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Amendments to the general regulations of WEP

a) Administration of the WFP fund

312. The Conference noted that the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA) of the World Food Programme had held its First Special Session in Rome on 18 March 1991. At that Session, the CFA had considered the report of the Working Group, established at its Thirtieth Session, on the governance of the World Food Programme and the relationships between the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP). The CFA had decided to submit to its parent bodies, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and the FAO Council, draft resolutions for submission to both the forthcoming General Assembly of the United Nations and the Conference of FAO, on the membership of the CFA and on the revised General Regulations of WFP.

313. The Conference also noted that the Revised General Regulations substantially maintained the technical role of FAO regarding WFP activities and conserved and reinforced the principle of reliance by WFP on the technical services of FAO, as well as on other United Nations agencies as necessary, while allowing administrative autonomy to WFP.

314. The Conference finally noted that the Council and ECOSOC, together with the Second Commission of the General Assembly of the United Nations, had endorsed the draft resolution put before them.

315. The Conference expressed its satisfaction with the spirit of cooperation that had prevailed between the UN, FAO and WFP and which had enabled the General Regulations of WFP to be amended. It also noted that the expansion of the CFA and the strengthening of the WFP administration would serve to enhance its effectiveness. The Conference invited the two organizations to intensify their cooperation and WFP to continue to rely on FAO for technical support.

316. The Conference took note of the agreement reached among States on List B regarding the assignment of seats by rotation.

317. Consequently, the Conference endorsed the following Resolution on the Amendments to the General Regulations of WFP:

Resolution 9/91



Recalling its Resolutions 1/61, 4/65 and 22/75 concerning the establishment and continuance of the United Nations/FAO World Food Programme,

Having considered the decision of the 99th Session of the Council (Rome, 10-21 June) (pare. 278) made pursuant to a recommendation of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the World Food Programme concerning the governance of the Programme and its relationship with the United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organization:

1. Decides, subject to the concurrence of the General Assembly of the United Nations, that the membership of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes shall be increased from 30 to 42 by the addition of 12 States Members of the United Nations or Nations Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and that the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations shall elect six additional members each;

2. Decides further, while taking into account the membership criteria laid down in General Assembly Resolution 3404 (XXX), that members of the enlarged Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes shall comprise 27 members from developing countries and 15 from more economically developed countries, to be elected from the States listed in Appendix A and in accordance with the following distribution of seats:

(a) Eleven from the States in List A of Appendix A, with five States to be elected by the ECOSOC and six States by the FAO Council;

(b) Nine from the States in List B of Appendix A, with four States to be elected by the ECOSOC and five States by the FAO Council;

(c) Seven from the States in List C of Appendix A, with four States to be elected by the ECOSOC and three States by the FAO Council;

(d) Thirteen from the States in List D of Appendix A with seven States to be elected by the ECOSOC and six States by the FAO Council;

(e) Two from the States in List E of Appendix A, with one State to be elected by the ECOSOC and one State by the FAO Council;

3. Requests the FAO Council, at its Hundred and first Session, in addition to the regular election of five members of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, also to elect six additional members. The six additional members shall be elected in accordance with the following distribution and terms of office:

(a) One member from the States in List A of Appendix A, for a term of one year;

(b) Three members from the States in List B of Appendix A, one for a term of three years, one for a term of two years and one for a term of one year;

(c) One member from the States in List C of Appendix A, for a term of two years;

(d) One member from the States in List E of Appendix A, for a term of three years.

4. Requests that thereafter the FAO Council elect all members of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, for the election of whom it is responsible, for a term of three years;5. Decides to approve the Revised General Regulations for the World Food Programme contained in Appendix 8 as endorsed by the FAO Council at the 18th Plenary meeting of its 99th Session on 20 June 1991 and by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations at the 32nd Plenary meeting of its Second Regular Session of 1991 on 26 July 1991;6. Decides, further, subject to the concurrence of the General Assembly of the United Nations, that the Revised General Regulations shall come into force on 1 January 1992.

(Adopted 26 November 1991)



States: 125

CFA seats: 27 (14 to be elected by the FAO Council and 13 by the ECOSOC of the United Nations on the following basis)

List A

States: 51

CFA seats: 11 (six to be elected by the FAO Council and five by the ECOSOC of the United Nations)

Algeria Gabon Niger
Angola Gambia Nigeria
Benin Ghana Rwanda
Botswana Guinea Sao Tome and
Burkina Faso Guinea-Bissau Principe
Burundi Kenya Senegal
Cameroon Lesotho Seychelles
Cape Verde Liberia Sierra Leone
Central African Libyan Arab Somalia
Republic Jamahiriya Sudan
Chad Madagascar Swaziland
Comoros Malawi Togo
Congo Mali Tunisia
C�te d'Ivoire Mauritania Uganda
Djibouti Mauritius United Republic of
Egypt Morocco Tanzania
Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Zaire
Ethiopia Namibia Zambia

List B

States: 41

CFA seats: 9 (the FAO Council and the ECOSOC of the United Nations each to elect one Member State from Group I and three Member Nations from Group II. The FAO Council to elect one Member Nation, by rotation, from Groups I and II)

Group I

States: 13

Afghanistan Jordan Saudi Arabia
Bahrain Kuwait Syrian Arab Republic
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Lebanon United Arab Emirates
Oman Yemen
Iraq Qatar  

Group II

States: 28

Bangladesh Mongolia
Bhutan Myanmar
Brunei Darussalam Nepal
Cambodia Pakistan
China Papua New Guinea
Cook Islands Philippines
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea Samoa
Fiji Singapore
India Solomon Islands
Indonesia Sri Lanka
Lao People's Democratic Thailand
Republic Tonga
Malaysia Vanuatu
Maldives Viet Nam

List C

States: 33
CFA Seats: 7 (three to be elected by the FAO Council and four by the ECOSOC of the United Nations)

Antigua and Barbuda Dominican Republic Panama
Argentina Ecuador Paraguay
Bahamas El Salvador Peru
Barbados Grenada Saint Kitts and Nevis
Belize Guatemala Saint Lucia
Bolivia Guyana Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Brazil Haiti Suriname
Chile Honduras Trinidad and Tobago
Colombia Jamaica Uruguay
Costa Rica Mexico Venezuela
Cuba Nicaragua  


States: 41

CFA Seats: 15 (seven to be elected by the FAO Council and eight by the ECOSOC of the United Nations on the following basis)

List D

States: 28

CFA Seats: 13 (six to be elected by the FAO Council and seven by the ECOSOC of the United Nations)

Australia Iceland Norway
Austria Ireland Portugal
Belgium Israel Spain
Cyprus Italy Sweden
Canada Japan Switzerland
Denmark Liechtenstein Turkey
Finland Luxembourg United Kingdom of
France Malta Great Britain and
Germany Netherlands Northern Ireland
Greece New Zealand United States of

List E

States: 13

CFA Seats: 2 (one each to be elected by the FAO Council and the ECOSOC of the United Nations)

Albania Estonia Romania
Bulgaria Hungary Ukrainian Soviet
Byelorussain Soviet Latvia Socialist Republic
Socialist Republic Lithuania Union of Soviet
Czechoslovakia Poland Socialist Republics


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