Annex 3

Second Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators
[......], ..... , 2004

(Date and place to be decided at a later stage)

Budget Estimate

Item of Expenditure Estimated Cost in US$
(Option I - 6 languages)
Estimated Cost in US$
(Option II - 3 languages)
1. Personnel Services

Full-time senior professional expert - member of the Secretariat (2 years)

250,0001 250,000
Sub-total 250,000 250,000
2. Preparation of technical documents (3m/m consultancy/authors' contracts) 36,000 36,000
3. Translation and printing of documents

a) Translation of documents for the Forum:
12 documents x 6,000 words

b)Translation of the Forum's proceedings (50 pages)





4. Interpretation

Interpretation cost for the Forum: 8 sessions

78,9003 36,250
5. Printing and dispatch of documents 6,800 6,800
6. Miscellaneous

Communication, hospitality, local transportation of participants, provision of background materials

10,000 10,000
7. Travel and DSA for participants from Least developed countries (49 countries) (based on 2 persons per country, average 5 days DSA at $150/day, and an average ticket cost of US$1,500 per person) 220,500 220,500
Subtotal (items 2-7) 497,700 367,750
8. Project servicing costs (3%) 14,931 11,032
Total (items 2-8) 512,631 378,782


1 Offered by the Government of France

2 Based on the rate of: US$300/1000 words/language

3 Based on the rate of: US$400/day/interpreter and includes travel + per diem