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To list relevant reference material in FAO/WFP

International Organization Websites

International Organisation Web Sites

Gender And Disaster Network (Gdn).

Journal Of Humanitarian Assistance.

OCHA - Online.

IFRC - World Disasters Report.

OCHA - ReliefWeb.

ODI - Relief and Rehabilitation Network.

UN Economic and Social Development.

General Information on Women: Advancement & Empowerment of Women.

INDP for Women.

UN Division for Advancement of Women.

UNDP Poverty, Environment, Gender and Governance.

The Worldbank Group.

WFP - Women and Gender.

FAO Web Sites

Agriculture (AG)

Agricultural Engineering Branch (AGSE)

Commodities and Trade Division (ESC)

Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Service (ESAF)

Food and Nutrition Division (ESN)

Gender (SDW, SDWW)

Global Warning and Information System (GIEWS)

Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division (TCE)

Seed and Plant Genetic Resources Service (AGPS)

Technical Cooperation (TC, TCI)

Partnership Programmes


WFP Web Sites



Strategy and Policy Division (SP)

Operations Department (OD)

Resources and External Relations Division (RE)

Finance and Information Systems Division (FS)

Management Services Division (MS)

Human Resources Division (HR)

Office of the Executive Director (OED)

Partnerships - Agreements with other Organizations/Entities

Guidelines for Calculating Food Rations for Refugees

Guidelines for Selective Feeding Programmes

UNHCR/WFP Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Working Arrangements

Policies on the use of WFP food aid in relief and development activities: Monetization

Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Guidelines


UN and Bilateral Agencies and NGOs

Institute of Development Studies (IDS).
University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE
Tel: (1273) 606.261
Fax: (1273) 621.202; 691.647
Tel: (1273) 678.269
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

International Center for Research on Women.
(ICRW), 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 302, Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: (202) 797-0007
Fax: (202) 797-0020
Email: [email protected]

Oxfam United Kingdom and Ireland.
274 Bradbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DZ
General Tel.: (44.1865) 311311, 312603
General Fax: (44.1865) 312410
Distribution Tel.: (44.1202) 715555
Distribution Fax: (44.1202) 715556

Swedish International Development Authority
(SIDA). Gender Office, Birger Jarlsgatan 61
S-105 25, Stockholm, SWEDEN
Tel: (46.8) 728-5100
Fax: (46.8) 698-5656; 698-5642; 612-6380;

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
3 U.N. Plaza, New York, New York 10017
Tel: (212) 326-7000
Fax: (212) 888-7465

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)[25],
304 East 45th Street, New York, New York 10017.
Tel: (212) 906-6435
Fax: (212) 906-6705

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
220 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017.
Tel: (212) 297-5000
Fax: (212) 557-6416

United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
1601 N. Kent Street, Room 711, Rosslyn, VA 22209.
Tel: (703) 875-5245
Fax: (703) 875-4693
Room 711, SA-18
Washington, DC 20523-1819

Women in Development (WID), USAID.
1815 N. Fort Myers Drive, 9th Floor Rosslyn, VA.
Tel: (703) 816-0291
Fax: (703) 816-0266

Women Ink.
777 UN Plaza, Third Floor, New York, New York 10017
Tel: (212) 687-8633
Fax: (212) 661-2704
Email: [email protected]

World Bank.
1818 H Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20433.
Tel: (202) 477-1234
Fax: (202) 477-6391

References and Recommended Reading

Alexander, E. M., 1995. Gender And Emergency Issues- A Synthesis Of 4 WFPCase Studies: Malawi, Mozambique, Angola And Zaire.

Anderson, Mary B., 1994. Understanding the Disaster-Development Continuum: Gender Analysis is the Essential Tool, in Focus on Gender, Vol 2, No 1, pp 7-10.

Balakrishnan, R., 1993. Intra-household Dynamics: Implications for Programme and Project Formulation. Consultancy Paper for A Conceptual Framework for Social and Gender Analysis in Project and Programme Formulation. FAO, Rome.

Beck, T, 1997. Can the uncounted count? Qualitative indicators and their uses. Paper prepared for the Socio-economic and Gender Analysis Inter-agency Review Meeting Organized by UNDP, Pearl River, New York.

Bhatt, M., 1995. Gender and Disasters: Perspectives on Women as Victims of Disasters. Discussion Paper. Disaster Mitigation Institute, Gulbai Tekra, Ahmedabad India.

Birch, I., 1994. Emergency Food Distribution in Turkana. OXFAM: Focus on Gender. 4(2).

BRIDGE. Gender and Humanitarian Assistance. An Annotated Bibliography. IDS, Sussex.

