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Appendix 1. GFCM Members - International fisheries instruments

Signatures, adherences, ratifications

August 2003





23 June 2003


11 June 1996


15 May 1996


5 April 1995


12 December 1998

19 July 2000

25 September 2002

European Community

1 April 1998

6 August 1996

Member competence[111]


26 August 1983

14 August 2001


11 April 1996


21 July 1995





13 January 1995



20 June 1996

20 June 2000



5 January 1995




20 May 1993

11 November 2001


20 March 1996

9 June 1999



30 January 2001



17 December 1996

4 August 1997

Serbia and Montenegro

12 March 2001


16 June 1995


15 January 1997



13 November 2002


24 April 1985


Appendix 2. Definition of IUU fishing

Illegal fishing refers to fishing activities:

(1) conducted by national or foreign vessels in waters under the jurisdiction of a State, without the permission of that State, or in contravention of its laws and regulations;

(2) conducted by vessels flying the flag of states that are parties to a relevant regional fisheries management organization but operate in contravention of the conservation and management measures adopted by that organization and by which the states are bound, or relevant provisions of the applicable international law; or

(3) in violation of national laws or international obligations, including those undertaken by cooperating states to a relevant regional fisheries management organization.

Unreported fishing refers to fishing activities:

(1) which have not been reported, or have been misreported, to the relevant national authority, in contravention of national laws and regulations; or

(2) undertaken in the area of competence of a relevant regional fisheries management organization which have not been reported or have been misreported, in contravention of the reporting procedures of that organization.

Unregulated fishing refers to fishing activities:

(1) in the area of application of a relevant regional fisheries management organization that are conducted by vessels without nationality, or by those flying the flag of a State not party to that organization, or by a fishing entity, in a manner that is not consistent with or contravenes the conservation and management measures of that organization; or

(2) in areas or for fish stocks in relation to which there are no applicable conservation or management measures and where such fishing activities are conducted in a manner inconsistent with State responsibilities for the conservation of living marine resources under international law.[112]

Appendix 3. Summary description of actions and measures in key parts of IPOA - IUU


International Instruments: Give full effect to international law and implement relevant international instruments.

National Legislation: should address all aspects of IUU fishing, including evidentiary standards and admissibility including, as appropriate, the use of electronic evidence and new technologies In particular, measures relating to the following should be addressed:

- State Control over Nationals

- Vessels without Nationality

- Sanctions to be of sufficient severity, and applied consistently and transparently

- Non-cooperating states to a relevant regional fisheries management organization which engage in IUU fishing.

- Economic Incentives

- Avoid conferring economic support, including subsidies, to companies, vessels or persons that are involved in IUU fishing.

- Monitoring, Control and Surveillance

- Actions to undertake comprehensive and effective monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) of fishing from its commencement, through the point of landing, to final destination

National Plans of Action: Give full effect to the IPOA’s provisions as an integral part of their fisheries management programmes and budgets.

Cooperation between states: Coordinate activities and cooperate directly, and through RFMOs.

Publicity: Publicize widely, including through cooperation with other states, full details of IUU fishing and actions taken to eliminate it.

Technical Capacity and Resources: Make available the technical capacity and resources which are needed to implement the IPOA.


Fishing Vessel Registration: Responsibilities of flag States to ensure, before it registers a fishing vessel, that it can exercise its responsibility to ensure that the vessel does not engage in IUU fishing, and to avoid flagging vessels with a history of non-compliance except under certain situations.

Record of Fishing Vessels: Should be kept, information requirements.

Authorization to Fish: For flag vessels in waters outside flag State sovereignty or jurisdiction, information requirements.


The measures elaborated by the IPOA - IUU which coastal states should consider, consistent with national legislation and international law, and to the extent practicable and appropriate, include:

- effective monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing activities in the EEZ;

- cooperation and exchange of information with other states and RFMOs;

- requiring vessels to have a valid authorization to fish in coastal State waters;

- ensure that an authorization to fish is issued only if the vessel concerned is entered on a record of vessels;

- ensure that each vessel fishing in its waters maintains a logbook;

- ensure that at-sea transshipment and processing of fish and fish products in coastal State waters are authorized by that coastal State, or conducted in conformity with appropriate management regulations;

- regulation of fishing access to its waters in a manner which will help to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing; and

- avoiding licensing vessels with a history of IUU fishing.


Prior Notice: Require prior notice for port access in order to ascertain whether the vessel may have engaged in, or supported, IUU fishing.

Prohibition: Where there is clear evidence of IUU fishing activity, prohibit landings or transshipments in port, and should report the matter to the flag State of the vessel.

Publicity: Publicize ports to which foreign flagged vessels may be admitted, ensure capacity for inspections.

Collection of Information: Port states to collect specified information and remit to the flag State and RFMO.

Report IUU Fishing to flag State, coastal State, RFMO: The port State may take other action with the consent of, or upon the request of, the flag State.

Port State control strategy, procedures: Establish and publicize.

Compatible measures for port State control of fishing vessels: Cooperation to develop.

Presumption of IUU Fishing: Develop within RFMOs presumption of IUU fishing by non-members of RFMOs where they have not agreed to cooperate, and are engaged in fishing activities, and appropriate port State measures.

Cooperation: Enhance among relevant RFMOs and states.


Prevent Importation or Trade of IUU Caught Fish: Trade measures to be used in exceptional circumstances where other measures unsuccessful, avoid unilateral imposition.

International trade measures: To be transparent, based on scientific evidence, in accordance with internationally agreed rules.

Multilateral RFMO trade - related measures: Trade in specific fish and fish products must not encourage IUU fishing or undermine the effectiveness of conservation and management measures.

Trade-related measures: Could include multilateral catch documentation and certification requirements, import and export controls or prohibitions.

Stock or species-specific trade-related measures: To reduce or eliminate the economic incentive for vessels to engage in IUU fishing.

Transparency of markets: Increase to allow the traceability of fish or fish products.

Assist other states: In deterring trade in fish and fish products illegally harvested in its jurisdiction.

Ensure awareness of detrimental effects of doing business: For importers, transshippers, buyers, consumers, equipment suppliers, bankers, insurers, other services suppliers and the public of doing business with IUU vessels, or for fishers doing business with importers, transshippers, buyers, consumers, equipment suppliers, bankers, insurers and other services suppliers identified as doing business with IUU vessels, through legislation prohibiting such business or trade.

Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System: Should be used.

Certification and documentation requirements: Should be standardized, electronic schemes developed.


States should encourage scientific research on methods of identifying fish species from samples of processed products. FAO should facilitate the establishment of a network of databases of genetic and other markers used to identify fish species from processed product, including the ability to identify the stock of origin where possible.


See Summary in Appendix 4.


