C 99/18
Thirtieth Session |
Rome, 12-23 November 1999 |
1. In accordance with Rule XXXVI-1 (a) of the General Rules of the Organization, the Council at its Hundred and Fifteen Session (November 1998) decided "that nominations to the office of Director-General should be communicated to the Secretary-General of the Conference at the latest by 8 April 1999 at 12.00 hours, and that such nominations should be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Member Nations of the Organization by 29 April 1999." (CL 115/REP, para 94).
2. By the date set by the Council, the Secretary-General of the Conference and Council had received two nominations. The nominations and the curriculum vitae of the nominees are appended as follows:
Appendix A: Jacques Diouf (Senegal)
- Nomination received on 14 December 1998
Appendix B: Juan Carlos Roland Vignaud (Argentina)
- Nomination received on 12 March 1999
to the
Rome, 14 December 1998
Mr Secretary-General,
In accordance with the decisions adopted at the Hundred and Fifteenth Session of the FAO Council and with Article XII paragraph 5 of the General Rules of the Organization, I forward herewith Letter N� 10363/PR/CAB/DIPLO.1 of 11 December 1998 addressed to you by His Excellency Abdou DIOUF, President of the Republic of Senegal, submitting the candidature of Dr Jacques DIOUF for re-election to the post of Director-General of FAO.
Accept, Mr Secretary-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Permanent Representative
Mame Balla SY
Mr Frederick B. Zenny
Secretary-General of the Conference and Council of FAO
Room B-202
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 96
00100 Rome
Republic of Senegal
Un Peuple - Un But - Une Foi
President of the Republic
Dakar, 11 December 1998
103 63/PR/CAB/DIPLO.1
Mr Secretary-General,
As you know, the Hundred and Fifteenth Session of the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) held in Rome from 23 to 28 November 1998 decided, on the basis of Article XII paragraph 5 of the General Rules of the Organization, that nominations for the post of Director-General of FAO should reach you by 8 April 1999 at the latest.
As a result, I should hereby like to submit, on behalf of the Republic of Senegal, the candidature of Dr Jacques DIOUF for re-election to the post of Director-General of FAO.
In this connection, I should also like to draw attention to the decision adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), on 8 June 1998 at Ouagadougou, nominating Dr Jacques DIOUF as the sole candidate of Africa for re-election to this post.
Accept, Mr Secretary-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Mr Frederick B. Zenny
Secretary-General of the Conference
and Council of FAO
Fax: 570 53963
to the
Rome, 12 March 1999
Mr Secretary-General,
I am writing in follow-up to letter No. 01529/REPSEN/FAO/MC of 14 December 1998 in which I transmitted letter No. 10363/PR/CAB/DIPLO.1 of 11 December 1998 from His Excellency Mr Abdou DIOUF, President of the Republic of Senegal, submitting the candidature of Dr Jacques DIOUF, with the unanimous support of Africa, for re-election to the post of Director-General of FAO.
I enclose the updated Curriculum Vitae of Dr Jacques DIOUF and ask that you kindly
circulate it to the Member Nations in all FAO languages.
Accept, Mr Secretary-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Permanent Representative,
Mame Balla SY
Mr Frederick B. Zenny
Secretary-General of the Conference
and Council of FAO - Rome
Dr Jacques Diouf
Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations (FAO)
Date of birth: | 1 August 1938 |
Place of birth: | Saint-Louis, Senegal |
Nationality: | Senegalese |
Family status: | Married to A�ssatou Seye in 1963. The Diouf family has five children |
Practical Training
8 November 1993 | Elected Director-General of FAO on 8 November 1993 (took up
office on 1 January 1994), Rome (Italy) |
May 1991 - Dec 1993 | Ambassador, Senegalese Permanent Mission to the United
Nations, New York (USA) |
1990 - 1991 | Special Adviser to the Governor, Central Bank for West
African States, Dakar (Senegal) |
1985 - 1990 | Secretary-General of the Central Bank for West African
States, Dakar, (Senegal) |
1984 - 1985 | Adviser to the President and Regional Director of the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa (Canada) |
1983 -1984 | Member of Parliament, Dakar (Senegal): |
Chairman of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee and Elected Secretary | |
Chairman of the Parliamentary Friendship Group, Senegal-United Kingdom | |
Member of Parliament of the Senegambian Confederation, Dakar/Banjul (Senegal/Gambia) | |
1978 - 1983 | Secretary of State for Science and Technology in the Senegalese Government, Dakar (Senegal) |
1971 - 1977 | Executive Secretary, West Africa Rice Development Association, Monrovia (Liberia) |
1965 - 1971 | Executive Secretary, African Groundnut Council, Lagos (Nigeria) |
1963 - 1964 | Director of the European Office and the Agricultural Programme of the Marketing Board, Paris/Dakar (France/Senegal) |
During his career, Dr Diouf has also held other positions of responsibility, including:
Between 1979 and 1993, Dr Diouf participated in major international meetings across the globe representing his country, the Central Bank for West African States or in a personal capacity, and undertook field trips to various agricultural institutions around the world.
