Contents -

XVII. Appendix H. Scale of contribution 1992-1993

(1990-91 scale shown for comparison purposes )

Member Nations

Scale 1992-93 a/

Scale 1990 91 a/

  % %
Afghanistan .01 .01
Albania .01 .01
Algeria .17 .18
Angola .01 .01
Antigua and Barbuda .01 .01
Argentina .77 .79
Australia 1.83 1.88
Austria .86 .88
Bahamas .02 .02
Bahrain .02 .02
Bangladesh .01 .01
Barbados .01 .01
Belgium 1.36 1.40
Belize .01 .01
Benin .01 .01
Bhutan .01 .01
Bolivia .01 .01
Botswana .01 .01
Brazil 1.69 1.73
Bulgaria .17 .18
Burkina Paso .01 .01
Burundi .01 .01
Cambodia .01 .01
Cameroon .01 .01
Canada 3.60 3.69
Cape Verde .01 .01
Central African Republic .01 .01
Chad .01 .01
Chile .09 .10
China .92 .94
Colombia .16 .17
Comoros .01 .01
Congo .01 .01
Cook Islands b/ .01 .01
Costa Rica .02 .02
Cote d'Ivoire .02 .02
Cuba .11 .11
Cyprus .02 .02
Czechoslovakia .77 .79
Democratic People's Republic of Korea c/ .06 .06
Denmark .80 .82
Djibouti .01 .01
Dominica .01 .01
Dominican Republic .04 .04
Ecuador .04 .04
Egypt .08 .08
El Salvador .01 .01
Equatorial Guinea .01 .01
Estonia d/ .07 -
Ethiopia .01 .01
Fiji .01 .01
Finland .59 .61
France 7.28 7.47
Gabon .04 .04
Gambia .01 .01
Germany 10.90 9.65
Ghana .01 .01
Greece .47 .48
Grenada .01 .01
Guatemala .02 .02
Guinea .01 .01
Guinea-Bissau .01 .01
Guyana .01 .01
Haiti .01 .01
Honduras .01 .01
Hungary .24 .25
Iceland .04 .04
India .43 .44
Indonesia .17 .18
Iran .80 .82
Iraq .14 .14
Ireland .21 .21
Israel .24 .25
Italy 4.65 4.77
Jamaica .01 .01
Japan 13.26 13.59
Jordan .01 .01
Kenya .01 .01
Korea, Republic of c/ .26 .26
Kuwait .34 .35
Lao .01 .01
Latvia d/ .13 -
Lebanon .01 .01
Lesotho .01 .01
Liberia .01 .01
Libya .33 .33
Lithuania d/ .15 -
Luxembourg .07 �07
Madagascar .01 .01
Malawi .01 .01
Malaysia .13 .13
Maldives .01 .01
Mali .01 .01
Malta .01 .01
Mauritania .01 .01
Mauritius .01 .01
Mexico 1.10 1.12
Mongolia .01 .01
Morocco .05 .05
Mozambique .01 .01
Myanmar .01 .01
Namibia .01 .01
Nepal .01 .01
Netherlands 1.92 1.97
New Zealand .28 .29
Nicaragua .01 .01
Niger .01 .01
Nigeria .23 .24
Norway .64 .66
Oman .02 .02
Pakistan .07 .07
Panama .02 .02
Papua New Guinea .01 .01
Paraguay �04 .04
Peru .07 .07
Philippines .11 .11
Poland .65 .67
Portugal .21 .21
Qatar .06 .06
Romania .22 .23
Rwanda .01 .01
Saint Christopher and Nevis .01 .01
Saint Lucia .01 .01
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .01 .01
Samoa .01 .01
Sao Tome and Principe .01 .01
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 1.19 1.22
Senegal .01 .01
Seychelles .01 .01
Sierra Leone .01 .01
Solomon Islands .01 .01
Somalia .01 .01
Spain 2.27 2.33
Sri Lanka .01 .01
Sudan .01 .01
Suriname .01 .01
Swaziland .01 .01
Sweden 1.41 1.45
Switzerland c/ 1.26 1.29
Syria .05 .05
Tanzania .01 .01
Thailand .12 .12
Togo .01 .01
Tonga c/ .01 .01
Trinidad and Tobago .06 .06
Tunisia .04 .04
Turkey .37 .38
Uganda .01 .01
United Arab Emirates .22 .23
United Kingdom 5.66 5.80
United States of America 25.00 25.00
Uruguay .05 .05
Vanuatu .01 .01
Venezuela .66 .68
Viet Nam .01 .01
Yemen .01 .02
Yugoslavia .54 .55
Zaire .01 .01
Zambia .01 .01
Zimbabwe .02 .02
  100.00 100.00

a/ Derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessment for 1989-91 as adopted by General Assembly Resolution 43/223 of 21 December 1988.

b/ The Secretariat of the UN Committee on Contributions advised that "theoretical" probable rate of this member of FAO, which is not a member of the UN, would be the minimum rate, i.e. 0.01 per cent.

c/ The Contribution rates of these members which are not members of the United Nations are derived from the percentage rates at which they contribute to certain UN activities.

d/ New member admitted at the Twenty-sixth Session of the Conference, November 1991.