Cooperation to support training and capacity building and consider providing financial, technical and other assistance to developing countries, so that they can more fully meet their commitments under the IPOA. Cooperation by states, with the support of FAO and relevant international financial institutions and mechanisms to enable:

- review and revision of national legislation and regional regulatory frameworks;
- the improvement and harmonization of fisheries and related data collection;
- the strengthening of regional institutions;
- the strengthening and enhancement of integrated MCS systems, including satellite monitoring systems.


States and RFMOs to report to FAO on progress to FAO as part of biennial reporting on the Code of Conduct.


Among other responsibilities, COFI is to biennially evaluate the progress towards the implementation of the IPOA.

Appendix 4. Summary description of paragraphs in IPOA - IUU on regional fisheries management organizations

Paragraph number

Summary description of paragraph


Compliance with RFMOs policies and measures, establishment of RFMOs: States should ensure compliance with and enforcement of relevant RFMOs policies and measures having a bearing on IUU fishing, and cooperate in the establishment of RFMOs in regions where none currently exist.


Non-members: non-members are not discharged from their obligation to cooperate with RFMOs, and should agree to apply the conservation and management measures or adopt consistent measures, and ensure that vessels entitled to fly their flag do not undermine such measures.


Measures on IUU fishing: States, acting through relevant RFMOs, should take action to strengthen and develop innovative ways to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. Consideration should be given to including the following measures:

  • institutional strengthening;

  • development of compliance measures in conformity with international law;

  • development and implementation of comprehensive arrangements for mandatory reporting;

  • establishment of and cooperation in the exchange of information on vessels engaged in or supporting IUU fishing;

  • development and maintenance of records of vessels fishing in the area of competence of a relevant RFMO, including those authorized to fish and those engaged in or supporting IUU fishing;

  • development of methods of compiling and using trade information to monitor IUU fishing;

  • development of MCS, including promoting for implementation by its members in their respective jurisdictions, unless otherwise provided for in an international agreement, real time catch and vessel monitoring systems, other new technologies, monitoring of landings, port control, and inspections and regulation of transshipment, as appropriate;

  • development within a RFMO, where appropriate, of boarding and inspection regimes consistent with international law, recognizing the rights and obligations of masters and inspection officers;

  • development of observer programmes;

  • where appropriate, market-related measures in accordance with the IPOA;

  • definition of circumstances in which vessels will be presumed to have engaged in or to have supported IUU fishing;

  • development of education and public awareness programmes;

  • development of action plans; and

  • where agreed by their members, examination of chartering arrangements, if there is concern that these may result in IUU fishing.


Compilation and dissemination of information: States, acting through relevant RFMOs should compile and make available on a timely basis, and at least on an annual basis, to other RFMOs and to FAO, information relevant to the prevention, deterrence and elimination of IUU fishing, including:

  • estimates of the extent, magnitude and character of IUU activities in the area of competence of the regional fisheries management organization;

  • details of measures taken to deter, prevent and eliminate IUU fishing;

  • records of vessels authorized to fish, as appropriate; and

  • records of vessels engaged in IUU fishing.


Objectives of institutional and policy strengthening: Objectives should include enabling RFMOs to:

  • determine policy objectives regarding IUU fishing, both internally and for co-ordination with other RFMOs;

  • strengthen institutional mechanisms as appropriate, including mandate, functions, finance, decision making, reporting or information requirements and enforcement schemes, for the optimum implementation of policies in relation to IUU fishing;

  • regularize coordination with institutional mechanisms of other RFMOs as far as possible in relation to IUU fishing, in particular information, enforcement and trade aspects; and

  • ensure timely and effective implementation of policies and measures internally, and in cooperation with other RFMOs and relevant regional and international organizations.


Cooperation with non-contracting parties: States, acting through RFMOs, should encourage non-contracting parties with a real interest in the fishery concerned to join and to participate fully. Where this is not possible, the RFMOs should encourage and facilitate the participation and cooperation of non-contracting parties. RFMOs should address access to the resource to foster cooperation and enhance sustainability in the fishery. States, acting through RFMOs, should also assist, as necessary, non-contracting parties in the implementation of paragraphs 78 and 79 of the IPOA.


Failure to ensure flag vessels/nationals do not engage in IUU fishing activities: When a State fails to ensure that its flag vessels or, to the greatest extent possible, its nationals, do not engage in IUU fishing activities, member states, acting through a relevant RFMO, should draw the problem to the attention of that State. If the problem is not rectified, members of the RFMO may agree to adopt appropriate measures, through agreed procedures, in accordance with international law.

Appendix 5. Resolutions and other decisions of some regional fisheries management organizations relating to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities


Flagging and Licensing of Non-Contracting Party Vessels

Resolution 13/XIX (2000)

This Resolution urges all Contracting Parties, consistent with their domestic legislation, to avoid flagging a non-Contracting Party vessel or licensing such a vessel to fish in waters under their fisheries jurisdiction, if that vessel has a history of IUU fishing in the Convention Area.

Catch Documentation Scheme: Implementation by Acceding States and Non-Contracting Parties

Resolution 14/XIX (2000)

All Acceding States and non-Contracting Parties not participating in the Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS) which fish for, or trade in, Dissostichus spp. are urged to implement the Scheme as soon as possible, and the CCAMLR Secretariat and members are requested to make appropriate representations to such States and Parties.

Commission members are reminded of their obligation under the CDS to prevent trade in Dissotichus spp. in their territory, or by their flag vessels, with Acceding States or non-Contracting Parties when it is not carried out in compliance with the Scheme. The issue will be continue to be reviewed.

Use of Ports not Implementing the Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp.

Resolution 15/XIX (2000)

This Resolution urges Contracting Parties:

  • not to use ports of Acceding States and non-Contracting Parties which are not implementing the CDS for Dissostichus spp., where they are unable to provide an authorized flag State official(s) to monitor a landing;

  • to attach to the authorization to fish a list of all Acceding States and non-Contracting Parties that are implementing the CDS.

Use of VMS and other Measures for the Verification of CDS Catch Data for Areas Outside the Convention Area, in particular, in FAO Statistical Area 51

Resolution 17/XX (2001)

Concerned that the Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp. (CDS) could be used to disguise IUU catches of Dissostichus spp. in order to gain legal access to markets, this Resolution urges participating States to ensure that Dissostichus Catch Documents (DCDs) relating to landings or imports are checked to verify that the information is consistent with data reports derived from a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS).

It urges States participating in the CDS to consider reviewing their domestic laws and regulations, with a view to prohibiting landings/transshipments/imports of Dissostichus spp. if the flag State fails to demonstrate that it verified the DCD using automated satellite-linked VMS derived data reports.

It also requests the Scientific Committee to review relevant data outside the Convention Area to assist in the conservation and management of Dissostichus stocks and in defining the areas and potential biomasses which could be landed/imported/exported under the CDS.

