S Ananthapadmanabha   –   Sustainable Supply of Sandalwood for Industry
    R. Chandra Mishra   –   Sandalwood: Saviour of Ecological Balance; Super Wealth Creator
    K Jayaraman   –   TEAKNET – The International R&D Network on Teak



Part 3 - Posters

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ISBN 978-92-5-107598-2 (print)
E-ISBN 978-92-5-107599-9 (PDF)

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