Brown, E.P. Sex and Starvation: Famine in Three Chadian Societies. Political Economy of African Famine. Ed Downs, Kerner, and Reyna. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.

Browning, A., 1997. Economic Growth and Housing along the U.S.-Mexico Border: Women’s Existing and Potential Roles in the Development Process. Unpublished paper.

Bryne B., 1996. Gender and Humanitarian Assistance. Vol. 1, 2 and Case Studies. IDS Sussex, compiled on behalf of the Government of Netherlands.

Buenavista, G. & Flora, C., 1993. Surviving Natural Resource Decline: Explaining Intersections of Class, Gender and Social Networks in Agbanga, Leyte, Philippines. An ECOGEN Case Study. Blacksburg, VA: VPA & SU. Cited in Thomas-Slayter, Barbara, Esser, Andrea Lee and M. Dale Shields (1993). Tools of Gender Analysis: A Guide to Field Methods for Bringing Gender into Sustainable Resource Management. ECOGEN, Clark University.

Byrne, B. & Baden, S., 1995. Gender, Emergencies And Humanitarian Assistance, pp. 1-60.

Byrne, B. Marcus, R. Powers-Stevens, T., 1995. Gender, conflict and development (Volume 2 - Case Studies). Report 35,147 pages. Report prepared at the request of the Netherlands' Special Programe on WID, Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a conference on gender, conflict and development of the Vrouwenberaad Ontwikkelingssamenwerking.

Byrne, B., 1995. Gender, Conflict And Development (Volume 1 - Overview). Report 34, 61 pages. Report prepared at the request of the Netherlands' Special Programe on WID, Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a conference on gender, conflict and development of the Vrouwenberaad Ontwikkelingssamenwerking.

Byrne, B., 1996. Towards A Gendered Understanding Of Conflict. IDS Bulletin, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 31-40.

Cammack, D., 1995. Gender And Emergency Food Aid: A Review Of Two World Food Programme Operations In Malawi. Situation Report, WFP.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 1996. Guide to Gender Sensitive Indicators.

Chambers R, 1989. Vulnerability: How Poor People Cope. IDS Bulletin 20 (2).

Cohen, Roberta, 1995. Put Refugee Women in Charge of Food Distribution, in Hunger 1996, Washington, D.C.: Bread for the World Institute, October.

Commission of the European Communities, 1993. Project cycle management: Integrated approach and logical framework.

Connell, D., 1994. Social- and Gender-Responsive People's Participation for a Field Manual on Participatory Project Identification and Formulation. Consultancy paper for A Conceptual Framework for Social and Gender Analysis in Project and Programme Formulation. FAO, Rome.

Cornwall, A., Guijt, I.& Welbourne, A., 1992. Acknowledging Process: Challenges for Agricultural Research and Extension Methodology. Overview Paper II prepared for the IIED/IDS workshop Beyond Farmer First: Rural People's Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Oct. 27-29.

Craske, N., 1993. Women’s Political Participation in Colonias Populares in Guadalara, Mexico, in Viva: Women and Popular Protest in Latin America, edit. Sarah A Radcliffe and Sallie Westwood. New York: Routledge, pp. 112-135.

D'Arcy, D., 1990. The Community's Toolbox. The Idea, Methods and Tool for Participatory Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation in Community Foresty. Community Forestry Manual 2. FAO, Rome.

Development and Gender In Brief Integrating Gender into Emergency Responses (Issue 4) from Bridge Reports.

Development and Gender In Brief. Conflict and Development (Issue 3) from Bridge Reports at;

Eade, D. & Williams, S., 1995. The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief, Volume I pp184-190 and Volume II pp 883-886, (Oxfam Publications).

ECHO, 1996. Gender And Emergencies. Conference Report Pages: 11. APRODEV.

Eckman, K., 1995. Training Manual for Training Workshop on Action-Oriented Village Assessment and Participatory Rural Appraisal. Yangon, Myanmar. FAO, Rome.

Edridge C. & Gosling L., 1995 RRA and PRA in Emergencies. SCF/UK London.

El-Bushra, J., & Piza Lopez, E., 1993, Development in conflict: The Gender Dimension, Report of an Oxfam AGRA East Workshop held in Pattaga, Thailand, 1-4th February, Oxfam UK/I, ACORD

Elmendorf, M. L. & Isely, R.B., 1983. Public and Private Roles of Women in Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes. Human Organization 42(3): 195-204.

Enarson E. & Morrow H., 1998. The Gendered Terrain of Disaster: Through Women’s Eyes. Greenwood Press.