Flags of Non-compliance

Resolution 19/XXI (2002)

The Resolution refers to the lack of effective control over fishing vessels by some flag States, especially non-contracting Parties, leads to IUU catches of fish, and the practice of flagging or reflagging vessels as a means of avoiding compliance is among the factors that seriously undermine the effectiveness of conservation and management measures. Noting the IPOA - IUU, the Resolution urges all contracting and non-contracting parties to:

  • take measures or cooperate to ensure that their nationals do not support or engage in IUU fishing, including engagement on board flag of non-compliance (FONC) vessels;

  • ensure full cooperation of relevant national agencies and industries in implementing CCAMLR measures;

  • develop ways to ensure that the export or transfer of fishing vessels from a FONC State is prohibited;

  • Prohibit the landings and transshipments of fish and fish products from FONC vessels.


Action Plan

Report of the Sixth Annual Meeting, Second Part, Attachment I (2000)

The Resolution notes that a significant number of non-Party vessels are catching southern bluefin tuna (SBT), and refers to the strenuous efforts by Parties to encourage non-Parties to accede to the Convention or cooperate with the Commission, and to deter non-Party fishing which could adversely affect the objective of the Convention. It:

  • requests non-members catching SBT to cooperate fully and advise it of actions taken;

  • calls for identification by the CCSBT non-member fishing that diminishes the effectiveness of conservation and management measures;

  • provides procedures for communicating with non-members to request them to rectify their fishing activities;

  • refers to the possibility that the Commission may decide to impose trade-restrict measures.

Subsequent meetings have agreed that there was value in preparing a list of IUU vessels and the Trade Information Scheme (TIS) would be used to assist in this respect.[113]

Southern Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document Program

Decision of the Sixth Annual Meeting, Second Part

Attachment J (2000)

This decision provides for a Trade Information Scheme (TIS) requiring all SBT to be accompanied by a CCSBT Southern Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document for importation into the territory of a member. The Program provides for:

  • required information;

  • validation;

  • exchange of information;

  • record and reports; and

  • re-export.

Subsequent meetings have considered implementation of the TIS and its value for reducing IUU fishing activities.[114]


Registration and Exchange of Information on Vessels, Including Flag of Convenience Vessels, Fishing for Tropical Tunas in the IOTC Area of Competence

Recommendation 98/04 (1998)

This Recommendation requires Contracting Parties and cooperating non-Contracting Parties (CPCs):

  • to submit a list of their vessels greater than 24 meters that have fished during the previous year, with specified information. (This also applies to Contracting Parties that issue licences to foreign vessels in the Convention Area);

  • to notify the Secretary of any information concerning fishing vessels not covered by the above but are presumed to be fishing for tropical tunas in the Area.

The Secretary must request the flag State of vessels presumed to be fishing for tropical tunas in the Area to take necessary measures to prevent the vessel from fishing.

Management of Fishing Capacity and the Reduction of the Catch of Juvenile Bigeye Tuna by Vessels, Including Flag of Convenience Vessels, Fishing for Tropical Tunas in the IOTC Area of Competence

Recommendation 99/01 (1999)

This Recommendation recalls the IPOA - Capacity and notes that if the catch of bigeye tuna continues at high levels, the stock is likely to become overexploited. Very concerned that IUU fishing activities by large-scale tuna vessels have continued to increase, severely diminishing the potential effectiveness of IOTC conservation and management measures and impeding stock assessment, IOTC:

  • undertakes to adopt concerted actions to limit the fishing capacity of large-scale vessels fishing for tropical tunas to the appropriate level;

  • engages to adopt at its session in 2000, a season and area closure of the use of floating objects in the Area of Competence on the basis of specified scientific advice;

· urges CPCs to fulfil their obligation concerning the transmission of the list of fishing vessels.

Calling for Actions Against Fishing Activities by Large Scale Flag of Convenience Longline Vessels

Recommendation 99/02 (1999)

This Recommendation expresses concern that fishing activities by large scale flag of convenience (FOC) tuna longline vessels in the IOTC Areas have continued and increased, and notes that many vessels have reflagged to avoid compliance with IOTC measures. Aware that most of the vessels are owned and operated by Taiwan Province of china (TPC) entities and almost all their products are being exported to Japan, the Resolution welcomes the development of the IPOA - IUU fishing including FOC. Further action to be taken by CPCs to deter FOC fishing activities is resolved, including:

  • ensuring that their flag vessels do not engage in IUU fishing (e.g. by means of denying licences);

  • refusing port access to FOC vessels engaged in activities that diminish the effectiveness of IOTC measures;

  • taking action consistent with relevant laws to:

    - urge their importers, transporters and other concerned business people to refrain from transactions/transshipments in tuna and tuna-like species caught by vessels carrying out FOC activities;

    - urge manufacturers and business people to prevent their vessels and equipment/devices from being used for FOC operations. inform the general public;

  • monitoring and exchange of information;

  • repatriation or scrapping of FOC vessels undermining IOTC measures;

  • instructing the IOTC Secretariat to prepare possible measures to prevent or eliminate FOC fishing activities, including restrictive trade measures.

Support of the IPOA - IUU Plan

Recommendation 01/07 (2001)

This Recommendation supports the IPOA - IUU, and calls for the identification to IOTC of vessels engaged in IUU activities through agreed procedures in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. IOTC should then establish the exchange of information on vessels engaged in or supporting IUU fishing, including trade information.

The Establishment of an IOTC Programme of Inspection in Port

Recommendation 02/01 (2002)

This Recommendation notes that port inspection is a central element of a control and inspection programme, and that it can be, in particular, an effective tool to fight against IUU fishing. Measures taken in accordance with the IOTC Agreement are to take full account of the right and duty of the Port State in accordance with international law. More specifically, it:

  • provides for port State inspections;

  • describes elements of and priorities for the inspection;

  • requires Contracting Parties to adopt regulations to prohibit landings and transshipments by non-Contracting Party vessels where it has been established that the catch has been taken in a manner which undermines the effectiveness of conservation and management measures adopted by the Commission;

  • requires the Port State to draw evidence of any violation of an IOTC measure to the attention of the flag State concerned and as appropriate the IOTC.

On Establishing a List of Vessels Presumed to Have Carried Out Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing In the IOTC Area

Recommendation 02/04 (2002)

Conscious of the need to address, as a matter of priority, the issue of large-scale fishing vessels conducting IUU fishing activities, this Recommendation sets evidentiary criteria for a presumption that fishing vessels flying the flag of a non-Contracting Party have carried out IUU fishing activities in the IOTC Area. It:

  • calls on CPCs to transmit to the Secretary annually a list of vessels flying the flag of a non-Contracting Party presumed to be carrying out IUU fishing activities in the IOTC Area during the current and previous year;

  • describes procedures, including consideration by the Compliance Committee, that lead to the adoption of a list of IUU fishing vessels;

  • describes measures to be taken against such vessels.

