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The future of RADISCON phase two

A RADISCON project was undertaken in 29 countries of the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel to improve or establish animal disease information at the national and regional levels through capacity building for disease surveillance and control of certain diseases.

Phase two RADISCON is intended to build on the achievements of the implementation of the first phase of RADISCON through:

In preparation for phase two, a questionnaire was sent to participating countries in order to receive their comments, suggestions, expectations and respective needs. Their responses are summarized below.

What are the strengths of disease surveillance and control systems in member countries?

How can RADISCON phase two improve national veterinary services?

What are the suggestions for developing mutual confidence?

What are the major weaknesses of animal disease surveillance and control systems?

Training requirements

Major constraints in controlling TADs

Expectations for RADISCON phase two

Preparing for RADISCON phase two

RADISCON phase two is intended to build on the achievements of RADISCON phase one to strengthen the national veterinary epidemiological units.

The project documents have been sent to donors (IFAD, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC], GCC) for partial funding.

IFAD has already shown interest in becoming a donor partner for RADISCON phase two. Radiscon phase one was due to end in December 2002 and there is a risk that the benefits derived from its efforts will be lost unless the necessary funding is secured.

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