Eurostep., Gender And Humanitarian Assistance. Occasional Paper, Pages: 12. Eurostep City: Brussels

Fall, Y., 1996. Gender Assessment Of Emergency Food Assistance: Impact On Rwandese Refugees In Eastern Zaire Research Report Pages: 40

FAO & University of Arizona, Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, 1997. SEAGA Macro-level Handbook.

FAO/IIED, 1999. Exploring Gender Issues in Agriculture. Key Issues and Participatory Methods.

FAO, 1993. Guidelines for Participatory Nutrition Projects. FAO, Rome.

FAO, 1995. Understanding Famers’ Communication Networks. An Experience in the Philippines. Communication for Development Case Study. FAO, Rome.

FAO, 1996. Improving Extension Work with Rural Women. FAO, Rome.

FAO/UNDP/World Bank, 1993. Towards a Common Conceptual Perspective on Socio-economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA). Synthesis of Papers. A Conceptual Framework for Social and Gender Analysis in Project and Programme Formulation, Rome.

Feldstein, H. S. & Jiggins, J., 1994. Tools for the Field. Methodologies Handbook for Gender Analysis in Agriculture. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, Connecticut.

Ferris, E., 1993, Women, war and peace. Research Report No. 14, Life and Peace Institute, Uppsala, Sweden

Feuerstein, M., 1986. Partners in Evaluation. Evaluating Development and Community Programmes with Participants. Macmillan Publishers Ltd, London.

Ford, R. and Hussein A., Farah, A.Y. & Barre, O.H., 1994. PRA with Somali Pastoralists: Building Community Institutions for Africa's Twenty-first Century. Worcester, Mass: Clark University in cooperation with GTZ/Gardo, Somalia.

Freudenberger, K.S., 1994. Tree and Land Tenure Rapid Appraisal Tools. Community Forestry Field Manual 4. FAO, Rome.

Gell, F., 1997. Links-Oxfam's Newsletter on Gender. Guinea Pigs for Andean Women: a new emergency response by Programme Management Assistant. Oxfam GB South Asia.

Grimble, R., Chan, M., Aglionby, J. & Quan, J., 1995. Trees and Trade-offs: A Stakeholder Approach to Natural Resource Management. IIED Gatekeeper Series No. 52, London.

Hamerschlag, K. & Reerink, A., 1996. Best practices for Gender Integration in Organizations and Programmes from the InterAction Community: Findings from a Survey of Member Agencies. Commission on the Advancement of Women. 1996.

HCHR, 1997. Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. Intermediate Technology. Women and Drought. Discussion Paper. London.

Henderson, H. K., Hutchinson, B.S. & Baro, M. 1994. Participation of Women in Agricultural Education and Integration of Gender Issues into Agricultural Curricula in Two Developing Countries. International Education 23(2): 46-63.

Huisinga Norem, R., 1997. SEAGA Framework and Users Reference. FAO.

Huisinga Norem, R., 1999. Socio-economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA). A Conceptual Approach to Development Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation. FAO/ILO, Rome.

IASC Working Group, 1999. Mainstreaming Gender in the Humanitarian Response to Emergencies Meeting XXXXVI, Background Document. April 22-23, Rome (Inter-Agency Standing Committee).

IDNDR 1995. Women and Children: Key to Prevention: Summaries and Analysis. Report. New York and Geneva: Department of Humanitarian Affairs.

IIED, 1991. Participatory Rural Appraisal. RRA Notes 13. IIED, London.

IIED, 1992. From Input to Impact: Participatory Rural Appraisal for ActionAid The Gambia. IIED, London.

Intermediate Technology Zimbabwe, 1996. Our Community Ourselves. A Search for Food Security by Chivi’s Farmers. ITZ, Harare.

International Committee of the Red Cross, 1996. Women and War (ICRC Publications).

Jacobson, J.L., 1993. Closing the Gender Gap in Development. In: L. Brown, et al., State of the World, A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society, W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 61-79.

John's Hopkins Refugee and Diasaster Studies Programme.

Kabeer N., 1990 Women, Household Food Security and Coping Strategies. Women’s Nutrition. ACC/SCN Symposium Report: Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper. ACCUN Sub-Committee on Nutrition.

Kasmann, E., & Körner, M., 1996. Guidelines: Gender-Aware Approaches To Relief And Rehabilitation. Pages: 75. InterAktion, Bonn

Katona-Apte, J., 1986. Women and Food Aid: A Develop-mental Perspective. In Food Policy, August.

Katona-Apte, J., 1999. Uprooted Women: Passive Victims? Or Active Change Agents? WFP’s Role, Conference on Uprooted Women, Washington, DC, WFP, 1999.

