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This publication is based on papers that were presented at the International conference on the application of reduced impact logging to advance sustainable forest management: constraints, challenges and opportunities, held in Kuching, Malaysia from 26 February to 1 March 2001. The editors would like to thank Mr. Robin Leslie for his editorial support, Gideon Suharyanto for the layout, and Janice Naewboonien who assisted in proofreading.

The international conference was made possible because of the outstanding efforts of many organizations and individuals working in close partnership. The organizers are especially grateful to the staff of the Sarawak Timber Association who provided valuable logistical support and played a key role in making the conference a success.

Core financial support for the conference was provided by the USDA Forest Service, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) through the pre-project on Strengthening Sustainable Management of Natural Forests in Asia-Pacific, the Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and CIRAD-Forêt. The in-kind support by the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the Sarawak Timber Association, the Forest Department of Sarawak and the Ministry of Forestry in Indonesia is also appreciated.

A large number of participants received financial support from a wide range of donors and sponsors to attend the conference. The organizers are grateful to these numerous sponsors who helped make possible the excellent levels of participation from government, industry, non-governmental organizations and research institutions. Finally, the organizers thank all the participants who made presentations and actively contributed in the conference, and the authors who prepared papers for this publication.

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