Chapter 1 |
Introduction Introduction to be rewritten and up-dated |
Chapter 2 |
Aims and Objectives of The Space Plan Add discussion of potential integrated strategy, justify using 'theme' approach |
Chapter 3 |
G3OS Missions and Relevant Space Programme Revise and up-date mission approach, but retain seven categories |
Chapter 4 |
G3OS User Data/Product Requirements More fully document user request |
Chapter 5 |
Initial Operational System and Outlook Revisit and reconfirm the priorities, use the relational databases, add the new presentation methodology |
Chapter 6 |
Ground Segment Special attention to preparation of a comprehensive ground segment |
Chapter 7 |
Involvement of Developing Countries in the G3OS Space-Based Observation Programme Revise and up-grade section on the involvement of developing countries |
Chapter 8 |
Cost-Effectiveness Improve and quantify arguments on cost-effectiveness and the 'theme' approach |
Chapter 9 |
Recommendations Reformulate and reassess recommendations |
Some specific changes for Version 2.0 were identified:
EUMETSAT/ESA should be encouraged to fulfil the first recommendation in Version 1.0
Chapter 1, p.1, section 1.2 should be reviewed
Chapter 3, Figure 3-1, p. 6 has to be revised
Revision Chapter 4, which includes all requirements
Chapter 5 needs complete revision
Chapter 6, (p.25, last paragraph) raises the problem of the generation of data products, which must be addressed.
Chapter 8 should be much more specific. Cost-effectiveness has to be quantitative and figures should be given to the extent possible
Chapter 9 has to be revised and to be formulated more constructive and recommendations should be more carefully stated.
There are two standards of data levels (Annex VI, p. 51) which lead to translation problems. Rectification should be agreed.