1. Opening of the Session
2. Adoption of the Agenda and arrangements for the Session
3. Intersessional Activities
Review of the recommendations of the Twenty-seventh Session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) concerning the mandate of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
Report by the Chairman of SAC:
Meetings of the four Sub-Committees
Conclusions of the GFCM/International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) Working Group on Large Pelagics
Conclusions of the SAC Working Group on Operational Units
Progress report on the GFCM (SAC/CAQ)/ICCAT Working Group on Sustainable Tuna Farming
Updating of the GFCM Glossary
4. Salient research activities in Member Nations
5. Status of Black Sea Fisheries research and management activities
6. Formulation of advice in the field of fishery management and research
7. Review of GFCM/SAC Workplan for 2004
8. Election of the Chairperson of SAC and endorsement of the Coordinators of the Sub-Committees
9. Any other matters
10. Date and place of the Seventh Session of SAC
11. Adoption of the report