(November 1991 - November 1993)


Chairman:   Members
Germany (D.F.R. Bommer) Australia (J.B. Sharpe) Kuwait (F.H.J. Hayat)
  Barbados (R.C. Harris) Lesotho (G.P. Khojane)
  Canada (E.W. Weybrecht) Malaysia (B. Munip)
  Egypt (Y.A.M. Hamdi) Mexico (J.R. L�pez Portillo y Romano)
  India (V. Bhagwan) Tunisia (A. Ben Romdhane)



(November 1991 - November 1993)


Chairman:   Members
Costa Rica (C. di Mottola Balestra) Italy (G.L. Valenza) Pakistan (M.S. Khan)
  Lebanon (A. Abdel Malek) Philippines (H. M. Carandang)
  Morocco (M.M. Sinaceur) Switzerland (R. de Pourtal�s)
  Niger (S. Issaka) United States of America (G.J. Monroe)



(November 1991 - November 1993)

Chile Libya
France Sri Lanka
Italy United States of America



Term of office expiring Elected by FAO Council Elected by ECOSOC
31 December 1992 Australia (D) Finland (D)
  Bangladesh (B-ll) Hungary (E)
  Burkina Faso (A) India (B-II)
  Canada (D) Italy (D)
  Guinea (A) Sudan (A)
  Sri Lanka (B-ll) 2  
  United States of America (D) 2  
31 December 1993 Argentina (C) Belgium (D)
  Brazil (C) Egypt (A)
  Burundi (A) Japan (D)
  China (B-ll) Pakistan (B-ll)
  Netherlands (D) Sweden (D)
  Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of (B-l) 2  
  Tanzania (A) 2  
31 December 1994 Angola (A) Colombia (C)
  Cameroon (A) Cuba (C)
  Democratic People's Republic of Korea (B-ll)1 Ghana (A)
  France (D) Norway (D)
  Germany (D) United Kingdom (D)
  Mexico (C) 2  
  Romania (E) 2  

1 This seat rotates between B-II (1992-94) and B-I (1995-97)
2 To be elected by ECOSOC in February 1992


(as at 27 November 1991)


Afghanistan Gambia Norway
Albania Germany Oman
Algeria Ghana Pakistan
Angola Greece Panama
Antigua and Barbuda Grenada Papua New Guinea
Argentina Guatemala Paraguay
Australia Guinea Peru
Austria Guinea-Bissau Philippines
Bahamas Guyana Poland
Bahrain Haiti Portugal
Bangladesh Honduras Qatar
Barbados Hungary Romania
Belgium lceland Rwanda
Belize India Saint Kitts and Nevis
Benin Indonesia Saint Lucia
Bhutan Iran, Islamic Republic of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Bolivia Iraq Samoa
Botswana Ireland Sao Tome and Principe
Brazil Israel Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
Bulgaria Italy Senegal
Burkina Faso Jamaica Seychelles
Burundi Japan Sierra Leone
Cambodia Jordan Solomon Islands
Cameroon Kenya Somalia
Canada Korea, Republic of Spain
Cape Verde Kuwait Sri Lanka
Central African Republic Laos Sudan
Chad Latvia Suriname
Chile Lebanon Swaziland
China Lesotho Sweden
Colombia Liberia Switzerland
Comoros Libya Syria
Congo Lithuania Tanzania
Cook Islands Luxembourg Thailand
Costa Rica Madagascar Togo
C�te d'lvoire Malawi Tonga
Cuba Malaysia Trinidad and Tobago
Cyprus Maldives Tunisia
Czechoslovakia Mali Turkey
Democratic People's Rep. of Korea Malta Uganda
Denmark Mauritania United Arab Emirates
Djibouti Mauritius United Kingdom
Dominica Mexico United States of America
Dominican Republic Mongolia Uruguay
Ecuador Morocco Vanuatu
Egypt Mozambique Venezuela
El Salvador Myanmar Viet Nam
Equatorial Guinea Namibia Yemen
Estonia Nepal Yugoslavia
Ethiopia Netherlands Zaire
Fiji New Zealand Zambia
Finland Nicaragua Zimbabwe
France Niger  
Gabon Nigeria  


European Economic Community


Puerto Rico

ISBN 92-5-103165-7
ISSN 0071-6944

Contents -