The Establishment of an IOTC Record of Vessels over 24 metres Authorized to Operate in the IOTC Area

Recommendation 02/05 (2002)

The IOTC notes that large-scale fishing vessels are highly mobile and easily change fishing grounds from one ocean to another, and have a high potential of operating in the IOTC area without timely registration with the Commission. Recalling that the IPOA - IUU stipulates that RFBs should take action to deal with IUU fishing and in particular to establish records of vessels authorized and records of vessels engaged in or supporting IUU fishing, the IOTC adopts the following:

  • an IOTC Record of fishing vessels larger than 24 metres (large scale fishing vessels, or "LSFV") is to be established;

  • for the purposes of this Recommendation, LSFVs not entered into the Record are deemed not be be authorized to fish for, retain on board, transship or land tuna and tuna-like species;

  • information to be submitted by CPCs;

  • measures CPCs must take to ensure compliance and prevent their flag vessels with a history of IUU fishing activities from fishing/being included on the IOTC Record (unless there are new owners and evidence to the contrary);

  • measures CPCs must take to validate statistical information and ensure that species covered by Statistical Document Programs are accompanied by required documentation when imported by Contracting Party.

  • procedures where vessels not on the IOTC Record are fishing or transshipping tuna and tuna-like species in the IOTC Area.

Measures to Prevent the Launering of Catches by IUU Large-Scale Tuna Longline Fishing Vessels (LSTLFVs)

Recommendation 02/07 (2002)

Taking into account the need to implement the IPOA - IUU, and gravely concerned that a significant amount of catches by the IUU fishing vessels are believed to be transferred under the names of licensed fishing vessels, the IOTC recommends:

  • CPCs should ensure that their licensed large-scale tuna longline fishing vessels (LSTLFVs) have prior authorization for at sea or in port transshipment and obtain the validated Statistical Document prior to transshipment;

  • CPCs should ensure transshipments are consistent with the reported catch amount and require transshipment reports;

  • CPS that import tuna and tuna-like species caught by LSTLFVs should require transporters to ensure that Statistical Documents are issued prior to transshipment in their ports. Documents to be submitted directly after transshipment.


Fishing by Vessels of non-Parties

Resolution (2000)

The IATTC, referring to the principles of the Code of Conduct and the Compliance Agreement and addressing fishing by non-Parties, recommends to the High Contracting Parties that they:

  • gather and exchange information on such fishing vessels that could undermine IATTC conservation and management measures;

  • request the Director to communicate with the flag State governments of such vessels and report to members so they may take appropriate measures.

Regional Vessel Register

Resolution (2000)

The IATTC, referring to the principles of the Code of Conduct and the Compliance Agreement and addressing the need for pertinent information relative to the fishing operations in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), recommends to the High Contracting Parties that they:

  • request the Director to establish and maintain a record of vessels authorized to fish in the Convention area, on the basis of specified information and procedures;

  • request non-members with vessels fishing in the EPO to provide the specified information and follow the terms of the Resolution.

Fishing by Vessels of non-Parties

Resolution (2000)

This Resolution provides the conditions for not including a vessel in the Regional Vessel Register. The Director must:

  • compile a list of vessels identified as fishing in the EPO that is not a flag vessel of a member or cooperating State;

  • communicate with the flag State requesting specific information;

  • report on the above matters to the Commission, which may then determine that a vessel may be placed on a list of non-cooperating vessels.

Establishment of a List of Longline Fishing Vessels over 24 meters (LSTLFVs) Authorized to Operate in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

Resolution C-03-07 (2003)

Recalling that the IPOA - IUU stipulates that RFBs should take action to deal with IUU fishing and in particular to establish records of vessels authorized and records of vessels engaged in or supporting IUU fishing, this Resolution establishes and sets requirements for a list of LSTLFVs over 24 meters authorized to fish in the EPO. It includes:

  • information requirements;

  • procedures;

  • extensive duties of flag CPCs on the List, including taking measures relating to LSTLFVs on, and not on the list;

  • duties of the Director and the Commission.

Attaining the Status of Cooperating Non-Party or Cooperating Fishing Entity to AIDCP and IATCC

Resolution C-03-11 (2003)

This Resolution refers to the urgent need to develop criteria to establish the conditions under which the status of cooperating non-party of cooperating fishing entity is determined in the Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP) and IATTC, and sets the following requirements:

  • information requirements;

  • compliance requirements;

  • participation at plenary and scientific meetings as observers.


IBSFC Fishery Rules

Rule 2

With a view to achieve a better utilization of existing fishing possibilities of the fish stocks subject to regulations agreed by the Baltic Commission, transfers can be made between Contracting Parties, subject to specified procedures.

Vessels flying a flag other than the a Contracting Party in whose waters they are fishing, outside a fisheries agreement between Contracting Parties or with a third country, must have a specific authorization from the authorities of that Contracting Party and the flag State. The Contracting Party must, prior to the commencement of the fishery, inform the Secretariat the conditions under which this fishery can take place, including specified information. Further procedures are specified, including logbook requirements, provision of a list of authorized vessels to the Commission, changes and circulation of information.

Other paragraphs of this rule cover requirements for the Contracting Parties to provide statistical information to the Commission inter alia on catches and landings, and requirements to refuse landings of cod which have been transshipped. A Contracting Party shall refuse landings of vessels from other Contracting Parties of species of which the relevant national quota is exhausted.


Transshipments and Vessel Sightings

Recommendation 97-11

This Resolution addresses the problem of stateless vessels that may threaten the integrity of ICCAT measures. Contracting Parties:

  • must immediately report to ICCAT any sightings of vessels that appear to be without nationality that may be fishing for ICCAT species;

  • may board and inspect the vessel on the high seas where there are reasonable grounds to suspect it is stateless;

  • may, where evidence warrants, take action in accordance with international law

  • are encouraged to establish points of contact to facilitate cooperation and other appropriate actions.

Unreported and Unregulated Catches of Tunas by Large-scale Longline Vessels in the Convention Area

Resolution 98-18 (1998)

This Resolution recognizes that a large number of longline vessels were not reporting catches or respecting ICCAT conservation measures, and were transferring their flag to avoid trade restrictive measures. It specifies information the Commission is to request of certain importing countries in relation to such activities, in order that it can be reviewed with a view to adoption by the Commission of effective measures to prevent the vessels from continuing operations.

Calling for Further Actions against Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing Activities by Large Scale Longline Vessels in the Convention Area and Other Areas Resolution 99-11 (1999)

Concerned that IUU fishing activities by large scale tuna longline vessels in the Convention Area have continued and increased, and aware that many vessels are shirting their flag from Non-Contracting Parties to Contracting Parties, this Resolution also notes that most of the vessels are owned and operated by Chinese Taipei’s business entities while almost all of their products are exported to Japan.

