Paper prepared by FAO on the occasion of the
United Nations Global Conference on the Sustainable
Development of Small Island Developing States
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Reprinted 1998
(c) FAO 1994
Rome, 1994
1 Macro-economic conditions and sustainable agriculture and rural development
2. Implications of the Uruguay round agreement on agriculture
II. Sustainable management of the natural resource base
1. Integrated coastal area management
2. Fisheries resourcesFisheries within the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)
High seas fisheriesLand-use choices
Watershed management
Greening activities
Protected areas and biological diversity
Plant genetic resources
Managing risk due to natural hazards
1. Diversification and intensification of primary production from renewable resources.
Promotion of the consumption of traditional foods and nutritional well-being
Diversification of agricultural commodities
Alternative use of crops
Integrated production systems
Forest products
Requirements for marketing and tradeTourism and the environment
Tourism and agriculture
Tourism and fisheries
Tourism and forestry
IV. Capacity-building for sustainable agriculture and rural development
1. Human resources development
2. Institutional strengthening
3. Legal instruments
4. Information systems
5. Technical cooperation and networking
The Bridgetown declaration
Conclusions and recommendations of the conferenceA. General recommendations and follow-up
B. Sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD)
C. Forest resources conservation and development
D. Coastal fisheries resources management and development