and oils in human nutrition
Report of a joint expert consultation
Organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization Rome, 19-26 October 1993
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ISBN 92-5-103621-7
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� FAO 1994
Reviewers and contributors
Chapter 1 : Introduction
General conclusions and recommendations of the
Minimum desirable intakes of fats and oils
Upper limits of fat/oil intakes
Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and cholesterol
Isomeric fatty acids
Substances associated with fats and oils
Essential fatty acids
Scientific and programmatic needs
Chapter 2 : Composition of dietary fat
Chapter 3 : Aspects of fat digestion and metabolism
Digestion, absorption and transport
Metabolism of fatty acids
Essential fatty acids
Biological roles
Oxidation of fatty acids
Chapter 4 : Global trends in the availability of edible fats and oils
Current consumption of fat
Factors explaining consumption trends
Shifts in fat consumption
Chapter 5 : Processing and refining edible oils
Rural vegetable oil production
Large-scale production
Potential side reactions during high-temperature processing
Physical losses
Fat modification processes
Other considerations
Chapter 6 : Selected uses of fats and oils in food
Cooking oils
Salad oils
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT)
Chapter 7 : Lipids in early development
Maternal nutrition
Preconceptional nutrition
Infant nutrition
Chapter 8 : Health, obesity and energy values of dietary fat
Health risks associated with obesity
Causes of obesity
Energy values of fat
Fat substitutes
Chapter 9 : Coronary heart disease and lipoproteins
Epidemiology and experimental evidence
Dietary fat and serum lipids
Specific fatty acids and cholesterol
Dietary effects on lipoproteins
Trans fatty acids
Chapter 10 : Isomeric fatty acids
Occurrence in diets
Metabolic effects in animals
Human studies
Pregnancy and lactation
Chapter 11 : Cancer and dietary fat
Intervention studies
Dietary fat and cancer of the breast and colon
Animal experiments
Cancer at other sites
Chapter 12 : Dietary fat and immune response
Arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)
Chapter 13 : Dietary fat, hypertension and stroke
Chapter 14 : Non - glyceride constituents of fats
Fat-soluble vitamins
Chapter 15 : Nutrition labeIling
Annex : National indices of dietary fat supplies
Bibliography(A - K)
Bibliography(L - Z)
FAO technical papers