The Resolution calls for parties, cooperating non-parties, entities or fishing entities to ensure that LSTLFVs do not carry out IUU fishing in the Convention Area and other Areas, and directs them to take every possible action to urge businesses to refrain from engaging in transactions and transshipments of tuna and tuna-like species caught by vessels carrying out IUU fishing activities in the Convention Area and elsewhere.

The Commission also praises and urges Chinese Taipei’s effort to register Chinese Taipei built vessels engaged in IUU fishing and urges Japan to scrap Japan-built vessel engaged in IUU fishing activities in the Convention Area and elsewhere.

The Need for New Approaches to Deter Activities that Diminish the Effectiveness of ICCAT Conservation and Management Measures

Resolution 99-12 (1999)

This Resolution expresses concern that despite the adoption of conservation and management measures, more than half of the major stocks of species continue to be at levels below that necessary to maintain maximum sustainable catch and most other stocks appear to be at or near full exploitation levels. Aware that flag States remain unable or unwilling to fulfil responsibilities in the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement and the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement, and convinced that new measures and approaches are needed beyond those already adopted, the Resolution:

  • expresses the Commission’s full endorsement of the FAO initiative to develop the IPOA - IUU;

  • calls upon Contracting Parties to become parties to the instruments;

  • encourages CPCs to participate in efforts called for in the IPOA - Capacity.

To Enhance the Effectiveness of the ICCAT Measures to Eliminate Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing Activities by Large-scale Tuna Longline Vessels in the Convention Area and Other Areas

Supplemental Resolution 00-19 (1999)

Concerned that a substantial number of owners of IUU LSTLFVs, most being Chinese Taipei’s business entities, are still trying to continue IUU fishing by changing flag, vessel name and/or ownership, and that de-registered IUU vessels are trying to find new hosts, this Resolution:

  • urges Japan and Japan and Chinese Taipei to take the necessary measures to complete the scrapping of IUU vessels built in Japan and the re-registration of IUU vessels built in Chinese Taipei and owned by its residents to Chinese Taipei registry;

  • requests contracting parties and others to intensify the actions in Resolution 99-11; and

  • requests Japan and Chinese Taipei to report any changes to relevant information.

Further Defining the Scope of IUU Fishing

Resolution 01-18 (2001)

Recognizing that the IPOA - IUU defines IUU fishing, the Resolution calls on all relevant parties to take every possible action to ensure concerned business people refrain from engaging in transaction and transshipment of tuna caught by IUU fishing vessels. This includes fishing not in compliance with relevant ICCAT conservation and management measures, in the Convention area or elsewhere.

More Effective Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate IUU Fishing by Tuna Longline Vessels

Resolution 01-19 (2001)

This Resolution addresses the problems in preparing a list of IUU fishing vessels from various trade data, including name and flag changes by vessels, and notes that a significant amount of IUU catch are believed to be transferred under the names of licensed vessels. A majority of the crew onboard the IUU tuna longline vessels are residents of the Contracting Parties and others associated with ICCAT.

A working group meeting is called in 2002 to work out more effective measures to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing, taking into account the IPOA - IUU. Terms of reference and follow-up for the meeting are set, and actions of the contracting parties and others are suggested.

A Management Standard for the Large-Scale Tuna Longline Fishery

Resolution 01-20 (2001)

Recognizing the difficulty in control and management of LSTLFVs, due to their mobility between oceans, transfer of catches to the market without going through flag countries, shifting of flags to Contracting Parties with less management ability and changing vessel names and nominal owners, this Resolution encourages:

  • CPCs to take provisional measures to meet specified minimum standards for licence issuance, and report to ICCAT on specified format; and

  • continuous review of the measures.

Establishment of a List of Vessels Presumed to have carried out IUU Fishing Activities in the ICCAT Convention Area

Recommendation 02-23 (2002)

This recommendation recalls that the IPOA - IUU stipulates that the identification of the vessels carrying out IUU activities should follow agreed procedures and be applied in an equitable, transparent and non-discriminatory way. It recognizes continued IUU activity especially by vessels that have been re-flagged to avoid compliance and evade ICCAT trade measures, and states determination to address this by way of countermeasures. The recommendation:

  • establishes evidentiary criteria for a presumption that IUU fishing has been carried out;

  • requires CPCs to transmit annually to ICCAT a list of non-Contracting Party vessels presumed to be carrying out IUU activities in the Convention Area, and sets subsequent procedures by the Secretariat;

  • provides measures that CPCs must take under their applicable legislation in respect of vessels on the IUU list, including refusing to grant their flag to listed vessels, encouraging importers, transporters and others to refrain from transaction and transshipment of tuna caught by listed vessels, and prohibiting:

    - flag vessels from participating in transshipment with listed vessels
    - landings or transshipments from listed vessels voluntarily in ports
    - chartering listed vessels
    - imports, landings, transshipments of tuna and tuna-like species from listed vessels;

  • provides for publicity and dissemination of IUU list with other RFBs.

Implementation of the Recommendation Concerning the ICCAT Record of Vessels

Resolution 02-24 (2002)

The Resolution notes that despite the establishment of an ICCAT Record of Vessels over 24 meters authorized to operate in the Convention Area under Recommendation 02-22, a hundred LSTLFVs are believed to continue IUU fishing in the Convention Area and elsewhere, and identifies action to be taken:

  • by the Executive Secretary to identify newly listed vessels;

  • by the Compliance Committee and Working Group to examine possible involvement of the remaining IUU vessels on the ICCAT Record.

Measures to Prevent the Laundering of Catches by Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Large-scale Tuna Longline Fishing Vessels

Resolution 02-25 (2002)

Taking into account the need to implement the IPOA - IUU, concerned that a significant number of catches by IUU fishing vessels are believed to be transferred under the names of licensed vessels and building on previous recommendations to improve control over transshipments, this Resolution calls upon CPCs:

  • in respect of transshipments, to ensure that their licensed large-scale tuna longlining vessels have prior authorization and validated documentation, and that reports are made and validated;

  • in respect of importing tuna and tuna-like species caught by large-scale tuna longlining vessels, to obligate transporters that intend to land such species in their port to submit required documentation prior to and immediately after the transshipment.

