The meeting recommended that FAO and UNEP bring to the attention, as soon as possible, the recommendations and conclusions of the meeting to their regional intergovernmental bodies for their review and possible endorsement, and particularly at the 10th Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and at the Sixth Session of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment ( §21).
The meeting also recommended that FAO and UNEP inform the CILSS and IGADD Secretariats and the Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit of SADC of its conclusions and recommendations in order for them to take appropriate action to pursue the process at sub-regional level for the formulation of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management ( §22).
The meeting recommended that each country be involved in the internalization of the process and that this process be promoted simultaneously at regional, sub-regional and national levels ( §23).
The meeting underlined the importance of an effective coordination in this field among the three sub-regional organizations ( §24).
The meeting recommended that the process be actively pursued at regional, sub-regional and national levels in order to be taken into account in the programme of work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests of the Commission on Sustainable Development ( §25).
The meeting recommended that the criteria agreed on at regional, sub-regional and national levels be the same and that for each criterion, indicators be added at the sub-regional and national levels to those adopted at the regional level to reflect the specific conditions of the sub-regions and countries concerned ( §26).
The meeting further recommended that the process identifies first a minimum set of simple indicators which can be later on complemented and refined gradually on the basis of the experience obtained through testing and application ( §27).
The meeting finally recommended that every effort be made by all concerned to promote the exchange of information and experience with the relevant on-going processes in this field, through, in particular, the participation of their experts in meetings organised within the framework of this process; and that the various stakeholders, including NGOs and the private sector, be involved at the various levels and in the various phases of this process, in a participatory and transparent manner ( §28).