FAO Fisheries Report No. 843 Report of the REGIONAL SCOPING WORKSHOP ON THE USE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS FOR FISH PRODUCTION IN CENTRAL ASIATashkent, Uzbekistan, 17-20 July 2007Edited by R. Van Anrooy AO Fishery Officer Ankara, Turkey Gerd Marmulla FAO Fishery Resources Officer Rome, Italy and Ian Payne International Consultant London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | |
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PREPARATION OF THIS DOCUMENT This report is the record of the Workshop proceedings, which includes summaries both the presentations made by the participants from the Central Asian countries and those made by resource persons from the United Kingdom, Turkey and FAO. The report was prepared by the FAO Subregional Office for Central Asia (SEC), in close collaboration with the Fisheries Management and Conservation Service (FIMF), FAO Rome. |
Van Anrooy, R.; Marmulla, G.; Payne, I. (eds). Report of the Regional Scoping Workshop on the Use of Irrigation Systems for Fish Production in Central Asia. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 17-20 July 2007. FAO Fisheries Report. No. 843. Rome, FAO. 2008. 41p. ABSTRACT The Workshop was held in the context of decreasing inland capture fisheries and aquaculture production in all five countries in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) after independence from the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics in the early 1990s. Millions of rural households in the Central Asian region are dependent to some extent on inland water resources for their livelihoods; inland capture fisheries and aquaculture are potentially important sources of food, income and employment for many of them. The Workshop aimed to build awareness among policy-makers, administrators and sector representatives of the irrigation and fishery sectors on the need to share information and increase collaboration and review the current status of inland capture fisheries in irrigation systems at the national level in the five Central Asian countries. Further, it aimed to analyse recent achievements, constraints and opportunities in the future to increase inland capture and aquaculture production in irrigation systems in each of the countries. The Workshop recognized that inland capture fisheries and aquaculture have the potential for increasing productivity of irrigation and water management systems in Central Asian countries. It noted that the infrastructure that used to support inland capture fisheries and aquaculture production has gradually deteriorated since the 1990s due to a lack of maintenance and limited budgets. Consequently, many hatcheries, research facilities, fish landing places, pond systems and cold storage, and processing and marketing facilities are now not functioning. The workshop came up with comprehensive conclusions and practical recommendations in support of inland capture fisheries and aquaculture rehabilitation and development in irrigation systems in the region. |
Summary of conclusions and recommendations