FAO population programme service (SDWP)
Provisional List of FAO Population related Documents/Papers/Speeches (1992- 1996)
1. Population and Socio-economic and Cultural Factors
1.a "Streamlining Rural Dimensions of Gender-Population Concerns in UNFPA Planning and Programming Activities", Stella Ogbuagu for the UNFPA Gender, Population and Development Workshop, New York, 30 September-3 October 1996.
1.b "Women, Migration, Environment and Rural Development Policy in Brazil" by Rosa Ester Rossini, University of Sao Paulo and Researcher at the NEMGE-USP and Dr. Sonia Alves, Calió, Research at NEMGE-USP, 1996.
1.c "Rural Women, Population and Development in Lusophone African Countries", An annotated bibliography of selected literature in Portuguese language 1991-1996, February 1996, Z. Roca
1.d "Behavior and Socio-Cultural Research" by Leila Dabbagh, presented at the "Regional Study Directors' Meeting: Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Demographic Behaviour and Implications for the Formulation and Execution of Population Policies and Programme", Amman, 16-18 April 1996.
1.e "Modules on Gender, Population and Rural Development with a Focus on Land Tenure and Farming Systems", November 1995, by Daphne Topouzis and Jacques du Guerny.
1.f "Socio-cultural and Behavioural Research Interventions in RH/FP", Janet Edmondson in the Newsletter of the UNFPA Country Support Team (CST) for East and South-East Asia, Vol. 3, No. 3, December 1995, Bangkok.
1.g "Environment, Women and Population: interrelated issues in Rural Development in Southeast Asia", proceedings of a Round Table, held from 2 to 6 May 1994 at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP), Bangkok, Thailand, prepared by Alexandra Stephens, Bangkok 1995.
1.h "Women, Population and Environment in Agricultural and Rural Development - Policy Challenges and Responses", July 1994, by Zoran Roca.
1.i "Urbanisation and Rural Women: Impact of Rural-to-Urban Migration", paper prepared for the UN/DAW Seminar on Women in Urban Areas, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 22-25 November 1993, by Z. Roca
1.j "Rural Women - The closing link between population and environment", prepared by Z. Roca for the Expert Group Meeting on Population and Women, 22-26 June 1992, Gaborone, Botswana.
2. Population and Bio-physical Factors
2.a "Population Change-Natural Resources-Environment Linkages in Central and South Asia", by Alain Marcoux, August 1996.
2.b "Interactions dynamique démographique-ressources naturelles-environnement en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale", by Alain Marcoux, June 1996.
2.c "Population Change-Natural Resources-Environment Linkages in the Arab States Region", by Alain Marcoux, April 1996.
2.d "Population Change-Natural Resources-Environment Linkages in East and Southeast Asia" by Alain Marcoux, March 1996.
2.e "Dynamique de peuplement des zones rurales libérées de l'onchocercose - Pour une mise en valeur durable", Ph. Collomb et A. Quesnel, 1996.
2.f "Population and Land Degradation", Population and the environment: a review of issues and concepts for population programme staff, No 2, September 1995, by Alain Marcoux.
2.g "Population and Water Resources", Population and the environment: a review of issues and concepts for population programme staff, No. 1, September 1994, by Alain Marcoux.
2.h "Potential population-supporting capacity of lands: environmental aspects" prepared by A. Marcoux for the UN Expert Group Meeting on Population, Environment and Development, 20-24 January 1992, New York.
3. Population and Communication/Extension
3.a "Training Module in Participatory Approaches and Community Development (in French), Anamaria Decock, September 1996.
3.b "Off the Information Highway", by Anamaria Decock, Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference, UNESCO, Paris, June 1996
3.c "Wireless Connections" by Anamaria Decock, article in Ceres, April 1996.
3.d "Artists as Experts" - a Participatory Methodology to Produce Traditional and Population Media based on Population Communication ID Africa, FAO, Rome, March, 1996 (D/V9888E)
3.e Training Module on Message Design and Materials Development, March 1996, Anamaria Decock.
3.f "Tapping Local Cultural Resources for Development. A walk on the other side of the Information Highway" by Anamaria Decock prepared for the Symposium on Communication, Culture and Development, Catholic University, Brussels, December 1995.
3.g "Population and Family Life Education - A Curriculum Proposal for Integration into Carrier Courses at Alemaya University of Agriculture", Charles Davies, Addis Ababa, July 1995.
