The first workshop of Central and Eastern Sustainable Agriculture Network (CEESA) and these proceedings are the result of work and joint efforts of a number of people who have invested their enthusiasm and experience to the successful launch of the Network.
Professor K. Hagedorn of Humboldt University deserves a special recognition for having conceived this idea and for providing support throughout the process of its realization together with his associates A. Luetteken, B. Holthusen and R. Judis. Their work on development of the concept of the Network, moderation and leadership throughout the workshop, as well as review of country reports, was crucial contribution to the succesful launch of CEESA.
Intellectual input to the workshop provided by the authors of country reports and experiences shared by participants during discussions were vital for the creation of a cross-section picture on the relationship between the agriculture and the environment and the state of sustainability of agricultural and farming systems in participating countries.
Particular appreciation goes to Z. S. Karnicki, the former FAO Subregional representative, for his support to collaboration between SEUR and Humboldt University in preparation and implementation of the first CEESA workshop, as well as to his successor J. Suchman for his encouragement to the follow-up activities of the Network.
L. Podmanicky and his associates from Gödöll University of Agricultural Sciences, have provided excellent support in the organization and implementation of the first workshop.
Finaly, a note of appreciation goes to S. Tanic and D. Minoiu for final revision and editorial work, needed to publish these proceedings.