This Circular identifies the sources and complexity of fisheries information needed to support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. It provides a brief overview of some current practices for the capture, dissemination, sharing and preservation of fisheries information, in particular at the institutional level in developing countries. It also refers to some of the opportunities for improving the flow of information, as well as some of the many constraints. Now the challenge is to decide which strategies will best address the information related issues which have been identified by FAO Members as constraints to the effective implementation of the Code (FAO, 2001b; FAO, 2003b).
The strategies which have been proposed are aimed at achieving the following goals to overcome information-related constraints in the long term:
a) to strengthen institutional capacity for strategic information;
b) to identify and fill the gaps in fisheries information;
c) to improve the quality of scientific research that meets the needs of stakeholders;
d) to provide access to the necessary fishery management information.
The proposed strategies should increase the information capacity of fisheries institutions enabling them to take advantage of technological developments for accessing and disseminating information cost-effectively over the long term. Recognizing that fisheries management requires multidisciplinary information that includes a combination of science with other perspectives is essential when formulating strategies. Managing and disseminating locally and nationally produced information must be balanced with providing access to information across disciplines from global sources. Additionally, existing efforts on improving data and information on the status and trends of capture fisheries should be supported (FAO, 2003c).
The following strategies are those that have been suggested during preparation of this Circular rather than strategies endorsed by any organization. They have been elaborated by the authors on the basis of the surveys, case studies and reviews of the literature. The strategies are intended to assist libraries, their parent institutions and those supporting implementation of the Code to address information related constraints, especially in developing countries. Each strategy contains the following elements:
the actions to be taken by fisheries libraries;
the actions to be implemented by fisheries institutions in support of information services;
the actions to be considered by external funding agencies and partners;
the goal(s) addressed.
It is suggested that implementing these strategies will make a contribution towards improved information in support of implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. They will also assist in fulfilling the mission of libraries to sustain access to information resources and to improve the use of information.
Strategy 1. Provide and sustain access to the best available science
Actions by fisheries libraries
Libraries should seek to provide access to a wider fisheries information base. They should provide access to core journals via library consortia, via AGORA and other full-text scientific journals services. Libraries should incorporate full text, open access documents in local library systems. They should provide user training on information retrieval from new systems and outside narrow disciplines.
Actions by institutions
Institutions should upgrade library technology to facilitate access to global information resources. They should collaborate with other institutions and partners to improve Internet access.
Actions by external funding agencies and partners
Funding agencies and partners should provide assistance to assess the viability of sustained access to information. They should respond to the changes in electronic access and capability of partners.
to strengthen institutional capacity;
to improve the quality of scientific research, and
to provide access to the best fishery management information.
Strategy 2. Provide and sustain access to national fisheries research and development information
Actions by fisheries libraries
Libraries should systematically collect, provide access to and preserve local and national fisheries publications. They should participate in national networks to share information. They should update their knowledge base and take advantage of multidisciplinary information initiatives. Libraries should adopt national standards for local databases and international indexing standards. Libraries should adopt international metadata standards for the creation and dissemination of digital information.
Actions by institutions
Institutions should provide opportunities and support for the publication and dissemination of institutional research, including in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
Actions by external funding agencies and partners
Funding agencies and partners should support the publication of research and development findings by national institutions. They should ensure distribution and dissemination of information by projects carried out in collaboration with national institutions. They should deposit project reports and other project information generated by partnerships in appropriate local and national fisheries libraries.
to strengthen information resources and thereby institutional capacity;
to fill the gaps in fisheries information both locally and nationally, and
to improve access to local and national fisheries management information.
Strategy 3. Disseminate local and national fisheries research and development information
Actions by fisheries libraries
Libraries should raise the awareness of all stakeholders by means of bibliographies, contributions to newsletters and library services. They should provide publications to exchange partners nationally, regionally and internationally. They should ensure coverage of institutional publications in national repositories and databases. They should also ensure that local publications are covered by major fisheries databases and repositories. Libraries should link institutional digital publications to appropriate alerting services and harvesters.
