Participatory Appraisal of Nutrition and Household Food Security Situations and Planning of Interventions from a Livelihoods Perspective - Methodological Guide

Text by
Karel Callens (ESNP) and Bernd Seiffert (SDAR)

FAO 2003

The authors would appreciate to receive feedback and comments regarding this document.

Table of Contents

1. Background and introduction

2. Key Concepts and Terminology

3. The Uses of Participatory Appraisal and Planning

4. Methodological Guide - Basic Steps

Step 1: Orientation, Training and Planning
Step 2: Participatory Appraisal
Step 3: Causal Analysis of Nutritional Vulnerability
Step 4: Objective Oriented Planning

Annex 1 - Review of Literature, Analysis of Secondary Information and Interviews with Key Informants

Annex 2 - Guidance Sheet on the Facilitation of Focus Group Discussions around Basic Concepts

Annex 3 - Guidance Sheet on Problem Tree Analysis

Annex 4 - Documentation Matrix

Annex 5 - Example of a Framework and Agenda for the Appraisal

Annex 6 - Guidance Sheet on Objective Tree Analysis

Annex 8 - Field Methods Tool Box

Annex 9 - Selecting a Sample

Annex 10 - Structuring PRA Information by Site and Preparing Village Profiles

Annex 11 - Regional Profile Writing and SWOT Analysis

Annex 12 - Strategy Analysis