The Chairman gave a presentation dealing with two components: (1) an overview of sea safety work in the region, and (2) the proposed structure of the consultation.
The major regional initiatives in sea safety in the Pacific Islands in recent years were reviewed: the 1991 FAO/McCoy study, the SPC Coastal Fisheries Programme's safety awareness and statutory training, the SPC Regional Maritime Programme's shipping legislation and provision of maritime training, and the 2003 FAO/Gillett study. The FAO/Gillett study recommended several priority items for improving sea safety, including a regional sea safety workshop which evolved into the FAO/SPC Regional Expert Consultation on Sea Safety in Small Fishing Vessels.
The Chairman proposed a structure for the meeting. This consisted of Part One in which each of the 27 participants would be assigned to one of four discussion groups corresponding to the major themes of the consultation: (1) Appropriate sea safety regulations for small fishing vessels; (2) Improvements in sea safety awareness programmes; (3) Improving the safety of fibreglass skiffs through construction standards; and (4) Enhancing systems of sea accident data recording. It was suggested that each group carry out detailed discussions on their theme during the first three days and report the main conclusions related to improving sea safety to a plenary session where the conclusions would be further discussed, prioritized and modified into recommendations. The fourth and fifth days of the consultation (Part Two) would consider how best to implement these recommendations, who would do the work and with what resources. The meeting agreed to this format.
The Chairman provided some suggested definitions and focus areas for the consultation, which were subsequently adopted. He noted that the definitions were put forward to ensure common understanding between participants.
"Sea safety" refers to the preparations and activities associated with safely returning to port at the conclusion of a fishing trip without outside assistance, or more simply "getting home".
The focus of the Consultation is the small fishing vessel. Although many of the topics discussed are applicable to larger fishing vessels and to small non-fishing vessels, the competence of the consultation and the thrust of the discussions are to be small fishing vessels.
A "small fishing vessel" is any undecked, unpowered, or outboard-powered fishing vessel.
The emphasis of the Consultation should be on prevention of sea accidents rather than a cure for accidents that have occurred.