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This is one in a series of training manuals on subjects related to irrigation that will be issued in 1985 and 1986.

The papers are intended for use by field assistants in agricultural extension services and irrigation technicians at the village and district levels who want to increase their ability to deal with farm-level irrigation issues.

The papers contain material that is intended to provide support for irrigation training courses and to facilitate their conduct. Thus, taken together, they do not present a complete course in themselves, but instructors may find it helpful to use those papers or sections that are relevant to the specific irrigation conditions under discussion. The material may also be useful to individual students who want to review a particular subject without a teacher.

Following an introductory discussion of various aspects of irrigation in the first paper, subsequent subjects discussed will be:

- topographic surveying
- crop water needs
- irrigation scheduling
- irrigation methods
- irrigation system design
- land grading and levelling
- canals and structures
- drainage
- salinity
- irrigation management

At this stage, all the papers will be marked as draft because experience with the preparation of irrigation training material for use at the village level is limited. After a trial period of a few years, when there has been time to evaluate the information and the use of methods outlined in the draft papers, a definitive version can then be issued.

For further information and any comments you may wish to make please write to:

The International Support Programme for Irrigation Water Management
Land and Water Development Division
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome


Introduction to Irrigation is the first in a series of training manuals on irrigation. As the title suggests, the manual contains an introductory discussion of irrigation topics that will be dealt with in greater detail in the subsequent elements of the series: it brings together explanatory notes on concepts, terms, methods and calculations that are basic to the discussion of the subject matter. In doing so this manual may serve as an easy reference in the study of irrigation.

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