"Ethique scientifique et probl�matique alimentaire" - Communication to the Academy of Sciences of France. Discours et notices biographiques de l'Acad�mie des Sciences, First Edition, Paris, 1998
"Eloges de Senghor" - Speech at the ceremony in honour of L�opold Sedar Senghor on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday - Pr�sence Senghor, Unesco, Paris 1996
"The Challenge of Agricultural Development in Africa" - Consultative Group in International Agricultural Research, World Bank, Sir John Crawford Memorial Lecture - 1989, Washington, D.C., USA
"Int�r�ts et objectifs de l'Afrique dans les Sommets francophones, nouvel instrument des relations internationales" - Centre qu�b�cois des relations internationales, Collection Choix - 1988, Quebec, Canada
"Le fondement du dialogue scientifique entre les civilisations euro-occidentales et n�gro-africaines" - Dialog Westeuropa Schwarzafrica, Verlag Fritz Molden - 1979, Vienna, Austria
"La d�t�rioration du pouvoir d'achat de l'arachide" - Club Nation and Development, Pr�sence africaine - 1972, Paris, France
Permanent Representation
of the Argentine Republic
to FAO
AE-20/99 Rome, 8 March 1999
Dear Mr Secretary-General,
I have the pleasure to refer to the provisions of Article VII-1 of the FAO Constitution and Rule XXXVI-1 of the General Rules of the Organization regarding the appointment of the Director-General of FAO, to take place next November at the 30th Session of the FAO Conference.
Upon the express instructions of my Government, I should like to inform you that the Argentine Republic has decided to submit the candidature of Mr Juan Carlos Roland Vignaud for this post, for the period 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2005.
I attach hereto a copy of the faxed communication addressed to you from the Secretary of Coordination and Institutional Relations, Mr Daniel Castruccio, of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
I also attach the Curriculum Vitae of Mr Vignaud in Spanish and request that you kindly arrange for its translation into the other official languages of the Organization for subsequent distribution among the Member Nations.
Finally, I should be grateful if you would notify the Permanent Representation of the official registration of this candidature.
Accept, Mr Secretary-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Ariel Fern�ndez
Alternate Permanent Representative
of the Argentine Republic
Mr Frederick Zenny,
Secretary-General of the Conference and Council,
General Affairs and Information Department,
FAO - Rome
1999 - Export Year
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
International Trade and Worship
Buenos Aires, 5 March 1999
Dear Mr Secretary-General,
I have the pleasure to refer to the provisions of Article XXXVI.1 (a) of the General Rules of the Organization and to the decision of the 115th Session of the Council of FAO regarding the submission of candidatures for the post of Director-General.
In this connection, I should like to inform you - and through your esteemed office, the Member Nations of the Organization - that the Government of the Argentine Republic has decided to submit the candidature of Mr Juan Carlos Roland VIGNAUD for the post of Director-General of FAO for the period 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2005.
The Curriculum Vitae of Mr Vignaud is attached in English, French and Spanish.
I should be most grateful if you would kindly confirm reception of this communication.
