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3. Survey II, Agadir-Cape Juby 6-12 November Scientific staff:

From Morocco:

Mostafa Idrissi Chbani
The vessels own scientific staff:
I. Svellingen, cruise leader
A. Abella, FAO
O. Alvheim, chief technician
Ø. Torgersen, instrument chief
T. Mørk, instrument technician
Figure 12 shows the cruise tracks and stations between Agadir and Cape Juby. Its design was largely based on the experience of fish distribution from the September survey.

The observations of sea surface temperature Figure 13, shows effects of upwelling very similar to those found in September (see Figure A). The main species caught were as previously Sardina pilchardus, Scomber japonicus and Trachurus trachurus with a large predominance of the sardine. Their distributions are shown in Figures 14 through 16.

The records of the fishing stations worked nos. 197 through 217 are shown in Appendix I.

The distribution of the sardine down to Cape Juby, was found to be very similar to that observed in September covering the inner part of the shelf from about latitude 29° 50' southwards. Also the behaviour was similar with predominantly mid-water schools during the day and layers and looser schools during night.

The acoustic system combined with the sampling provided the following estimates of biomass: (thousand tonnes)





Horse mackerel


These estimates are seen to be very similar to those obtained during Survey I.

Figure 1. Cruise track and fishing stations, main coverage, Survey I.

Figure 2. Cruise track and fishing stations, detailed coverages, Survey I.

Figure 3. Sea surface temperature, Survey I.

Figure 4. Distribution of sardine, main coverage, Survey I.

Figure 5. Distribution of sardine, 1st detailed coverage, Survey I.

Figure 6. Distribution of sardine, 2nd detailed coverage, Survey I.

Figure 7. Distribution of mackerel, main coverage, Survey I.

Figure 8. Distribution of mackerel, detailed coverages, Survey I.

Figure 9. Distribution of horse mackerel, main coverage. Survey I.

Figure 10. Distribution of horse mackerel, detailed coverages, Survey I.

Figure 11. Length composition of samples of sardine, mackerel and horse mackerel, Survey I.

Sardinela pilchardus (pooled data)

Morocco Sep. 1986
MEAN LENGHT = 17,8 cm N = 3019
MODES : , 13 cm, 18 cm
Figure 11. Length composition of samples of sardine, mackerel and horse mackerel, Survey I.

Scomber japonicus (pooled data)

Morocco Sep. 1986
MEAN LENGHT = 17,6 cm N = 1456
MODES : , 18 cm
Figure 11. Length composition of samples of sardine, mackerel and horse mackerel, Survey I.

Trachurus trachurus (pooled data)

Morocco Sep. 1986
MEAN LENGHT = 17,6 cm N = 604
MODES : , 14 cm, 19 cm
Figure 12. Cruise track and fishing stations. Agadir to Cape Juby, Survey II.

Figure 13. Sea surface temperature Agadir to Cape Juby, Survey II.

Figure 14. Distribution of sardine, Agadir to Cape Juby, Survey II.

Figure 15. Distribution of mackerel Agadir to Cape Juby, Survey II.

Figure 16. Distribution of horse mackerel, Agadir to Cape Juby, Survey II.

Figure 17. Length compositions of samples of sardines Survey II.

Sardinela pilcharus (pooled data)

Agadir - C. Juby Nov. 1986
MEAN LENGHT = 17,7 cm N = 1440
MODES : , 11 cm, 14 cm, 18 cm

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