Concerning Cooperative Actions to Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Activities by Large Scale Tuna Longline Vessels

Resolution 02-26 (2002)

The Working Group formed by Resolution 01-19 encouraged collaborative work between Chinese Taipei and Japan to study further the involvement of the former’s residents and licensed vessels in IUU fishing, and to work out effective measures to prevent such involvement. This Resolution encourages such collaboration, and urges:

  • Japan to work closely with the flag States of LSTLFVs, and implement the 2002 ICCAT Recommendation to establish a Record of Vessels over 24 meters authorized to operate in the Convention Area;

  • Chinese Taipei to consider appropriate domestic legislation to improve its control its residents that invest in or otherwise support or engage in IUU fishing;

  • Contracting Parties and others associated with ICCAT to urge their residents from engaging in or associating with activities that support IUU fishing.

Regarding Process and Criteria for ICCAT IUU Trade Restrictive Measures

Resolution 02-27 (2002)

Recognizing the desirability of implementing the IPOA - IUU, and the range of valuable tools already developed by ICCAT for doing so, this Resolution:

  • calls for a Working Group to develop criteria and a process for the fair, transparent and consistent application of ICCAT measures, including trade restrictive measures, to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing; and

  • specifies terms of reference and minimum documentation to be considered.


Fishing for Salmon on the High Seas

Resolution CNL(92)54 (1992)

Taking into account the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, NASCO’s prohibition on high seas fishing and non-parties fishing for salmon on the high seas despite appeals by NASCO to cease fishing activities, this Resolution calls for:

  • measures to encourage non-contracting parties to sign and comply with the NASCO Protocol;

  • encourages the Contracting Parties to report sightings of high seas fishing activities that may undermine NASCO’s conservation measures;

  • requests NASCO to take a number of measures, including collection, compilation and dissemination of relevant information.


Scheme to Promote Compliance by Non-Contracting Party Vessels with Recommendations Established by NEAFC

Recommendation (1998)

The Recommendation is directed at non-Contracting Party vessels engaged in fishing activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction in the high seas in the Convention Area ("the Regulatory Area"), and:

  • creates a presumption that a non-Contracting Party vessel sighted in the Regulatory Area engaging in fishing activities is undermining the effectiveness of NEAFC Recommendations (it also applies to other vessels involved in transshipment with such vessels, inside or outside the Regulatory Area);

  • provides procedures for the transmission of information, boarding and inspection, port inspection, prohibition of landings and transshipments, reports and evidence.


Scheme to Promote Compliance by non-Contracting Party Vessels with the Conservation and Enforcement Measures Established by NAFO

NAFO/GC Doc. 97/6

Acknowledging the rights, duties and obligations of States whose vessels fish on the high seas expressed in the 1982 UN Convention, the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement, the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement and general principles of international law, this document:

  • establishes a presumption that non-contracting party vessels engaged in fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area are undermining the effectiveness of NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures, and applies the presumption to any other non-contracting party vessels which has engaged in transshipment activities with such vessels inside or outside the Regulatory Area.

  • sets out procedures for information and reports relating to sightings of the above

  • sets out procedures for boardings and inspections;

  • requires contracting parties to ensure their vessels do not receive transshipments of fish from such vessels;

  • sets out procedures for review of the Scheme.


Resolution of the Preparatory Conference relating to Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Limits on Fishing Capacity


Noting a number of international instruments, including the IPOA - IUU, that fishing capacity has continued to increase in the region since 1999 and the potential redeployment of IUU vessels from other regions into the Convention Area, the Resolution:

  • urges States and other entities to exercise reasonable restraint in respect of any expansion of fishing effort and capacity in the Convention Area and to apply the precautionary approach forthwith;

  • urges States and other entities concerned to take every appropriate measure to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing in the Convention Area;

  • promotes cooperation in exchanging information on the IUU fishing activities and other activities that might undermine the effectiveness of the Resolution.



Standardisation de méthodes d'étude biométrique et d'observation de clupéidés (en particulier de Sardina pilchardus) utilisées en biologie des pêches. Division des pêches de la FAO. 1957


Standardization of biometric and observation methods for Clupeidae (especially Sardina pilchardus) used in fisheries biology. FAO Fisheries Division. 1957


Le Chalutage en Méditerranée - Observations préliminaires sur les chaluts italiens. Division des pêches de la FAO. Septembre 1957


Mediterranean trawling Preliminary observations in the study of Italian trawl nets. FAO Fisheries Division. September 1957


La pollution des eaux provoquée par les déversements des sucreries. Carlo Maldura et Paul Vivier. Avril 1958


Water pollution caused by wastes from sugar refineries. Carlo Maldura and Paul Vivier. April 1958


Filets tournants et coulissants en fibres synthétiques. Gerhard Klust. Septembre 1958


Ring nets made of synthetic fibres. Gerhard Klust. September 1958


La pisciculture dans les eaux intérieures des pays membres du CGPM. Secrétariat du CGPM. Février 1959


Inland water fisheries in the GFCM member countries. Secretariat of the GFCM. February 1959


Le chalutage en Méditerranée. Deuxième et troisième rapports. Division des pêches de la FAO. Mai 1959


Mediterranean trawling. Second and third reports. FAO Fisheries Division. May 1959


La technique des pêcheries dans les lagunes saumâtres. Ruggero de Angelis. Août 1959


Fishing installations in brackish lagoons. Ruggero de Angelis. August 1959


La situation de la pêche en Italie, en particulier dans le secteur de la distribution. Paolo Pagliazzi. Octobre 1959


Situation of the fishing industry in Italy, particularly regarding distribution. Paolo Pagliazzi. October 1959


Documentation graphique sur certains engins de pêche utilisés dans les lagunes littorales espagnoles. Fernando Lozano Cabo. Novembre 1959


Graphic documentation on some fishing gear used in Spanish coastal lagoons. Fernando Lozano Cabo. November 1959


Le chalutage en Méditerranée Quatrième rapport. J. Schärfe, Division des pêches de la FAO. Mars 1960


Mediterranean trawling. Fourth report. J. Schärfe, FAO Fisheries Division. March 1960


Le traitement du fond des étangs piscicoles et ses effets sur la productivité. La pisciculture dans divers pays européens. Alfred G. Wurtz. Juin 1960


Methods of treating the bottom of fish ponds and their effects on productivity. Fish culture in certain European countries. Alfred G. Wurtz. June 1960


Exploitation et description des lagunes saumâtres de la Méditerranée. Ruggero de Angelis. Août 1960


Mediterranean brackish water lagoons and their exploitation. Ruggero de Angelis. August 1960


Contrôle d'un chalut opérant entre deux eaux ou sur le fond et tiré par un seul bateau. J. Schärfe, Division des pêches de la FAO. Septembre 1960


A new method for "aimed" one-boat trawling in mid-water and on the bottom. J. Schärfe, FAO Fisheries Division. September 1960


Le chalutage en Méditerranée. Cinquième rapport. J. Schärfe, Division des pêches de la FAO. Mai 1961


Mediterranean trawling. Fifth report. J. Schärfe, FAO Fisheries Division. May 1961