Accept, Mr Secretary-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Ambassador Osvaldo Daniel Castruccio
Secretary of Coordination and International Relations,
Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr Frederick Zenny
Secretary-General of the Conference of FAO
Permanent Representation of
the Argentine Republic to FAO
1. Date of birth: | 19 August 1937, Province of Mendoza, Argentine Republic |
2. Marital status: | Married to Cathrine Fredriksen (Norwegian) Three children: Maria Christina, Juli�n and Camila |
3. Education: | Law graduate (1959) of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, National University of Buenos Aires |
4. Other studies: | Institut Universitaire d'Etudes du D�veloppement, Geneva, Switzerland, 1987 |
5. Government appointments: | |
Secretary of State 1994-98 Advisor to the President on international social and economic problems, in particular poverty |
6. Profession: Career diplomat | |
Since 1990, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary with the endorsement of the Argentine Senate | |
6.1 Entered the Foreign Service: | |
By public examination in 1964 | |
6.2 Executive positions in the Foreign Ministry: | |
Secretary to the Minister, 1964-66 Director-General of Bilateral Economic Relations, 1977-79 In addition to the above functions: Interim Director for Antarctica and the Malvinas, 1978 Director of the North America Bureau, 1994 Coordinator responsible for follow-up to the decisions on hunger and malnutrition to be implemented on the Continent under the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas, 1994-98 |
7. Overseas Assignments: | |
7.1 Permanent appointments: | |
Head of the Permanent Representation of the Argentine Republic to the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 1969-74 Charg� d'Affaires to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, with responsibility also for Niger and Chad, 1974-77 Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway and Republic of Iceland, 1979-84 By special authorization of the Foreign Ministry: Director of the FAO Liaison Office in Geneva and FAO Representative to the UN agencies in Geneva, 1984-87 Consul General in Atlanta, Georgia, with responsibility for the US Southeast, 1989-94 Ambassador to the Kingdom of Sweden, 1998 |
8. Elective positions: | |
Chairman of the Committee on Commodity Problems of the Conference of the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - Rome) 1972-73 Chairman of Commission I of the FAO Conference on two occasions Member of the FAO Programme Committee, elected on a personal basis for two terms Member of the FAO Finance Committee, elected on a personal basis for two terms |
9. Temporary missions: | |
Argentine delegate at the sessions of the FAO Council, 1970-74 Argentine delegate at the sessions of the FAO Committee on Agriculture, 1970-74 Argentine delegate at the sessions of the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme, 1970-74 Argentine delegate at the sessions of the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD, 1970-74 Alternate delegate in the mission headed by the Under-secretary of International Economic Relations to countries of Africa and the Middle East, 1977 Head of the Argentine delegation in the Working Group on Economic Cooperation negotiating with Great Britain on the sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands, Lima, 1978 Alternate delegate in missions headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Ecuador and Peru, 1978 Delegate at the meetings of the Follow-up Committee of the Summit of the Americas, 1994-96 Member of the delegation headed by the President of Argentina to the United States, 1995, 1996 and 1997 - participating in meetings with the US Secretary of State |
10. Between 1984 and 1987, represented FAO at international meetings of: | |
International Labour Organization (ILO): Meetings of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference High-level Meeting on Structural Adjustment and Employment United Nations (UN): Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Conference on the Promotion of Cooperation on the Pacific Use of Nuclear Energy UNCTAD: Trade and Development Board Committee on Commodities Committee on Technology Transfer UNDRO: Meetings on coordination of disaster assistance Meetings of the Economic Commission for Europe, the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, the Commission on Human Rights Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees World Health Organization (WHO): Meetings of the Executive Board and World Health Assembly GATT: Meetings of the Contracting Parties Council of Representatives Committee on Agriculture Committee on Trade and Development Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Uruguay Round World Intellectual Property Organization: Annual Conferences World Meteorological Organization: Annual Congresses World Bank: Briefings on progress of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations International Red Cross: League meetings |
11. Academic appointments: | |
Executive Vice-President of the Atlanta Centre for the Study of
