Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms: Basic concepts, methods and issues

Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms:
Basic concepts, methods and issues

Full pdf 1,719Kb

Rome, 2009

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ISBN 978-92-5-106447-4

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Table of Contents

Part 1   [1,067Kb]

    Chapter 1
    Agricultural Biotechnology
    Zephaniah Dhlamini

    Chapter 2
    Ecological Aspects of Biosafety
    Elizabeth Hodson De Jaramillo

    Chapter 3
    Risk Analysis for GMOs: Concepts, Methods and Issues
    Desiree M. Hautea  

Part 2   [820Kb]

Chapter 4
Use of GMOs Under Containment, Confined and Limited Field Trials and
Post-Release Monitoring of GMOs
K. V. Prabhu

Chapter 5
The International Framework: WTO and IPRs
S. Bala Ravi

Chapter 6
Status of Relevant Laws and Regulations on Biotechnology in Bangladesh
Liaquat A. Siddiqui

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