La madrague sicilienne de course. Vito Fodera. Juillet 1961


The Sicilian tuna trap. Vito Fodera. July 1961


Influence de la température et de l'éclairement sur la distribution des crevettes des moyennes et grandes profondeurs. Walter Ghidalia et François Bourgois. August 1961


The influence of temperature and light on the distribution of shrimps in medium and great depths. Walter Ghidalia and François Bourgois. August 1961


L'amélioration des techniques de la pêche au feu. F. Bourgois et L. Farina, Experts de la FAO. Novembre 1961


Improvements of techniques for fishing with lights. F. Bourgois and L. Farina, FAO Experts. November 1961


L'élevage des huîtres en parcs flottants. M. Nikolic et I. Stojnic. Mars 1962


A sytem of oyster culture on floating shellfish parks. M. Nikolic and I. Stojnic. March 1962


Pêche au feu. Raimondo Sarà. Août 1962


Light fishing. Raimondo Sarà. August 1962


Réglementation en vigueur sur la pêche de la sardine en Méditerranée. Service d'études législatives de la FAO. Juillet 1963


Existing regulations for sardine fishing in the Mediterranean. FAO Legislation Research Branch. July 1963


Diagnoses démographiques sur les populations de poissons dans les cours d'eau à truites. R. Cuinat et R. Vibert. Octobre 1963


Demographic diagnosis on fish populations in trout streams. R. Cuinat and R. Vibert. October 1963


Dommages causés par les marsouins et autres animaux marins déprédateurs en Méditerranée. C. Ravel. Novembre 1963


Damage caused by porpoises and other other predatory marine animals in the Mediterranean. C. Ravel. November 1963


Etudes sur la sardine (Sardina pilchardusWalb.) et l'anchois (Engraulis encrasicholusL.) dans le golfe de Naples et sur leur comportement sous l'influence de la lumière artificielle. Olav Dragesund. Juin 1964


Studies on the sardine (Sardina pilchardusWalb.) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus L.) in the Gulf of Naples and their behaviour in artificial light. Olav Dragesund. June 1964


Réglementations concernant certaines industries de transformation des produits des pêches maritimes dans les pays méditerranéens. D. Rémy. Septembre 1964


Regulations on certain sea food processing industries in Mediterranean countries. D. Rémy. September 1964


Sur la valeur des anneaux nets pour la détermination de l'âge des sardines (Sardina pilchardus Walb.). R. Muzinic. Décembre 1964


The value of sharp rings for the age determination of sardine (Sardina pilchardusWalb,.). R. Muzinic. December 1964


Revue critique des effets des détergents synthétiques sur la vie aquatique. R. Marchetti. Octobre 1965


Critical review of the effects of synthetic detergents on aquatic life. R. Marchetti. October 1965


Méthodes permettant d'économiser la main-d'oeuvre à bord des chalutiers méditerranéens. M. Ben-Yami. Novembre 1965


Labour-saving methods on board Mediterranean trawlers. M. Ben-Yami. November 1965


La distribution et la commercialisation du poisson en Sicile. G. Bombace. Novembre 1965


Preliminary report on fish distribution and marketing in Sicily. G. Bombace. November 1965


Réglementation sanitaire des mollusques. R. Coppini. Décembre 1965


Sanitary regulations for molluscs. R. Coppini. December 1965


L'élevage de la truite fario et de la truite arc-en-ciel dans les eaux à température très élevée. E.G. Calderon. Décembre 1965


The raising of brown trout and rainbow trout in water at high temperatures. E.G. Calderon. December 1965


(Suppl.1) Suite des études sur les possibilités de développement de la salmoniculture en eaux chaudes. E.G. Calderon. Novembre 1968


Mortalité initiale de la sardine dans les conditions expérimentales et mortalité due au marquage. R. Muzinic. Août 1966


Initial mortality of the sardine under experimental conditions and in the tagging work. R. Muzinic. August 1966


Study of hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) biology and population dynamics in the central Adriatic. S. Zupanovic. February 1968


Unités de stock de la sardine de la Méditerranée occidentale et de l'Adriatique. M.G. Larrañeta. Juin 1968


The system of currents in the Adriatic Sea. M. Zore-Armanda. July 1968


Investigations of mullet fisheries by beach seine on the U.A.R. Mediterranean coast. S. Zaky Rafail Rehabilitation of the fisheries of an inland saline lake in the United Arab Republic. S. El Zarka Variations annuelles des captures de mulet dans le lac de Varna. D. Morovic

Juillet/July 1968


Aquarium tagging experiments on sardines with anchor tags by the use of tricaine methane sulfonate. R. Muzinic. October 1968


Fishery of the green crab (Carcinus maenasL.) and soft crab cultivation in the lagoon of Venice. S. Varagnolo Results obtained by geological charting of trawling grounds in the channels of the northern Adriatic. S. Alfierivic Effects of fresh water and saturated sea-water brine on the survival of mussels, oysters and some epibionts on them. M. Hrs. Brenko and L. Igic

December 1968


The weight-length relationship of United Arab Republic Sardinella. A.M. El-Maghraby Distribution et densité des oeufs de sardines (Sardina pilchardusWalb.) dans l'Adriatique centrale au cours de la saison 1965/66. J. Karlovac Coincidence and alternation in Yugoslav pelagic fisheries. R. Muzinic

Février/February 1969


Selectivity of gillnets for Nile perch (Lates niloticus L.). R. Koura and A.A. Shaheen Cod end mesh size effect on Italian otter trawl efficiency. R. Koura

February 1969


Studies on the life history of Adriatic sprat. N. and D. Zavodnik. March 1969


Note préliminaire à l'étude de la production primaire dans l'Adriatique centrale. T. Pucher-Petkovic Long term observation of plankton fluctuation in the central Adriatic. T. Vucetic and T. Pucher-Petkovic Relation between some factors affecting productivity and fish catch in the central Adriatic area. M. Buljan

Mars/March 1969


Long line Mediterranean fisheries studies west of Alexandria. S.Z. Rafail, W.L. Daoud and M.M. Hilal. July 1969


Marine resource of the United Arab Republic. A.A. Aleem. December 1969


Les ressources vivantes des eaux profondes de la Méditerranée occidentale et leur exploitation. Groupe d'experts du CGPM. Octobre 1970


Living deep water resources of the western Mediterranean and their exploitation. GFCM Group of Experts. October 1970


Quelques techniques de fumage du poisson applicables dans la zone méditerranéenne. H. Lizac, Département des pêches de la FAO. Février 1971


Some techniques of smoking fish applicable in the Mediterranean area. H. Lisac, FAO Fisheries Department. December 1970


Studies on the distribution, growth and abundance of migrating fry and juveniles of mullet in a brackish coastal lake (Edku) in the United Arab Republic. S. E. Zarka, A.M. El-Maghraby and Kh. Abdel-Hamid. December 1970


