There are many potential effects on fisheries management of implementing through GFCM the IPOA - IUU and related areas of the IPOA - Capacity. An overall objective would be to restore the health of the Mediterranean fish stocks, and achieve long-term conservation and sustainable use of the resources through effective implementation. Depending on the measures and actions agreed, the following areas could be affected in a positive manner.
Management: Improved and integrated management, especially for shared and high seas fish stocks, could result from agreement to take actions under the IPOAs, such as to: further strengthen and integrate relevant databases including FAO registers as appropriate; develop monitoring mechanisms for fishing effort and activities; improve stock evaluation; implement management measures; and develop and cooperate in a range of MCS activities.
Enhanced cooperation: Cooperation is central to effective implementation, and could take place among GFCM members, as well as between GFCM and its members, other RFMOs, bodies, states and entities. Enhanced cooperation has the potential of building alliances that extend past the GFCM Area and positively affecting global efforts to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing activities.
Strengthened implementation of flag State responsibility: Of the corpus of measures in the resolutions and decisions taken by RFMOs relating to implementation of the IPOA - IUU, many are said to have achieved a reduction of IUU fishing by resulting in the strengthened implementation of flag State responsibility.
Institutional strengthening: Reference is made in the IPOAs to institutional strengthening, and this would be an important component of implementation if current institutional arrangements are inadequate to cater to agreed priorities and plans.
Strengthened national fisheries management: National implementation and harmonization of regionally-agreed management actions and measures could serve to strengthen fisheries management. In particular, the adoption of NPOAs would assist in strengthening action against IUU fishing in areas under national jurisdiction or in respect of flag vessels.
Focus for development assistance: Where GFCM developing, least developed or small island developing member countries do not currently have the capacity or legal framework for implementation and harmonization of regional fisheries management measures, this could serve as a focus for development/technical assistance, thereby improving national and regional fisheries management.
Implementation of the IPOA - IUU and relevant parts of the IPOA - Capacity have the potential of transforming management, in a cooperative and coordinated manner, so that sustainable fisheries can be achieved. The measure of success in this regard will depend on the commitment and vision of GFCM members, and long-term planning. The guideposts reviewed in this document, together with the global dedication to addressing IUU fishing, provide a solid foundation for future action. The need for such action is evident.