Figure 4 illustrates the distribution of all fish as observed with the acoustic integration system. This will mainly show the pelagic species, but some demersal fish which lifts off the bottom mostly at night will also be included.
The distribution of the important component of pelagic fish of the inshore community along the Nicaraguan coast is demonstrated in Figure 4. Sampling with bottom- and mid water trawl showed that the main components were anchovies and thread herring together with various carangids, spanish mackerel, barracudas and some demersal fish. There appears to be a higher abundance than found during the previous surveys, especially during Survey I, and the fish is closer inshore. Of the offshore community only some looser fish aggregations were located mainly near the 100 fathom line west of Pta Helena. These consisted of small sea bass, silver smelt and gurnards. Cutlassfish was this time mostly found as juveniles. Myctophids, a probably non-commercial, but important component of this community as a prey species was recorded in high acoustic density along and off the slope (not included in the distribution chart).
Golfo de Fonseca.
As in previous survey fish was found all over the shallow gulf that could be surveyed by the vessel, but in low concentrations only. The main part of the fish observed was carangids, clupeids and various bottom fish, predominantly croakers and catfishes.
El Salvador.
Aggregations of pelagic fish continue, as shown in Figure 4 along the inshore parts of the shelf off El Salvador. Fairly good concentrations were located in several areas. They consisted of thread herrings and anchovies and their predators, especially barracudas, but also big carangids, Spanish mackerel, sharks and rays. Recordings of fish offshore were insignificant.