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Ahlstrom, E.H., 1966, Distribution and abundance of sardine and anchovy larvae in the California Current region off California and Baja California, 1951-64: a summary. Spec. scient. Rep. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., (Fish.), (534):71 p.

Ahlstrom, E.H., 1967, Co-occurrences of sardine and anchovy larvae in the California Current region off California and Baja California. Pros. Rep. Calif. coop. ocean. Fish. Invest., (11):117-35

Alverson, D.L., 1967, Distribution and behaviour of Pacific hake as related to design of fishing strategy and harvest rationale. Paper presented to the FAO Conference on Fish Behaviour in Relation to Fishing Techniques and Tactics, Bergen, 19-27 October, 1967, (11):15 p.

Angot, M., 1961, A summary of productivity measurement in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. In Proceedings of the Conference on Primary Productivity and Measurement in Marine and Freshwater, University of Hawaii. Edited by M.S. Doty. Oak Ridge, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. TID-7633 pp. 1-9

Antia, N.J., et al., 1963, Further measurements of primary production using a large volume plastic sphere. Limnol. Oceanogr., 8(2):166-83

Arrhenius, G., 1963, Pelagic sediments. In The sea, (edited by M.N. Hill) New York, John Wiley and Sons, vol. 3:655-727

Armstrong, F.A.J., C.R. Stearns and J.D.H. Strickland, 1967, The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Res., 14(3):381-9

Banse, K., 1968, Hydrography of the Arabian Sea Shelf of India and Pakistan and effects on demersal fishes. Deep-Sea Res., 15(1):45-80

Bang, N., (In press) The southern Benguela current region in 1966; bathythermography and air-sea interaction. Deep-Sea Res.

Bayliff, W.H., 1963, The food and feeding habits of the anchoveta Centengraulis mysticetus, in the Gulf of Panama. Bull. inter-Am. Trop. Tuna Commn, 7(6):399-459

Berrit, G.R., 1958, Les saisons marines à Pointe Noire. Cah. océanogr., 10:335-58

Berrit, G.R., 1961, Contribution à la connaissance des variations saisonnières dans le Golfe de Guinée. Observations de surface le long des lignes de navigation. Cah. océanogr., 13(10):715-27

Berrit, G.R., 1962, Contribution à la connaissance des variations saisonnières dans le Golfe du Guinée. Observations de surface le long des lignes de navigation. 2ème partie. Etude régionale. (suite et fin). Cah. océanogr., 14(10):719-29

Beverton, R.J.H. and D.S. Tungate, 1967, A multi-purpose plankton sampler. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 31(2):145-57

Bhavanarayana, P.V. and E.C. LaFond, 1957, On the replenishment of some plant nutrients during the upwelling period on the east coast off India. Indian J.Fish., 4(1):75-9

Bjerknes, J., 1961, El Niño; a study based on analysis of ocean surface temperatures 1935-57. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 5(3):219-303

Blackburn, M., 1966, Biological oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific: summary of existing information. Spec. scient. Rep. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv.(Fish.), (540):18 p.

Buys, M.E.L., 1959, The South African pilchard (Sardinops ocellata) and maasbanker (Trachurus trachurus) - Hydrographical environment and the commercial catches, 1950-57. Investl Rep. Div. Fish. Un. S. Afr., (37):559-732

California, 1952, Department of Fish and Game. Marine Research Committee, Prog. Rep. Calif. coop. Sardine Res. Progm, 1951-2:51 p.

California, 1953, Prog. Rep. Calif. coop. ocean. Fish. Invest., 1952-3:44 p.

California, 1956, Prog. Rep. Calif. coop. ocean. Fish. Invest., 1955-6:44 p.

California, 1958, Prog. Rep. Calif. coop. ocean. Fish. Invest., 1956-8:57 p.

Chapman, W.M., 1967, Food production from the sea and the nutritional requirements of the World. Paper presented to the Conference on the Law, Organisation and Security in the Use of the Ocean, 17 March, 1967, held in Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio State University.

