The State of the World's Forests 2001 would not exist without the contributions and efforts of many people, both within and outside FAO.
Overall coordination and editing of the publication was carried out by S.M. Braatz.
The following FAO staff and consultants were involved in collecting data, drafting sections or reviewing the document: G. Allard, J. Ball, E. Borzillo, J. Bourke, C. Brown, C.M. Carneiro, F. Castañeda, C. D'Ricco, R. Davis, A. del Lungo, P. Durst, C. Eckelmann, M.H. El-Lakany, T. Frisk, S. Hald, S. Hirai, T. Hofer, P. Holmgren, W. Killmann, D. Kneeland, P. Koné, M. Laverdière, A. Lengyel, L. Ljungman, J. Lorbach, P. Lowe, M. Martin, D. McGuire, A. Mekouar, T. Michaelsen, C.T.S. Nair, J. Nichols, F. Padovani, C. Palmberg-Lerche, M. Paveri, E. Pepke, D. Reeb, E.H. Sène, O. Serrano, P. Sigaud, H. Simons, X. Soto, O. Souvannavong, D. Suparmo, K. Thelen, P. Vantomme, K. Warner, A. Whiteman, M.L. Wilkie, D. Williamson and A. Yanchuk. The members of the Internal Advisory Committee provided essential technical oversight in planning and reviewing the document: J. Ball, J. Bourke, S. Dembner, D. Kneeland, C.T.S. Nair, M. Paveri, P. Sigaud, P. Vantomme, K. Warner and D. Williamson.
A number of outside collaborators contributed various pieces: R. Mutch (United States) and J.G. Goldammer (Global Fire Monitoring Centre, Freiburg University, Germany) provided the material on forest fires in Part I. J.-P. Lanly (Conseil Général du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts, French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) contributed Box 2, The impact of storms on the forests in France.
C. Prins (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Trade Division) provided the material on the forest assessment of temperate and boreal forests in the chapter on the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 in Part II. D. Peck (Ramsar Convention Secretariat) contributed information related to the Ramsar Convention. S. Johnson (International Tropical Timber Organization) contributed the piece on the Year 2000 Objective in Part III. A. Hellier, W. McGhee, R. Tipper and J. Mayhew (Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management) and Y. Malhi and P. Meir (University of Edinburgh) contributed the piece on global climate change and forestry in Part II. This piece is an output from a research project partly funded by the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) for the benefit of developing countries. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the DFID R7274 Forestry Research Programme.
A. Contreras-Hermosilla (consultant) provided the chapter on illegal activities and corruption in the forest sector in Part II. C. Saint-Laurent (World Conservation Union and World Wide Fund for Nature International) provided the section on the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the international discussion and initiatives on forests in Part III.
FAO wishes to express its gratitude for the strong and active guidance given by the members of the External Advisory Committee (EAC) to the State of the World's Forests, namely: M. Colchester, M. Chipeta, M. Coulombe, M. Dourojeanni, F. Ekoko, H. Gregersen, J. Griffiths, I. Klabin, J.-P. Lanly, M. de Montalembert, H.O. Abdelnour, C. Prins, P. Sall, M.N. Salleh and M. Simula. In addition to these EAC members, staff and associates of the Center for International Forestry Research provided extremely helpful review comments on the draft materials.
S. Dembner, A. Perlis and the staff of the FAO Publishing and Multimedia Service provided essential production and publication support. J. Saich and R. Cardilli supplied secretarial assistance and F. Monti and A. Casponi assisted with library services.