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7.1. Les rapports sur les études de pays

Aryee, E. and Q.Q. Ahene-Amanquanor, 2001. National study of fishing communities' participation in MCS systems in Ghana. DFID/FAO/DOF Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme, February 2001.

Diallo, M.M. et A. Bah, 2001. Rapport de consultation sur les expériences de participation des communautés de pêche artisanale guinéennes dans les systèmes de suivi, contrôle, et surveillance (SCS). Programme pour des moyens d'existence durables dans la pêche (PMEDP), FAO, février 2001.

Mohamed Vall, M.O. et N.M. Moctar Nech, 2001. Etude sur la participation des communautés de pêche artisanale dans les systèmes de suivi, contrôle et surveillance (SCS): Mauritanie. FAO, Programme pour des moyens d'existence durables dans la pêche (PMEDP) en Afrique de l'Ouest, mars 2001.

Sall, A. et C.M. Diallo, 2001. Etude sur la participation des communautés de pêcheurs artisans dans les systèmes de suivi, contrôle et surveillance (SCS): Sénégal. Rapport provisoire (premier draft). FAO, Programme pour des moyens d'existence durables dans la pêche (PMEDP) en Afrique de l'Ouest, février 2001.

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7.2. Autres références bibliographiques et ouvrages importants

Allison, E.H. & Ellis, F. 2001. The livelihoods approach and management of small-scale fisheries. Marine Policy, Volume 25, Issue 5. September 2001. Pages 377-388.

Beltrán Turriago, C.S. 2001. Promoción de la ordenación de la pesca costera: 2. Aspectos socioeconómicos y técnicos de la pesca artisanal en El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panamá, Ecuador y Colombia. FAO Circular de Peca. No. 957/2. Roma, FAO. 2001. 71p.

Bennet, E., Cattermoul, B., Jolley, T. & Lewins, R., 2000. The management of conflict in tropical fisheries (R7334). Ghana fieldwork report. May 2000. CEMARE University of Portsmouth.

Bennett, E., Neiland, A., Anang, E., Bannerman, P., Atiq Rahman, A., Huq, S., Bhuiya, S., Day, M., Fulford, M. & Clerveaux, W. 2001. Towards better understanding of conflict management in tropical fisheries: evidence from Ghana, Bangladesh and the Caribbean. CEMARE research paper 159. CEMARE, 2001.

Chauveau, J-P., Jul-Larsen, E. & Chaboud, C. (éds.). 2001. Les pêches piroguières en Afrique de l'Ouest. Dynamiques institutionnelles: pouvoirs, mobilités, marchés. CMI-IRD-Karthala.

Cochrane, K.L. (ed.). 2002. A fishery manager's guidebook. Management measures and their application. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 424. Rome, FAO. 2002. 231p.

Degnbol, P. 1992. Resource management and artisanal fisheries: relevance and conditions. In: Fishing for development. Small-scale fisheries in Africa. Tvedten, I. and Hersoug, B. (editors). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1992.

DFID. 1998. Implementing the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Approach, by Diana Carney. In: «Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. What contribution can we make?» Papers presented at the Department for International Development's Natural Resources Advisers' Conference, July, 1998. D.Carney (ed.)

FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Rome, FAO. 1995. 41p.

FAO Fishery Resources Division and Fishery Policy and Planning Division. 1997. FAO technical guidelines for fisheries management. No 4. FAO, Rome, 1997. 82p.

FAO. 2002. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (GCP/INT/735/UK) and FAO Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research Joint Working Party on Poverty in Small-scale Fisheries. Promoting the contribution of the sustainable livelihoods approach and the code of conduct for responsible fisheries in poverty alleviation. FAO Fisheries Report. Rome, FAO. 2002. 23p.

Gaspart, F. & Platteau, J-P. 2000. Promotion of coastal fisheries management. 1. Local-level effort regulation in Senegalese fisheries. FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 957/1. Rome, FAO. 2000. 37p.

Hauck, M. & Sowman, M. 2001. Coastal and fisheries co-management in South Africa: an overview and analysis. Marine Policy, Volume 25, 2001. Pages 173-185.

Ingles A.W., Musch, A. & Qwist-Hoffmann, H. 1999. The participatory process for supporting collaborative management of natural resources: an overview. FAO, Rome, 1999. 84p.

McGoodwin, J.R. 2001. Understanding the cultures of fishing communities: a key to fisheries management and food security. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 401. Rome, FAO. 2001.287p.

Onyango, P. 2001. Co-Management: a solution or an alternative management for Lake Victoria fisheries? Paper presented at the Inaugural Conference of the Center for Maritime Research (MARE), August 2001.

Overaa, R. 1998. Partners and competitors. Gendered entrepreneurship in Ghanaian canoe fisheries. Dissertation for the Dr. Polit. Degree. Department of Geography, University of Bergen.

Petursdottir, G., Hannibalson, O., & Turner, J.M.M. 2001. Safety at sea as an integral part of fisheries management. FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 966. Rome, FAO. 2001. 39p.

SFLP. 2001. The impact of policies institutions and processes on fisheries livelihoods in Ghana. Project Report. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme, Cotonou, Benin. 2001.

SFLP. 2001. L'impact des politiques, institutions et processus sur les moyens d'existence des communautés de pêche au Sénégal. Project Report. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme, Cotonou, Benin. SFLP/PMEDP, 2001.

SFLP. 2001. Sub-regional workshop on the impact of policies, institutions and processes on fisheries livelihoods. Banjul 23-25 April 2001. Project Report. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme, Cotonou, Benin. SFLP/PMEDP, 2001.

SFLP. 2001. Livelihoods analysis of selected beach seine communities in Ghana. Project Report. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme, Cotonou, Benin. SFLP/PMEDP, 2001.

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