Clark, F.N. and J.C. Marr, 1955, Population dynamics of the Pacific sardine. Prog. Rep. Calif. coop. ocean. Fish. Invest., 1953-5:12 p.

Copenhagen, W.J., 1953, The periodic mortality of fish in the Walvis region. A phenomenon within the Benguela Current. Rep. Div. Fish. Un. S. Afr., (14):35 p.

Cromwell, T., 1958, Thermocline topography, horizontal currents and 'ridging' in the eastern tropical Pacific. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 3:133-65

Currie, R.I., 1963, The Indian Ocean standard net. Deep-Sea Res., 10(1/2):27-32

Cushing, D.H., 1958, Some experiments using the 14C technique. Rapp. P. -v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 144:73-5

Cushing, D.H., 1959, The seasonal variation in oceanic production as a problem in population dynamics. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 24(3):455-64

Cushing, D.H., 1962, An alternative method of estimating the critical depth. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 27(2):131-40

Cushing, D.H., 1963, Studies on a Calanus patch - 2. The estimation of algal productive rates. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 43 (2):339-47

Cushing, D.H. and H.F. Nicholson, 1963, Studies on a Calanus patch - 4. Nutrient salts off the northeast coast of England in the spring of 1954. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 43(2):373-86

Darbyshire, M., 1963, Computed surface currents off the Cape of Good Hope. Deep-Sea Res., 10:623-32

Darbyshire, M., 1967, The surface waters off the coast of Kerala, southwest India. Deep-Sea Res., 14(3):295-320

Davies, D.H., 1958, The South African pilchard (Sardinops ocellata). Preliminary report on the age composition of commercial catches, 1950-55. Investl Rep. Div. Fish Un. S. Afr., (33):20 p.

Deacon, G.E.R., 1937, The hydrology of the Southern Ocean. 'Discovery' Rep., 15:1-124

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Düing, W., 1967, Der Vertikalzirkulation in den küstennahen Gewässern des Arabischen Meeres während der Zeit des Nordostmonsuns. Wiss. Ergebn. dt. atlant. Exped. 'Meteor', A (3):67-83

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Fleminger, A. and R.I. Clutter, 1965, Avoidance of towed nets by zoo-plankton. Limnol. Oceanogr., 10:96 - 104

Flores, L.A., 1967, Informe preliminar del crucero 6611 de la primavera de 1966 (Cabo Blanco - Punta Coles). Infme Inst. Mar Perú, (17):16 p.

Flores, L.A. and L.A. P. Elias, 1967, Informe preliminar del crucero 6608-9 de invierno 1966 (Mancora - Ilo). Infme Inst. Mar Perú, (16):24 p.

Forsbergh, E.D. and J. Joseph, 1964, Biological production in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 8(9):479-527

Foxton, P., 1965, A mass fish mortality on the Somali coast. Deep-Sea Res., 12(1):17-9

Frontier, S., 1963, Zooplancton récolté en mer d'Arabie, Golfe Persique et Golfe d'Aden. Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M. Océanogr., 3:17-30

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Garner, D.M., 1961, Hydrology of New Zealand coastal waters, 1955. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res., (138):84 p.

Goldman, C.R., 1968, The use of absolute activity for eliminating serious errors in the measurement of primary productivity with 14C. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 32(2):172-9

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Gunther, E.R., 1936, A report on oceanographical investigations in the Peru coastal current. 'Discovery' Rep., 13:109-276

Hart, T.J. and R.I. Currie, 1960, The Benguela current. 'Discovery' Rep., 31:123-298

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Heinrich, A.K., 1961, Seasonal phenomena in plankton of the world's ocean. 1. Seasonal phenomena in the plankton of high and low temperature latitudes. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 15:57-81 (In Russian)

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Hidaka, K., 1958, Computation of the wind stresses over the Oceans. Rec. oceanogr. Wks Japan, 4(2):77-123

Hidaka, K. and K. Ogawa, 1958, On the seasonal variations of surface divergence of the ocean currents in terms of wind stresses over the oceans. Rec. oceanogr. Wks Japan, 4(2):124-69

Holmes, R.W., M.B. Schaefer and B.M. Shimada, 1957, Primary production, chlorophyll and zooplankton volumes in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 2(4):129-69

Hutchinson, G.E., 1950, Survey of existing knowledge of biogeochemistry. 3. The biogeochemistry of vertebrate excretion. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist., 96:554 p.