Actions by institutions
Institutions should upgrade and support publication distribution and exchange programmes. They should create library pages on institutional web sites for improved dissemination. They should provide the infrastructure, or collaborate with other institutions, for repositories of digital publications.
Actions by external funding agencies and partners
Funding agencies and partners should support the creation of institutional and regional web pages and repositories of digital publications. They should support implementation of a harvester for existing appropriate institutional repositories. They should work to improve cross language harvesting of digital publications.
to integrate developing country fisheries information with that of the international aquatic community;
to fill the gaps in fisheries information as national research is used, validated and preserved, and
To strengthen the quality of national and regional scientific research.
Strategy 4. Strengthen expertise in fisheries libraries
Actions by fisheries libraries
Libraries should participate in and provide local training initiatives. They should develop and share specialized library expertise. They should update their knowledge of available technology for library and information management. In collaboration with IAMSLIC members, libraries should synthesize guidelines for the improved capture, preservation and dissemination of digital fisheries and aquaculture publications.
Actions by institutions
Institutions should support participation in training initiatives and in professional development.
Actions by external funding agencies and partners
Funding agencies and partners should support training initiatives and scholarships for advanced training in library science. They should support short-term and long-term projects that enhance access to information while building institutional capacity. They should support the synthesis of guidelines for the improved capture, preservation and dissemination of digital fisheries and aquaculture publications.
to strengthen institutional and information capacity, and
to improve the dissemination and use of the best fisheries management information.
Strategy 5. Strengthen regional and international information resources sharing
Actions by fisheries libraries
Libraries should provide access to a wider fisheries information base. They should share information and expertise at regional and international level. They should adopt international standards and current methodologies for information management to enable information exchange.
Actions by institutions
Institutions should support network coordination and encourage active participation in networking activities. They should upgrade library technology, especially to facilitate electronic document transmission.
Actions by external funding agencies and partners
Funding agencies and partners should incorporate the cost of information resources and services in regional project and programme planning.
to strengthen regional and international collaboration in fisheries management;
to strengthen institutional capacity through partnerships, and
To provide access to the best fisheries management information.
Strategy 6. Provide the right information to the right user at the right time
Actions by fisheries libraries
Libraries should identify their target audiences and tailor library services to the needs of diverse users and stakeholders. They should develop and provide end-user training programmes.
Actions by institutions
Institutions should define target audiences for the information which they produce. They should adapt information services to reflect changes in fisheries governance, such as decentralization. They should develop outreach and awareness raising strategies. Institutions should provide appropriate information in the most appropriate format for all stakeholders.
Actions by external funding agencies and partners
Funding agencies and partners should support the introduction of information services for growing and more diverse user communities. They should support the translation of publications into appropriate languages, re-packaged and in a variety of formats and levels of complexity.
to disseminate general information about the Code and its goals to users and stakeholders;
to provide access to specialized research and technical information, and
to provide access to the best fisheries management information to all stakeholders, permitting them to make informed decisions about options and approaches for the implementation of the Code.
Strategy 7. Be cost-effective and long term
Actions by fisheries libraries
Libraries should evaluate services in terms of cost and benefits. They should review and tailor the collection to the mandate and mission of the institution. They should preserve and provide access to historic as well as current information.
Actions by institutions
Institutions should provide cost-effective and equitable access to information at institutional level. They should integrate the costs of information resources and services into organizational planning and funding.
Actions by external funding agencies and partners
Funding agencies and partners should evaluate the comparative costs of information systems and services in relation to long-term benefits for the institution and the national economy. They should integrate the costs of information resources and services into project planning and funding.
to strengthen and sustain institutional capacity;
to identify and fill the gaps in fisheries information;
to improve the quality of scientific research to meet the needs of stakeholders, and
to provide access to the best fisheries management information.