3.h Set of materials for integrating population issues into a number of courses of study in the Malawi Natural Resources College and the Malawi National Forestry College, by Vickie Sigman, 1995.
3.i "Training Module on EC Strategy Development", Anamaria Decock, November 1995.
3.j "The Role of the Individual in Social Communication" (in Arabic) by Fathi Botros, July 1995.
3.k "Message: The Epicentre of Social Communication" by Fathi Botros, July 1995.
3.l "Reflections on Population Communication: The Dilemma of Form and Content" (in Arabic) by Fathi Botros, May 1995.
3.m "Applying DSC Methodologies in Population Issues - A case study in Malawi", Anamaria Decock, April 1995.
3.n "From Research to Communication Planning: A Participatory Workshop Methodology", prepared for the CST/TSS Professional Meeting of EC Advisers at Unesco, Paris 17-21 October 1994 by Anamaria Decock.
3.o "Integration of Gender, Environmental, Population Education and Sustainable Development Themes into Agricultural Education and Extension Programmes", prepared for the CST/TSS Professional Meeting of EC Advisers at Unesco, Paris, 17-21 October 1994, by Erich Baier.
4. Population General
4.a "Food Requirements and Population Growth", technical document prepared for the World Food Summit, 11-17 November 1996, Philippe Collomb and Jacques du Guerny (in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish).
4.b "Gender, Population and Sustainability - Critical Problems and Unresolved Issues", paper for Expert Group Meeting on Women, Population and Sustainable Development: The Road from Rio, Cairo and Beijing, Santo Domingo, November 1996, George Martine and Marcela Villarreal, November 1996.
4.c Report of FAO UNFPA Expert Group Meeting on Food Production and Population Growth, Rome, 3-5 July 1996.
4.d "Population Pressure and the Food Supply System in the Developing World", by John Bongaarts presented at the FAO/UNFPA Expert Group Meeting on Food Production and Population Growth, Rome, 3-5 July 1996.
4.e "Fishers and Fisheries - Population dimensions of a vital sector", June 1996, FAO, Rome
4.f "Nouvelles configurations villes-campagnes", by Ricardo Abramovay and Ignacy Sachs, in preparation for Habitat II, Istanbul, 3-14 June 1996, Rome, January 1996.
4.g "A population notebook: points for discussion", article for CERES No. 155 (Vol. 27, NO. 5 September October 1995), by Jacques du Guerny.
4.h "Population and Development: An Evolving Debate", paper delivered at a meeting held in the Instituto da Defesa Nacional, Ministerio da Defesa Nacional, Lisbon, Portugal, 4 May 1995, by Jacques du Guerny.
4.i Statement by Jacques du Guerny, Chief, Population Programme Service at the 28th Session of the Population Commission, New York, 21 February - 2 March 1995.
4.j "Population and housing censuses as frames for agricultural censuses and surveys" by A. Gonzalez Villalobos, article in FAO quarterly bulletin of Statistics,. Vol. 8, 1995. (in English, French and Spanish).
4.k ICPD Programme of Action - a digest, by Jacques du Guerny, November 1994.
4.l International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, Egypt, 5-13 September 1994, Statement of the Director-General, FAO.
4.m Déclaration de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, Comité préparatoire de la Conférence internationale sur la population et le développement, Troisième session, New York, 4-22 avril 1994, Jacques du Guerny.
4.n "Integrating Population Considerations into Strategies for Fisheries Management and Development", April 1994, by Fathi Botros.
5. Other
5.a "AIDS: The Future of the Pandemic", statement by Jonathan M. Mann, on the occasion of World AIDS Day, FAO, Rome, December 1995
5.b Statement by Mr. A. Sawadogo, ADG, Agriculture Department, FAO on the occasion of World AIDS Day, FAO, Rome, December 1995
5.c "The Impact of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic on Agricultural Production and Productivity and the Role of Extension Services in Combatting the Disease in Rural Areas (Especially in Africa): Issues and Challenges", October 1995, by Erich Baier.
5.d Report of a Workshop on "The relevance of HIV/AIDS to the Work of FAO", Rome, July 1995, by Günter Hemrich.
For more information or requests, please contact:
Jacques du Guerny
Chief, Population Programme Service (SDWP)
Tel: (39-6) 5225 3816; Fax: (39-6) 5225 5490
e-mail: [email protected]