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4. Group discussions

Participants were divided into five groups for focused theme discussion:

Group 1 - Agriculture and rural development
Group 2 - Education and training
Group 3 - Youth employment
Group 4 - Support services
Group 5 - HIV/AIDS and drug abuse

Summaries of the group discussions/presentations

Group 1 discussed the challenges youth face in rural areas and practical solutions. In addition, they talked of: i) agricultural options that the youth consider appropriate for their involvement in agriculture, ii) obstacles youth face in involving themselves in agriculture and agricultural careers and iii) possible solutions.

The youth found the following options appropriate for their involvement in agriculture:

The following challenges were highlighted:

Practical solutions:

Group 2 discussed specific areas needing improvement, areas in which rural youth need training and possible service providers for them.

Areas needing improvement include:

Subjects in which rural youth need further training:

Potential service providers:

Group 3 discussed the following issues: i) opportunities available for youth in rural areas for employment, ii) what is required to enable youth to make use of such employment opportunities and iii) how youth can organize to enable them to make use of such employment opportunities.


Requirements to enable youth to make use of employment opportunities:

How to organize youth to enable the use of employment opportunities:

Group 4 discussed i) support services that are considered critical for the successful operation of rural-based youth and youth organizations, ii) the identification of support services providers and iii) specific recommendations that can be made for the improvement of support services targeting rural youth.

Critical issues for the successful operation of rural-based youth and youth organizations:



Group 5 discussed i) the causes of the problems rural youth face, ii) how currently available efforts and programmes targeting rural youth can be more successful and iii) what youth could do at local level to prevent and eradicate these problems.

Causes of the problems:

How could currently available efforts and programmes targeting rural youth be more successful?

How to prevent and eradicate the problems youth face:

Recommendations based on the group discussions/presentations

On the basis of the group discussions and presentations, the following priority recommendations were made by the workshop participants:

1. To develop and implement projects on crop, animal and fish production and marketing, targeting rural youth;

2. To establish microcredit funds offering low interest rates that target rural youth;

3. To expand the services of vocational training centres and youth vocational centres to address the needs and aspirations of rural youth, especially those living in remote areas;

4. To develop projects for rural youth on handicrafts, weaving skills and marketing; and

5. To establish and expand the services of information centres located in rural areas (including CLCs) to address the needs of rural youth.

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