Energy search tools The Energy
Information on Internet (EII) database This comprises 880 detailed descriptions and characterizations of energy-related information sources that can be accessed through the Internet. Energysearch The premier Internet search engine for the Energy Industry, providing Internet users with fast, accurate search results on global energy topics. Green Energy Marketplace Biomasster An overview of bioenergy projects in the Netherlands. Attention is given to the policy of bioenergy, to institutes and projects which deal with research and development of bioenergy, and to the implementation projects in the Netherlands. |
Greenprices is an independent Web site on green energy in Europe and includes information on suppliers of green energy, their products and prices, as well as separate country sections on Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. On-line registration is available for the free electronic newsletter "Greenprices News".
Greenprices is an initiative of ECOFYS B.V, an international consultancy firm, working on a renewable energy supply for everyone.;
Household Energy WebRing
A new initiative of the HEDON Household Energy Network, the Household Energy WebRing will allow users to navigate easily between Web sites that deal with energy, poverty and development. By following the links through the WebRing, users will find information from around the world about health, environment, climate change, renewable energy, forestry, gender and energy, poverty, financing and policy development.
Information on how to join can be found on the WebRing home page:
PHYLLIS – database for biomass and waste
The objective of Phyllis is to make analysis data of individual biomass or waste materials available and to offer the possibility ot obtaining the average composition of any combination of groups and/or subgroups.
Answers are given to such questions as:
• What is the average sulphur content of wood?
What is the ash content of willow?
• What is the average calorific value of chicken manure?
Phyllis is designed and maintained by the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) Biomass with financial support from Novem. At present, it contains about 1 600 data records. Phyllis will be updated and extended regularly.
Polex en español
Para las personas que ya reciben Polex en inglés (la hoja de información
electrónica de expertos sobre políticas forestales del CIFOR), pero que
prefieran recibirlo en español, CIFOR se complace en anunciar que está en
proceso de iniciar Polex-Español, que tendrá los mismos mensajes que la versión
en inglés, pero traducidos al español.
Para recibir Polex-Español, por
favor envíe su nombre, el nombre de la institución a la que pertenece, el nombre
del país en donde reside y su dirección electrónica a David Kaimowitz ([email protected]).
Launched by the World Resources Institute, visitors to the Web site can take decisive action to address global warming. challenges individuals and organizations to calculate the size of their own carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint and pledge to reduce it by taking one or more actions outlined on the site (
More information about and WRI’s own CO2 reduction commitment can be obtained from the site ( ). (Contributed by: Vag-Lan Borges, Brazil.)