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To discuss information collected in recent years and issues identified regarding development of small-scale forest-based processing enterprises, FAO organised an Expert Consultation in Rome, 27-31 October 1986. The expert group which prepared the overview report on forest-based small-scale processing enterprises contained in this publication, and the principal position papers which follow it, was made up of the following members:

Mr. P.D. Brunton
Caribbean Development Bank

Dr. M.S.S. El-Namaki, Director
RVB Delft
(Delft Institute for Management Science)

Dr. Y. Fisseha
Center for International Programs
Michigan State University

Dr. Deep Joshi
(Professional Assistance for Development Action)

Dr. K.P. Parameshwaran
Retired Commissioner for Small Scale Industries

Mr. Ake Sahlin
Management Development Branch
International Labour Office (ILO)

Professor M. S. Salazar Jr., Director
Institute of Small Scale Industries
University of the Philippines

Professor Salazar acted as moderator at the Expert Consultation convened to carry out this work. Dr Fisseha, who had prepared the background report on the basic characteristics of small-scale forest-based enterprises, was the rapporteur at that meeting, together with Mr. M.E. Chipeta of FAO. In addition, Dr. Enyinna Chuta, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, and earlier a principal member of small enterprise programmes at Michigan State University and the ILO, served as a consultant to FAO in the development of the meeting, and was among those who contributed papers to it. Other papers were contributed by P. Christiansen, H.W. Mwang'ombola, B. Strehlke, T. Oksanen and W. Rijssenbeek.

FAO wishes to express its appreciation to the members of the expert group who participated in the Consultation and prepared the main papers and whose discussions are the main input into the overview paper in this publication; to those others who contributed supporting papers; and to the many others within and outside the Organisation who took part in the preparatory work. Within FAO, administrative arrangements were made by Ms G. Diaz and the meeting was organised by J.E.M. Arnold and M.E. Chipeta of the Forestry Policy and Planning Service, who also edited the publication.

FAO also wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) which funds the FAO/SIDA “Forestry for Local Community Development Programme” under which this publication has been Issued.

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