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© FAO 1990
This document is the adopted report of the Third Advisory Committee Meeting of the Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme (ALCOM). The meeting was hosted by the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho, and held in Maseru, 5–8 September 1989.
The Programme is inter-regional although focusing its activities to the SADCC countries. It is funded by Sweden and executed by FAO.
The main objective of the Programme is to develop, test, and demonstrate strategies, methods, and techniques by which rural populations can improve their standards of living through aquaculture.
4. The Terms of Reference of the Committee
6. Report of the Technical Consultation on Aquaculture and Human Nutrition
7. Report of the FAO Population Programme Mission
8. Plan of Operation for ALCOM's second phase
Appendix 1: List of Participants
Appendix 2: Opening Speech by Hon. A.M. Hlalele, Minister of Women & Youth Affairs
Appendix 4: Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee