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Proposed Amendments to the International Numbering System, Including Technological Functions and Functional Classes/Sub-Classes (Agenda Item 11)[35]

95. The 32nd CCFAC forwarded proposed draft revisions to the INS system to the Executive Committee for preliminary adoption at Step 5, and agreed to request comments for additional revisions to the INS System on a standing basis. The Committee further agreed to request specific comments on technological functions and functional classes/sub-classes[36]. The 47th Session of the Executive Committee adopted the proposed draft revisions to the INS System at Step 5[37].

96. In answer to the request for specific comments on technological functions and functional class/subclasses in the INS System, the Committee agreed in principle that the terms used in the INS System should correspond to those terms used by JECFA when evaluating additives. The Committee agreed that comments should be requested on this issue.

97. The Committee agreed to the recommendation of the ad hoc informal Working Group chaired by Finland that an approach is needed for the identification of new additives consisting of combinations of additives with INS numbers already assigned; e.g., acesulfame-aspartame salt. It was noted that the “combination” additive could be assigned an entirely new number, or alternatively, the existing numbers for each of the two additives in question could be combined (INS 950/951). The Committee agreed that comments would be requested on this issue.

98. The Committee also agreed to the recommendation of the ad hoc informal Working Group that comments would be requested on the need for three different INS numbers for Mineral Oil, Food Grade (INS 905a), as it was noted that three separate mineral oils had been evaluated by JECFA and assigned different ADI values and specifications.

Status of Amendments to the International Numbering System, Including Technological Functions and Functional Classes/Subclasses

99. The Committee forwarded the draft amendments to the INS System adopted by the Executive Committee (at Step 5) to the 24th Session of the Commission for final adoption at Step 8. The Committee also agreed to circulate INS Number 452 (vi) for Sodium Potassium Tripolyphosphate as an emulsifier, stabilizer, acidity regulator, raising agent, sequesterant and water retention agent at Step 3 of the Accelerated Procedure for comments, subject to the approval of the Commission (see Appendix IX). The Committee also agreed to request comments for additional revisions to the INS System on a standing basis.

[35] Comments submitted by Canada, IFAC (CX/FAC 01/14) and the USA (CRD 8)
[36] ALINORM 01/12, para. 74 and Appendix VII
[37] ALINORM 01/3, Appendix IV

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