On the use of anaesthetics in the transportation of sardines. R. Muzinic. December 1970


Investigations on Sciaenidae and Moronidae catches and on the total catch by beach seine on the U.A.R. Mediterranean coast. S.Z. Rafail Studies on the population and the catchability of Norway lobster in the central Adriatic. S. Jukic

July 1971


Evolution de la pêche sur le talus du plateau continental des îles Baléares entre 1940 et 1969. M. Massuti Explorations of the possible deep-water trawling grounds in the Levant Basin. O.H. Oren, M. Ben-Yami and L.. Zismann

Juillet/July 1971


Commercialisation du poisson frais et congelé dans certains pays méditerranéens. CGPM. Décembre 1971


Marketing of fresh and frozen fish in Mediterranean countries. GFCM. December 1971


Etat de la pollution marine en Méditerranée et réglementation. CGPM. Août 1972


The state of marine pollution in the Mediterranean and legislative controls. GFCM. September 1972


Aquaculture en eau saumâtre dans la région méditerranéenne. CGPM. Août 1973


Brackish water aquaculture in the Mediterranean region. GFCM. August 1973


Fuel consumption as an index of fishing effort. D. Levi and G. Giannetti Fluctuations of zooplankton and echo-trace abundance in the central Adriatic. T. Vucetic and I. Kacic

November 1973


Study of fish populations by capture data and the value of tagging experiments. S. Zaky Rafail Les ressources halieutiques de la Méditerranée et de la mer Noire. D. Levi et J.-P. Troadec Perspectives for fisheries development to 1985 in the GFCM Member Nations. GFCM Secretariat

Octobre 1974


Study of fish populations by capture data and the value of tagging experiments. S. Zaky Rafail The fish resources of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. D. Levi and J.-P. Troadec Perspectives for fisheries development to 1985 in the GFCM Member Nations. GFCM Secretariat

October 1974


Ponte contrôlée et élevage des larves d'espèces marines sélectionnées de la Méditerranée. CGPM Controlled breeding and larval rearing of selected Mediterranean marine species. GFCM.

Avril/April 1976


Données sur les bateaux et engins de pêche en Méditerranée. P.-Y. Dremière et C. Nédélec. Mai 1977


Data on fishing vessels and gear in the Mediterranean. P.-Y. Dremière and C. Nédélec. Mai 1977


Quelques aspects de la culture du poisson et des crustacés en eau saumâtre en Méditerranée. CGPM. 1981


Aspects of brackish water fish and crustacean culture in the Mediterranean. GFCM. 1980


Aménagement des ressources vivantes dans la zone littorale de la Méditerranée. CGPM. 1981


Management of living resources in the Mediterranean coastal area. GFCM. 1981


Les ressources halieutiques de la Méditerranée. Première partie: Méditerranée occidentale. P. Oliver. 1983


Los recursos pesqueros del Mediterráneo. Primera parte: Mediterráneo occidental. P. Oliver. 1983


The fisheries resources of the Mediterranean. Part two: Black Sea. L. Ivanov and R.J.H. Beverton.1985


Aménagement des pêches dans les lagunes côtières. J.M. Kapetsky et G. Lasserre. 1984


Management of coastal lagoon fisheries. J.M. Kapetsky and G. Lasserre. 1984


Evolution des techniques de la pêche italienne. 1987


Evolution of technology in Italian fisheries. 1987


Tendances récentes des pêches et de l'environnement dans la zone couverte par le Conseil général des pêches pour la Méditerranée (CGPM). J.F. Caddy et R.C. Griffiths. Décembre 1990


Recent trends in the fisheries and environment in the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM) area. J.F. Caddy and R.C. Griffiths. December 1990


Fisheries and environment studies in the Black Sea. Part 1: V.G. Dubinina and A.D. Semenov. Part 2: Yu. P. Zaitzsev. Part 3: A. Kocatas, T. Koray, M. Kaya and O.F. Kara.


A review of the state of the fisheries and the environment of the Northeastern Mediterranean (Northern Levantine Basin). Ferit Bingel, Emin Ozsoy and Umit Unluata. September 1993


Etude de l'état des pêches et de l'environnement dans la Méditerranée du Nord-Est (bassin levantin septentrional). Ferit Bingel, Emin Ozsoy et Umit Unluata. Avril 1997


Resource and Environmental Issues Relevant to Mediterranean Fisheries Management. March 1996


Questions concernant les ressources et l'environnement dans la gestion des pêcheries méditerranéennes. Avril 1997


Introduction of mullet haarder (Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky) into the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. L.I. Starushenko and A.B. Kazansky. May 1996


Environmental management of fish resources in the Black Sea and their rational exploitation. K. Prodanov, K. Mikhailov, G. Daskalov, C. Maxim, A. Chashchin, A. Arkhipov, V. Shlyakhov and E. Ozdamar. April 1997


Long and short-term trends of Mediterranean fishery resources. L. Fiorentini, J.F. Caddy and J.I. de Leiva. September 1997


Issues in Mediterranean fisheries management: geographical units and effort control. J.F. Caddy. October 1998


Eléments pour l'aménagement des pêcheries méditerranéennes: unités géographiques et contrôle de l'effort. J.F. Caddy. 1999


Feasibility assessment for a database on socio-economic indicators for Mediterranean fisheries. R. Franquesa, I.M. Malouli amd J.A. Alarcón. 2001


Decision-support systems for fisheries. The ITAFISH case study. Coppola, S.; Crosetti, D. 2001


Manual of fisheries sampling surveys: methodologies for estimations of socio-economic indicators in the Mediterranean Sea. E. Sabatella and R. Franquesa. 2004


Ecosystem effects of fishing in the Mediterranean: an analysis of the major threats of fishing gear and practices to biodiversity and marine habitats. S. Tudela. 2004


Fisheries laws and regulation in the Mediterranean: a comparative study. P. Cacaud. 2005


Implementation of the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing: relationship to, and potential effects on, fisheries management in the Mediterranean. J. Swan. (in press)


Inventory of Artisanal Fishery Communities in the Western-Central Mediterranean. S.R. Coppola. 2005 (in preparation)


Interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries: a methodological perspective. Cataudella, S.; Massa, F.; Corsetti, D. (eds.). 2005

[111] The European Commission has indicated that it is expected that the instruments of ratification for its members will be deposited on 20 September 2003.
[112] The IPOA - IUU notes that "certain unregulated fishing may take place in a manner which is not in violation of applicable international law, and may not require the application of measures envisaged under" the IPOA - IUU.
[113] e.g. Report of the Eighth Annual Meeting, 2001, paragraph 36.
[114] e.g. Ibid., paragraph 86.

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