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Modern forestry tends to be largely concerned with industrial timber. This is the case of many African countries, and Angola is not an exception. Actually sensitive efforts are made by African timber institutions, i.e. African Timber Organisation (ATO) and also the Forestry Sector Technical Co-ordination Unit of SADC (SADC FSTCU), in order to starting paying attention to other products very important, so-called Non Wood Forest Products.

It is deemed important that in Angola’s quest for the formulation of the Forestry Policy, it is expected to consider the importance and the role of forest products other than industrial timber in the everyday life of the majority of Angolans. By Non-Wood Forest Proudest (NWFP), it is understood ”all goods of biological, as well as services, derived from the forest or any land under similar, and exclude wood in all its forms (Chandrasekharan 1995).

Angola presents a large variety of biodiversity, estimated at about 5000 to 8000 plant species, of which 1200 are threatened. A diversity of 275 mammals and 900 birds are found in the country. Many wild species are endangered. Their role and importance are very high whereas local population largely make use of them, especially for who those are living in the rural area for food, medicine and for domestic purposes.

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