Development Issues (Georgia University System), Atlanta, USA, 1990-94 Chairman of the Board of the Centre for Development Studies of the Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, since 1992 Associate Professor of the University of Georgia, since 5 September 1995 Advisory member of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI) since 1995 |
12. Honours: | |
Professor honoris causa of the Universidad del Salvador, 18 May
1998, "for his research and innovatory approach in the fight against poverty and its
more sinister consequence, hunger" Distinguished Cross of the Order of Saint Olav (Norway) Grand Officer of the Order of Merit for Distinguished Service of the Republic of Peru Grand Officer of the National Order of Merit of the Republic of Ecuador Knight of the Order of Isabel la Cat�lica (Spain) Knight of the Equatorial Star of Gabon |
13. Publications: | |
"Oil Concessions and Compliance with the Legal Regime", 1963 "Reflections on Social Order", 1964 "Analysis and Comments on the Foreign Service Law", 1968 "The Professional Nature of Diplomatic Activity", 1969 "International Economic Relations in the Context of Foreign Policy", 1978 "The Promotion of Foreign Trade Requires Coordination between the Ministries of the Economy and Foreign Affairs", 1983 "Spain in the EC and its Changed Relations with Ibero-America", 1987 "Crisis in the Multilateral System", 1987 "The Power of Public Opinion in Developed Countries", 1987 "Immigration from Eastern Europe", 1989 "A Challenge to Capitalism", 1989 "Rethinking the Nature of Poverty", 1989 "The Future of International Organizations", 1991 "Security for Peace. Rethinking the Concept of Security", 1991 "The International Organizations and Development after the Cold War", 1992 "The Alliance of the Public and Private Sectors in Promoting Development", 1992 "Mercosur as an Instrument of Integration with the North and Argentine Foreign Policy", 1992 "Inter-University Diplomacy", 1993 "Reappraising the Role of the Woman in the Family", 1995 "The Summit of the Americas - A New Approach to Diplomacy", 1996 "The Euro could Challenge the Supremacy of the Dollar", 1997 "Myths and Facts of President Clinton's Visit", 1997 |
14. Recent lectures: | |
The Options for Latin America Joint High Command of the Argentine Armed Forces, 1995 The European Union and Social
Affairs Unemployment in Argentina Speaker at the International Symposium on "The Humanities and Science: Present and Future Perspective" on the theme "National Personality and Foreign Policy" organized by the Universidad del Salvador to mark its 40th anniversary, 1996 Speaker at the Seminar on Cultural Identity organized by the Universidad del Salvador on the theme "National Personality and Relations with the United States", 1996 Summit of the Americas - A New Diplomacy National Identity in Relations between the Hemispheres. A New Approach to the Problem of Hunger. Argentine Foreign Policy Argentine Foreign Policy - its Influence on Domestic Affairs. The Outcome of President Clinton's Visit to Argentina Economic Growth with Social Justice |
15. Languages: Mother tongue: Spanish | |
Fluent in English and Italian Good knowledge of French |
16. Other appointments: | |
President of the Foundation for the Study and Promotion of Cooperation,
Solidarity and International Economic Relations, Buenos Aires, 1989-90 Honorary President of the Norwegian-Argentine Chamber of Commerce, Oslo, since 1979 Honorary Member of the Norwegian-Latin American Cultural Institute, Oslo, since 1981 President of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium: President of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium "The New World Order and its Social, Political and Economic Implications" attended by professors of Georgia State University, Oglethorpe University, University of Georgia and Universidad del Salvador, Atlanta (USA), 1991 President of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium "The Alliance between the Public and Private Sectors in Promoting Development" attended by professors of Georgia State University, University of Georgia and Universidad del Salvador, Atlanta (USA), 1992 Chairman of the Board of the Southeast US Argentine Centre, Atlanta (USA), 1990-94 Official Member of the Advisory Committee on International Studies of Oglethorpe University, Atlanta (USA), 1990-94 Member of the Southern Centre for International Studies, Atlanta (USA), since 1990 Official Member of the Board of the Atlanta Council on International Relations, 1991-94 Official Member of the Advisory Board for the Centre for International Business, Education and Research, Georgia State University, Atlanta (USA), 1992-94 Invited by the State Department to participate in the work of the "United States Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations", 1992 Director of International Relations of the Fundaci�n Integraci�n, Buenos Aires, since 1995 Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Inter-American Conference on Hunger, Buenos Aires, 1997 Chairman of the Inter-American Conference on Hunger, Buenos Aires, 1997 |