Koopman, J., 1994. Participatory Socio-economic and Gender Analysis of Household and Community Issues for a Field Manual on Participatory Project Identification and Formulation. Consultancy paper for A Conceptual Framework for Social and Gender Analysis in Project and Programme Formulation, FAO, Rome.

Krishnaraj M., 1997. Gender Issues in Disaster Management. Gender Technology and Development, vol. 1, no. 3.

Lassila, S., 1999. Report on Majakliet Field Trip - A Gender Perspective, Unpublished discussion paper.

League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 1991. Working with Women in Emergencies. Field Studies Paper #2. Geneva.

League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 1991. Working with Women in Emergencies. Field Studies Paper #2. Geneva.

Levy, C., 1992. Transport, Chapter 6. In Gender and Development: A Practical Guide. London: Routledge, pp. 94-109.

Lightfoot, C., Feldman, S., & Abedin, M. Z., 1994. Incorporating Gender in Conceptual Diagrams of Households and Agroecosystems. In Hilary Sims Feldstein and Janice Jiggins (Eds.), Tools for the Field. Methodologies Handbook for Gender Analysis in Agriculture. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, Connecticut, 66-70.

Lipnack, J. & Stamps, J., 1986. The Networking Book. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Llanes, M., 2000. Women: Emergencies and Rehabilitation and Access to Food Security. Regional Office, Nicaragua, WFP.

Machado, L.M.V., 1987. The Problems for Women-Headed Households in a Low-Income Housing Programme in Brazil. In, Women, Human Settlements, and Housing, edit. Caroline O.N. Moser and Linda Peake. New York: Tavistock, pp. 55-69.

Maine, R. A., Cam, B. & Davis-Case, D., 1996. Participatory Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation for Fishing Communities. A Manual. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 364. FAO, Rome.

Mooney, E., 1998. Internal Displacement and Gender. Humanitarian Principles.

Moser, C.O.N., 1987. Introduction and Chapter 1. In Women, Human Settlements, and Housing. Edit. Caroline O.N. Moser and Linda Peake. New York: Tavistock Publications, pp. 1-32.

Moser, C.O.N., 1989. Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting Practical and Strategic Gender Needs.

Moser, C.O.N., 1992. Housing. Chapter 5. In Gender and Development: A Practical Guide. Edit Lise Ostergaard. London: Routledge, pp. 76-93.

Myers, M., 1994. Women and Children First: Introducing a Gender Strategy into Disaster, Preparedness’, In: Focus on Gender, Vol 2, No 1, pp14-16.

Narayan, D. & Srinivasan, L., 1994. Participatory Development Tool Kit. Training Materials for Agencies & Communities. The World Bank, Washington, D. C.

Narayan, D., 1996. Toward Participatory Research. World Bank Technical Paper No. 307, Washington D. C.

Network on Humanitarian Assistance, 1994. European University Degree in International Humanitarian Assistance, Anthropology Module, (European Commission, European Community Humanitarian Office, July).

Peace Corps, 1996. PACA: Participatory Analysis for Community Action. Information Collection and Exchange Peace Corps Manual M0053, Washington, D. C.

Pendzich, C., 1994 Socially and gender-responsive dispute resolution. Consultancy paper, FAO.

Percy, R., 1995. Improving Client Oriented Extension Training in Ethiopia - North Wollo Gender and Participatory Extension Case Study. GCP/ETH/051/NET, FAO, Rome.

Pretty, J.N., Guijt, I., Thompson, J. & Scoones, I., 1995. A Trainer’s Guide for Participatory Learning and Action. IIED Participatory Methodology Series, IIED, London.

Quisumbing, A. R., Brown L. R., Feldstein H.S., Haddad, L. & Pena C., 1995. Women: The Key to Food Security, Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute, August.

Rodda, A., 1991. Women and the Environment. London: Zed Books, Inc.

Shah, P. & Meera K.S., 1995. Participatory methods: precipitating or avoiding conflict? PLA Notes, no. 24. IIED, London.

Shotton, A., 2000. WFP Women Beneficiaries Speak Out, Workshop Report WFP/Sudan.

Slocum, R. Wichhart, L. Rocheleau, D. & Thomas-Slayter, B., 1995. Power, Process and Participation: Tools for Change. Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

Smith, D.L. & Bryant, J.H., 1988. Building the Infrastructure for Primary Health Care: An Overview of Vertical and Integrated Approaches Social Science and Medicine 26(9): 909-917.