Ivanenkov, V.N, and F.A. Gubin, 1960, Water masses and hydrochemistry of the western and southern parts of the Indian Ocean. Trudy morsk. gidrofiz Inst., 22:27-99

Japan, Science Council. National Committee for IIOE, 1966, General report of the participation of Japan in the International Indian Ocean Expedition. Rec. oceanogr. Wks Japan, 8(2):133 p.

Jones, P.G.W. and A.R. Folkard, 1968, Chemical oceanographic observations off the coast of Northwest Africa, with special reference to the process of upwelling. Paper presented to the ICES/FAO Symposium on the Living Resources of the African Continental Shelf, held in Tenerife, 25-28 March, 1968, Paper No. 47:13 p. (mimeo)

Kabanova, Yu.G., 1964, Primary production and the content of biogenic elements in the water of the Indian Ocean from October to April, 1960-61. Trudy Inst. Okeanol., 64:85-91 (Also U.S. Naval Oceanogr. Off., Translation No. 321, 1967)

Kamshilov, M.M., 1951, Determination of the weight of Calanus finmarchicus Gunner on the basis of body length measurements. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 74:945-8 (In Russian)

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Koblents-Mishke, O.I., 1965, Value of primary production in the Pacific. Okeanologiia, 5:325-37. Also issued as Transl. Ser. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., (828):18 p. (1967)

LaFond, E.C., 1954, On upwelling and sinking off the east coast of India. Andhra Univ. Mem. Oceanogr., 1:117-21

LaFond, E.C., 1957, Oceanographic studies in the Bay of Bengal. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.(B), 46(1):1-46

LaFond, E.C., 1959, Sea surface features and internal waves in the sea. Indian J. Met. Geophys., 10:415-9

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Lynn, R.J., 1967, Seasonal variation of temperature and salinity at 10 meters in the California current. Rep. Calif. coop. ocean. Fish. Invest., 11:157-86

McAllister, C.D., T.R. Parsons and J.D.H. Strickland, 1960, Primary productivity and fertility observations at station 'P' in the northeast Pacific. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 25:240-59

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McLaren, I.A., 1965, Some relationships between temperature and egg size, body size, development rate, and fecundity of the cope pod Pseudocalanus. Limnol. Oceanogr., 10:528-38

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Marshall, S.M. and A.P. Orr, 1955, The biology of a marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus). Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 188 p.

Mazeika, P.A., 1967, Thermal domes in the eastern tropical Atlantic. Limnol. Oceanogr., 12(3):537-9

Nielsen, E.S., 1952, The use of radioactive carbon (C14) for measuring organic production in the Sea. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 18(2):117-40

Nielsen, E.S., 1964, On the determination of the activity in 14C ampoules. ICES C.M. 1964, Plankton Committee Doc. (105):2 p. (mimeo)

Nielsen, E.S. and V.Kr. Hansen, 1959, Measurements with the carbon-14 technique of the respiration rates in natural populations of phytoplankton. Deep-Sea Res., 5:222-33

Nielsen, E.S. and E.A. Jensen, 1957, Primary oceanic production. The autotrophic production of organic matter in the oceans. Galathea Rep., 1:49-136

Owen, R.W., Jr., 1963, Northeast Pacific albacore oceanography survey, 1961. Spec. scient. Rep. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv.(Fish.) (444):35 p.

Patil, M.R., et al., 1964, Hydrography of the west coast of India during the pre-monsoon period of the year 1962. Part 1. Shelf waters of Maharashtra, southwest Sourashtra coasts. J. mar. biol. Ass. India, 6:151-64

Ponomareva, L.A. and A.G. Naumov, 1962, Distribution of the biomass of zooplankton in the Arabian Sea and in the Bay of Bengal during the change of monsoons. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 142(2):449-52 (In Russian)

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