Woodfuel in the Philippines - Production and Marketing

RWEDP Report No.41, 1998

This publication contains the findings of the National Training Workshop on Integrating Woodfuel Production and Marketing in Forest, Agriculture and Tree Production Systems. This workshop was conducted by the Forest Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (FMB-DENR) in the Philippines with assistance from RWEDP and held in Baguio City, Philippines 29-31 July 1997.

The production and marketing of woodfuels depend on a variety of conditions which can differ substantially throughout the regions of Asia. The training workshop in Baguio reviewed several important aspects of the production and marketing of woodfuels in the Philippines.

 Table of contents
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Part I: Overview of the Workshop
3.Training Methods and Techniques
4.Venue and Duration
6.Resource Persons
7.Opening Program
8.Introduction to the Training Workshop
9.Summaries to the Technical Papers, Field Trip and Group Discussions
Part II: Technical Papers
1.National Woodfuel Situation
2.Household Wood Energy Consumption Study
3.Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of Woodfuel Production
4.Wood Fuel Flows in Six Urban Areas of the Philippines
5.Fuelwood Management Study of Sagada and Besao, Mt. Province
6.Wood-Based Industrial Commercial Activities and Their Contributions to the Rural Socio-Economy
7.Gender Specific Roles in Wood Energy Systems
Part III: Appendices

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