Sorock, M., Dicker, H., Giraldo, A. Waltz, S., 1984. Women and Shelter: Resources for Action. Office of Housing and Urban Programmes, Washington, D.C.: USAID.

Taft, J., 1987. Issues and Options for Refugee Women in Developing Countries, Washington DC: Refugee Policy Group.

Theis, J. & Grady, H.M., 1991. Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development. A Training Manual Based on Experiences in the Middle East and North Africa. IIED and Save the Children.

Thomas-Slater, B., E., Lee. A & Dale, S.M., 1993. Tools of Gender Analysis: A Guide to Field Methods for Bringing Gender into Sustainable Resource Management. ECOGEN, Clark University.

Thomas-Slayter, B., Polestico, A., Esser, L., A., Taylor A. & Mutua. A., 1995. A Manual for Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis: Responding to the Development Challenge. ECOGEN, Clark University.

Tilakartna, S., 1987. The Animator in Participatory Rural Development. ILO, Geneva.

Townsley, P., 1993. Rapid Appraisal Methods for Coastal Communities. A Manual. Bay of Bengal Programme, Madras.

Townsley, P., 1993. Training of Rapid Appraisal Teams. Notes for Trainers. FAO, Rome.

UN Security Council Open Debate in Women, Peace and Security.

UNDHA, 1997. Women in Emergencies. DHA News 22.,Geneva, pp 64.

UNHCR, 1990. Policy on Refugee Women. Geneva.

UNHCR, 1995. Sexual Violence against Refugees: Guidelines on Prevention and Response. Geneva.

UNICEF, 1995. Office of Emergence Programmes and Brussels Office Report of the Expert Group Meeting on the Development and Guidelines for the Integration of Gender Perspectives into UN Human Rights Activities and Programmes. Geneva.

UNICEF, 1998. Workshop: Focus on Child Rights Approach to Complex Emergencies and Internal Displacement. Brussels: UNICEF, Office of Emergence Programmes and Brussels Office, 1/10/98.

United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), 1999. Policy Statement and Background Paper, 31 May.

Urban, A. and Roja, M., 1993. Shifting Boundaries: Gender, Migration, and Community Resources in the Foothills of Choluteca, Honduras. An ECOGEN Case Study. Cited in Thomas-Slayter, Barbara, Esser, Andrea Lee and M. Dale Shields (1993). Tools of Gender Analysis: A Guide to Field Methods for Bringing Gender into Sustainable Resource Management. ECOGEN, Clark University.

Voutira, E., 1995. Improving Social and Gender Planning in Emergency Operations. WFP. Oxford University Refugee Studies Programme. 1995.

Walker, B., 1994. Women and Emergencies. Oxford. OXFAM.

Walsh, M. 1998. Time for Change: Food Aid and Development. Women in Food Aid Intervention. Impacts and Issues, Rome. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, United Kingdom.

Wellbourne, A., 1992. PRA Materials on Gender (mimeograph), IIED.

WFP, 2000. Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation: Algeria 6234.00 - Assistance to Saharawi Refugees, 1 September 2000 - 31 August 2002.

Wiest, R., Mocellin, J. & Motsisi, D., 1992. The Needs of Women and Children in Emergencies, University of Manitoba Winnipeg.

Wilde, V. & Mooij, M., 1998. Participatory Gender Analysis for Community-level Disaster Response Planning. WFP, Nairobi.

Wilde, V. and Arja, V.M., 1995. Gender Analysis and Forestry International Training Package. FAO, Rome.

Wilde, V., 1996. PRA for Impact Analysis in Bhutan. IFAD Interim Evaluation Mission Report on First Eastern Zone Agricultural Development Project (FEZAP), Bhutan. IFAD, Rome.

Wilde, V., 1997. SEAGA Field-level Handbook. FAO.

Wilde, V., 1997. WFP Gender and Participation in Emergency Food Aid.

Wisner, B., 1995. Socio-economic and Gender Aspects of Environment and Sustainable Development. Contribution to FAO/ILO/UNDP Field Manual on Participatory Project Identification and Formulation.

World Resources Institute, 1990. Participatory Rural Appraisal Handbook. National Environmental Secretariat, Government of Kenya. Clark University; Egerton University; and the Centre for International Development and Environment of the World Resources Institute.

World Bank, 1996. World Bank Sourcebook on Participation. ESD, The World Bank, Washington, D.C

Woroniuk, B, Schalkwyk, J. and Thomas, H. 1997. Overview: Gender Equality and Emergency Assistance/Conflict Resolution, Report Prepared for Humanitarian Assistance Division, SIDA, January.

[25] All UNIFEM publications are distributed by Women, Ink.

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