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Recommendations of the Expert Group

In their discussions under Thematic Session 3 (Sharing experiences, international context and Networking) the experts developed a series of recommendations and follow-up actions to be carried out through sharing experiences and networking. It was agreed that a monitoring programme should incorporate existing environmental surveillance and ecological inventory data, and the available expertise in monitoring and taxonomy. They must also consider the organisms, functions, ecological and socio-economic processes that stakeholders value, and would seek to have protected. Post-release monitoring can work, even within the restricted resource levels, but only if there was a continuous engagement of all the stakeholders. This has to be fostered through formal and informal networks, alliances and initiatives which promote communication and information dissemination. The outcome of the monitoring programme must inform decision making. It should feed back the regulatory processes and policies that support the development of sustainable agricultural practices. The experts agreed to a monitoring system that would be implemented on a case by case basis and nested within broader environmental goals. It was more important to get imperfect monitoring systems up and running quickly, in circumstances where these are required, rather than wait until we have perfect systems.

In this context, the experts discussed the role and contribution of the international community in the process of establishing effective monitoring procedures, including UN agencies, CGIAR centres, and national and regional centres of excellence. The FAO and other international organizations have a major responsibility to start a process to develop a comprehensive understanding of country and local community needs with respect to post-release monitoring of GM crops. Their recommendations are as follows:

A. Scientists and International Community Managing Monitoring Programmes

B. Policy and Decision Makers at the Regional and National Level

C. FAO, CGIAR Centres and International Organizations

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