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Preparation of this document

The Fishery Resources and Environment Division of the FAO Fisheries Department regularly publishes technical documentation relevant for the promotion of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development. The preparation of this document has been fostered by the FAO Aquaculture Steering Committee and the FAO Inter-Departmental Working Group on Integrated Coastal Area Management. This document is for circulation to both specialists and government officials involved in the planning and management of aquaculture development in coastal areas. Comments and suggestions for improvements of the present version would be appreciated and should be sent to the Fishery Resources Officer (Aquatic Environment), Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI), Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.

The preparation of this document benefitted from discussions and suggestions by FAO Fisheries Department staff, in particular by A. Tacon, J. Kapetsky, H. Naeve, M. Pedini, P. Martosubroto, D. Insull, R. Willmann, and by A. Van Houtte (FAO Legal Office). Many individual experts as well as international organizations provided useful experience and guideline documentation. The continuous assistance and patient support by the staff of the FAO Fisheries Branch Library is greatly appreciated.


Directors of Fisheries and Aquaculture
FAO Regional Fishery Commissions and Working Groups
Aquaculture (Marine Water)
FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Regional Fishery Officers
FAO Inter-Departmental Working Group on Environment and Sustainable Development/Sub-Group on Integrated Coastal Area Management
National Environment Coordinators with the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) and the FAO/NACA Project TCP/RAS/2253 (Regional study and workshop on environmental assessment and management of aquaculture development)
Coastal aquaculture development projects executed by FAO
Interested international organizations and institutions

Barg, U.C.
Guidelines for the promotion of environmental management of coastal aquaculture development (based on a review of selected experiences and concepts). FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 328. Rome, FAO. 1992. 122 p.


This document is directed to aquaculture development specialists, coastal resource use planners and government officials involved and interested in the planning and management of coastal aquaculture development within the wider context of resource use in coastal areas. It is intended to serve in the promotion of environmental management of coastal aquaculture. Guidelines are given for improved environmental management of coastal aquaculture based on an overview of selected published experiences and concepts. Potential adverse environmental effects of and on coastal aquaculture practices are addressed with consideration of main socio-economic and bio-physical factors. Methodologies are presented for the assessment and monitoring of environmental hazards and impacts of coastal aquaculture. Selected environmental management options are described for application both at policy-level and farm-level.

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