European Union accession and land tenure data in Central and Eastern Europe |
This FAO Land Tenure Policy paper was prepared by
Richard Grover in collaboration with Mika-Petteri Törhönen,
David Palmer, Vladimir Evtimov, Paul Munro-Faure,
Fritz Rembold, Bela Markus, Judit Mizseine Nyiri, Peter Udvardy,
Sabina Zrobek, Richard Zrobek, Diana Kopeva, Mihail Kasabov,
Violeta Koritarova, Rudy Vanderstappen, Aldo Longo and
Matthias Langemeyer.
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ISBN 92-5-105497-5
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The transition process and European Union accession
The process of European Union accession
The liberalization of land markets
The Farm Accountancy Data Network
The Integrated Administration and Control System
The quality of EU land tenure statistics
Appendix 1
Chapter 4: Free movement of capital 27